Social Question

ucme's avatar

Imagine for a moment you have a sworn enemy, your nemesis, who may that be & what would be a most rewarding way you could exact revenge?

Asked by ucme (50052points) June 7th, 2010

Yes i’m sure you’re mostly well rounded individuals with numerous friends & an active social life.However for the sake of imagination & games, who would be your pick of an infamous crop? Maybe someone famous who annoys & frustrates in equal measure, or perhaps someone you know of or at least once knew.Select a deserving “victim” & administer their well deserved “punishment.” Stay within the boundaries of the law, well kind of. Remember, it’s just a bit of fun so don’t hold back.

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7 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’d like to strap a hive full of cranky bees to————‘s arse…but that would not be very nice ;)

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille A sure as shit way to make their cheeks blush.“Honey, you gots yourself one swell arse.” Surely not the mother in law, have mercy.Wasps would be better ;¬}

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme-That is one way to make them blush.I haven’t considered wasps.Are they readily available?
It might be easier to shoot your enemy out of a cannon.Wearing nothing but a pointed birthday hat…aerodynamis,you know? I’d like them to go the extra mile;)

Trillian's avatar

I don’t have a nemesis, per se. But my best revenge would be living well without reference to that person.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I hope they’re not readily available. See I have this deal with wasps, keep away from me or I scream like a bitch & evolve into a human windmill.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme -Stop bragging about your dancing and tell me where I can get those wasps!
Here’s a good dance tune for you:)

ucme's avatar

@ucme Nah the Benny Hill theme tune would be far more my style.

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