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Can you help me track down this company in the (USA) South? (High-Tech company.)
A few years ago, I saw a documentary about a company in the South (USA). It was a (possibly) computer related tech company as I recall. It was profiled along with a Silicon Valley company and another company in this documentary.
What was interesting is the sort of “corporate culture” that the company had. The founder had pulled out all the stops to make his employees comfortable, happy and well cared for. I vaguely remember flexible schedules, a cafeteria that served great food, gyms, and even housing being provided by the company in the general area with extensive child care and other great benefits. It seemed to be a sort of “make the employee comfortable and happy and the company thrives” environment.
I seem to recall that it was in the Carolinas (?) but I may be wrong. Perhaps Georgia? If anyone knows of a company that did/does this, or any leads, let me know. Thank you.
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