Why can't I get earbud-style headphones to stay in place?
These little buggers just do not want to stay in my ears! I am truly mystified as to how these things became so popular – the concept is great, but seriously, it shouldn’t take more than a few seconds to put headphones on. As much as I want to wear this kind I always end up reaching for the old standard over-the-head style. Has anyone had a similar experience, and if so how did you overcome it?
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16 Answers
I do. I stopped buying them, the urge to super glue them in place was too overwhelming.
I still like a full headset for that very reason.
I have the same problem. I think my ear holes are deformed. They look normal on the outside, but those stupid earbuds refuse to stay in. I finally did find a pair to use with my iPod that stay in really well. They’re called Marshmallow In-Ear Headphones and use memory foam to conform to your ear. I got mine at Best Buy, and they came with an extra pair of the memory foam buds. They aren’t even very expensive, compared to other earbuds: less than $20. I don’t have a problem with them staying in when I work out, and the sound quality is fine as far as I can tell.
You have funny ear holes.
Just kidding. I have the same problem.
I use in-ear headphones, they are much more comfortable, not to mention better sounding.
You’re a cat. Those things are designed for people! Duh! ;-)
Same here. I can’t get them to stay in unless I hold them. So I gave up even trying. I don’t even bother with an mp3 player at all any more.
Your ear canals are probably too small or too big. I have the same problem too, and so does my dad. We have small ear canals, so the buds pop out or just plain hurt after a while.
I have the opposite problem, they hurt my earholes. Must have tight small orifices….oops..err in my ear that is.
Ear buds are not supposed to go into the ear canal… they are intended to rest just outside of the canal and be held in place by the bumps of fleshy cartilage known as the tragus (in front of the canal opening) and anti-tragus (on the bottom – just above the earlobe). However, many people (myself included) do not have a deep anti-tragus to keep the buds in place.
The Comply foam tips work pretty well. You can have custom ear tips made for nearly any earphones – but the earphones have to be sent in along with impressions of your ears and will be returned to you. A couple years ago I saw that someone made an over-the-ear clip to attach to earbuds, but I don’t have the link anymore. I bet a Google search will turn up a number of sites with this complaint and proposed solutions… but I’m at work right now.
I thought i was the only one who had problems with these things, but this thread proves me wrong i see.
If it so that many persons have difficulties with these ear-phones why, oh why, do the manufacturers still make them this way and not develop good ones?
It can’t be that difficult.
@rebbel Maybe you can design and develop something, become rich and famous and we all on Fluther will say, “We knew him when he wasn’t rich and famous.”
@rebbel I thought I was the only one too. My husband and sons tease me all the time because I can’t keep the things in my ears.
“Ear buds are not supposed to go into the ear canal… they are intended to rest just outside of the canal and be held in place by the bumps of fleshy cartilage known as the tragus (in front of the canal opening) and anti-tragus (on the bottom – just above the earlobe). However, many people (myself included) do not have a deep anti-tragus to keep the buds in place.
The Comply foam tips work pretty well. You can have custom ear tips made for nearly any earphones – but the earphones have to be sent in along with impressions of your ears and will be returned to you. A couple years ago I saw that someone made an over-the-ear clip to attach to earbuds, but I don’t have the link anymore. I bet a Google search will turn up a number of sites with this complaint and proposed solutions… but I’m at work right now.”
hes right…I feel so stupid now
@pacotacoboop: I’m a she; and why would you feel stupid? We all make mistakes, and this one is fairly common.
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