General Question

kelly's avatar

With the US dollar plunging in value, what can an individual do to help raise the dollar's value?

Asked by kelly (1926points) March 16th, 2008

is it just governments, currency traders etc that can effect a currency’s value?

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8 Answers

LuckVIII's avatar

vote in the upcoming elections.

boettiger's avatar

Vote Democrat and pretend the last eight years were just a nightmare.

spywacko's avatar

Besides voting and believing everything was a nightmare, you could get a little creative.

How about a short animated series about how the Euro and the Pound are being taken to court by the American Dollar under the allegation of steroid abuse? You can have some cheesy vector art (though I recommend photography to the tune of cut-out animation). You could throw in a little voice-over and background music as well as photographic manipulation of gigantic muscles (from weight-lifters) that are inserting a needle into their bodies.

At the end, you could have a really bad voice-over of President Bush saying something retarded (please, you don’t need to make any further comments… i.e. “Too late, That’s what she said!, etc.”).

If you do all this, it might pass the time and we might have a new President by that time..



upyours's avatar

if we vote for the dem we won’t have to worry about the dollar we won’t have any left we will work and give it all to them in taxes but they know how to spend our money thier so smart in d.c.

upyours's avatar

or maybe we can buy things. Made in the USA

cwilbur's avatar

Pay down your debt, live within your means, and buy American (and local) when possible. Vote for people who will reduce the national debt and the trade deficits.

The dollar is plunging in value because Americans are debtors, both collectively and individually. Bush didn’t help matters by funding his military adventures with debt, but he’s not the root cause of the problem.

goldmine178's avatar

actually this is a double negative but if you just save you money without using a bank and talk more people into to this you could raise the percent rate on currency exchange

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