Fluther get-together, camping in Northern, Michigan. What would we do and what ONE thing would you bring?
Asked by
Jude (
June 8th, 2010
Say, you were all invited up to Traverse City, Michigan for a weekend. All of your arses would be staying in tents in front and around my lovely ladies cottage.
Cottage pictures.
What ONE thing would you bring (something to cook with, a gee-tar)? How cwould you contribute? What are your skillz?
I’d be transporting people on the four wheeler…..getting from point A to point B and then on over to point C. Especially, the chicas. ;-)
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70 Answers
I will bring both my rather large SUV and my guitar (the SUV has hidden compartments where you will most likely find Single malt scotch… and possibly my cigarettes).
@HungryGuy I’m kicking you off of the property, homie. Sorry.
Bug repellent, sunscreen, my homemade fire starters, a screen tent, lawn chairs, lots of groceries.
Wine and then also a trip to at least one winery up there.
I am a great S’more maker.
I’d bring a carload of fresh fruit, watermelon, grapes, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, papaya. I can cook, I can gather firewood and I tell a mean scary story.
My towel. As long as I know where my towel is, I can get my hands on anything else that I need.
I can cook with an open fire and a cookie sheet like you would not believe. I can also carry a bit of a tune and skip shale after the sun starts to go down and the lake calms. I can chop and split wood, but don’t ask me to dig a privvy. I want an indoor and running water.
Damn you @jjmah! My brother lives in Traverse City. Maybe I’ll just schlepp on up there…
ONE thing guys, ONE.
I’ll make cold pasta salad.
Folks, one thing.
@Silhouette‘s one thing would be awholottafruit.
fishing,mosquito repellent
A boatload of fresh corn. Soak the ears (in the husks) and throw them on the campfire coals to steam.
@jjmah hahahah Right you are. I’d bring awholottafruit.
I’d bring salmon and cook for you all one night.
But, I’d want it to be fresh, so I’d catch it like this.
@jjmah – But I’ll also bring my portable dungeon :-p
Oh sorry, the most important thing I would need to bring would be the bug/mosquito repellent.
@chyna That’s why I only have to bring myself! You got the rest!
OK, I’ll bring an aluminum coffee pot for @jjmah to make us coffee over the camp fire every morning. We can all wake up slowly to see the coffee start bubbling in the glass thinger on top. Takes a long time.
A Sand-board for the Big Bear Dunes! Hoo Boy what fun. Need Gallons of water though.
Weed. It’s the best thing I’ve got but I’m willing to do whatever is needed!
I’ve got a tube if anyone has a boat to pull it with. I’ll also bring a bunch of my famous peanut butter cookies. :D
Questions, lots of questions…
My hubby’s great guacamole
@janbb That’s all? Just….guacamole by itself?
OK, OK – I’ll bring salt and pepper Shakers too, and blue corn chips for dipping. And Dos Equis beer to go with.
@janbb will be sitting beside me. I called dibs on Janbb first!
Since we’ll have all that fruit…I’ll bring an assortment of fruit and nut breads…maybe apple crisp and rhubarb crisp. That way we’ll have breakfast covered, with @Val123 making the coffee.
@chyna Since @janbb has chips and beer and not just guacamole I’ll be sitting on the other side of her! AND I will keep her total attention by talking about strange tables that spin and fold and stuff. She’ll forget you’re there! HA!
Girls, girls – no fighting. There’s plenty of me and my guac and my BS to go around!
@Val123 Yes, my kindle – you know the thing you read books on. @Dr_C Is the Ipad’s battery better? I never had any issues with the battery of kindle.
I’ll bring a sink too – so we have a place to pee!
But, @jjmah is having bathroom facilities catered. Commodes and showers for EVERYONE!!
Don’t I don’t know @Simone_De_Beauvoir! I always use my couch to read books on. My couch doesn’t need a battery either, so I’m really confused…
@janbb ROFL!!! What? They don’t got bushes in Michigan? OH! Wait! MissA says “facilities”! But…that’s cheating I think. You shouldn’t have facilities on a camping trip. And I think Kindles are cheating too, but I don’t know for sure.
Enough plane tickets to fly us all out of Northern Michigan!
Can we get jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities? Can we? Can we?
@janbb Yes! Yes! Oh, I have to go soon, and I so hate to. I’m having SO much fun! (((Hugs)))! Wait….I mean, I have to get off the computer, not I have to GO like, in the sink, you know….
@Ltryptophan What’s wrong with Northern Michigan??? I bet it’s beautiful!
I haven’t read @jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities since the 50’ people! That’d make for a whale of a tent…AND facilities.
@janbb Oh yes, jeffgoldblum etc. has to come. It won’t be complete without him. He can fly in from Alaska.
Guys…I’m ROFL over the jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities…and I don’t even know what that is. What’s wrong with me??!!
You have flutherrotbrain.
Coloring books, crayons….alcohol….yummy snacks…and of course ME!
Worms, I hope that the fish are biting, if not… I guess I’ll have them for snacks!!
I’d bring a copy of Kid Rock’s performance of “All Summer Long” with my portable iPhone speaker, the Skullcandy Pipe and crank it up to 11 so we can all sing along
”...it was summertime in Northern Michigan”
I can’t do links now cuz I’m on iPhone so hopefully someone can hop over to YouTube and post a link here.
Then we can all get in the mood !
@Dr C
Can an ipad be hooked up to speakers as well. Then we could watch a larger version of the vid while we sing.
Or we could try one of the Chipmunkified versions if we’re in the mood (or drunk enough) for cute overload :)
So, speaker connection for ipad or no ?
Hookers. Cocaine. A Monopoly game.
I would show up for a visit, but my daughter lives close to TC and that’s where I would actually stay. (hot showers and a bed)
I’d bring a cooler with ice. And we’d play Duck Duck Goose around the campfire.
I’ll bring a Unimog laden with food, spirits and several kegs of Bass and Labatts. The 18 foot Old Town with kicker strapped on top. A small chain saw and hatchet for the firewood. A dome tent and all the gear that goes with it, including cooking gear. If it will fit in, a brass signal cannon for noisy fun.
@jjmah your lady is beautiful!!
i’ll bring a pallet of ass gaskets. and some hand sanitizer
@majorrich I understand the hand sanitizer, but after seeing your other item on this site a few times I must ask, what the heck is that?
I would bring the guitars and a burning man bonfire.
@chyna Ha ha! I have him in my fluther! Have you guys ever had a real life get together?
@Cruiser – Yeah! Let’s have a Burning Man in Michigan!
@Val123 was it a breach of Fluther Etiquette to introduce porta potties into the discussion?
Sorry Guys! No jacking intended, but didn’t want to ask the question within the other thread for fear of spoiling it. This is the only question entry about another thread I will post because it is so hilarious.
prolly a case or two would suffice. I’m married so none for me needed (at all won’t happen) then there will be the olympic village crew. XP
@majorrich I wouldn’t think porta potties would be a breach of etiquette! Quite the opposite I’d think!
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