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ucme's avatar

Where are you most ticklish & what are some ideal "weapons" to help reach tickling nirvana?

Asked by ucme (50052points) June 8th, 2010
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9 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

I may have cops feet, but they are still my tickle point after all these years of wearing boots.

Find a feather and tickle my feet and i will develope the hiccups.

downtide's avatar

I’m very ticklish, particularly around the ribs. But tickle me and you’ll get a fist in the face. When I was a kid my father used to tickle me to the point of torture and I hated it.

DominicX's avatar

I’m kind of ticklish everywhere (my sister always used that against me), but I suppose my feet, my stomach, and under my armpits are the most ticklish areas. I don’t know about any weapons; it’s usually just people’s hands. :)

zenele's avatar

I’ll never tell.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My feet,neck,ribs,under arms,knees,and chin are all ticklish.
Do it and I get to kick your ass!

gemiwing's avatar

Tickle me and I punch you in the face. Very simple.

What is tickling nirvana? Tickling feels like torture to me so I can’t understand how it’s pleasant.

ucme's avatar

@gemiwing That would be kind of the pinnacle of tickling prowess. Oh absolutely torture, can’t stand it.Warnings are given & if not heeded I lash out with impunity.

gemiwing's avatar

@ucme Ahh, so we’re talking tactical maneuvers here, eh? I find the sneak attack the most effective. Snuggle up.. la la la you’re so nice- then tickle. Get’s em every time.

knitfroggy's avatar

My armpits are the most ticklish followed by my feet. My dad used to stick his finger in my armpit and of course, I’d clamp my arm down, just a natural reaction I guess. Then he’d wiggle his finger and tell me it was stuck. It was torture!

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