Social Question

How should I spend my year off from uni? What are the best programs for volunteering abroad?
I’ve decided to take a year off from university. To keep it brief: I haven’t been myself the past year, my grades have slipped, and I honestly don’t know what I’m doing there at school anymore—or life, really. I just want to get myself together and, honestly, find the purpose that I’ve lost at school and recharge.
I’m not really sure how to spend my year off. I really don’t want to keep doing the same things, staying in the same situation I am now—even minus the schooling. One of the things I thought about doing was volunteering abroad, and if not abroad then just somewhere out of state. I don’t know the programs that are out there, and I don’t know which are the best.
Aside from that, I don’t know what else I’d like to/should do. The main thing is that I want to be away from home and do some growing up for myself.
Thanks in advance.