Social Question

Jude's avatar

Is there anything about you, that you have no control over, yet, others tend to judge you on it?

Asked by Jude (32210points) June 9th, 2010

And, it in no way reflects who you are as a person..

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58 Answers

CMaz's avatar

My dyslexia.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

My mental illness.

ucme's avatar

My gorgeousness, jealousy can be a terribly destructive thing.

bob_'s avatar

Because of the frequent sandwich references, some people think I’m some sort of one-dimensional character. That’s not the case.

I also like steaks.

bunnygrl's avatar

does my weight count? I have quite limited mobility and need a cane to walk so exercise isn’t easy (although I’ve started beginners yoga to try to keep my joints from completely seizing up). I’m not massive but I certainly get treated differently from when I used to be all power suits and lipstick years ago. People can be really hurtful, and at times downright nasty. So I do what no doubt lots of others do, I smile and die some more inside. I didn’t choose the arthritis thats warping me, and I didn’t choose to look like a tellytubby either. We don’t always get what we want in life. I’ve had sales assistants in shops raise their voices when talking to me, because obviously being chubby and needing a cane and splints on your wrists makes you stupid and hard of hearing. I once went to a job interview (after they phoned me after seeing my cv) only to have a young lad who looked about 12 look at me from the tip of my head to my toes like i was a bug and say “we don’t hire people like you”. in my next life I want to either weigh less than nothing or I want to be invisible.

hug_of_war's avatar

Also my breasts.

free_fallin's avatar

My small frame. I have a very high metabolism and I’m naturally petite. I’ve been labeled anorexic and bulimic. I’m neither of those.

zenele's avatar

Also my breasts.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Yeap, I’ve got to go with my breasts as well.

Jude's avatar

@zenele I thought it was because you’re just one big boob?



bob_'s avatar

Wait, breasts?

zenele's avatar

Wait – I thought this was the breast thread.

bob_'s avatar

@zenele It’s not?

Jeremycw1's avatar

Ummmmm…. My breasts?? Yes. People judge my breasts. I hate it.

perspicacious's avatar

@bob_ Oh Bob, we all like steak sandwiches. No judging going on here.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My dog’s breasts.
She flaunts them like a brazen huskie.

CMaz's avatar

That bitch!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ChazMaz Let’s not bring goats into this—snickers

CMaz's avatar

Again, you always do that. When I am drinking something! LOL

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ChazMaz Great!Now you mention mother-in -laws!

Cruiser's avatar

My golf game. ;)

casheroo's avatar

my trichotillomania. my mother makes me feel the worst about it though.

Your_Majesty's avatar

My rationality,pragmatism,opportunism,and carelessness personality.

Christian95's avatar

My passion for physics

Jude's avatar

I just got the Gold Ingot for this question. Every time that I get the Gold Ingot, I read it as the Gold Idiot. Heh.

Val123's avatar

My goat’s breasts.
@jjmah How do you get a Gold Idiot? I want one….

Jude's avatar

@Val123 Not sure on that one. :)

Chongalicious's avatar

I’m small. So no one wants to hear what I have to say >.<

shego's avatar

My breasts. People walk by and sometimes they ask me if their fake, but they are real, and natural.
But them again, people see me, and say that I think you should sit this out, because I don’t think you can keep up with the rest of us. Ha what a bunch of crap. I work out, but yeah I still have some weight on me but I can keep up no problem.

augustlan's avatar

My anxiety issues that keep me out of loud, crowded places (Oh, come on… it’ll be fun!). My Fibromyalgia… (all in my head, just lazy, etc). Aaannnd… my boobage.

Jude's avatar

Random, but, I think that Auggie is awesome.

augustlan's avatar

Random, but, the feeling is mutual. :D

MacBean's avatar

I was waiting for Auggie to show up and answer for me. <fistbump>

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Chongalicious: Me too. I hate how people literally talk over me.

MissA's avatar

@bunnygrl I’m sorry for what you’ve had to endure. Terrible.

Nobody actually judges me on this because nobody KNOWS about it. I have recently become addicted to ice cream sandwiches. I’m not really overweight, so that’s no problem…but, I’m diabetic. I can’t have them in the house or I eat two for breakfast, two for lunch and two for supper. Maybe two more for dessert! How’s that for an admission? I hide the wrappers…which makes it even more horrible! Yes, judging myself…I’m ashamed.

Chongalicious's avatar

@KatawaGrey Yeah, it’s pretty ass-backwards if you ask me. And people only want to listen to the loudest person in the room…which is never me. It makes no sense really, the loud ones are usually also the ones who don’t know what they’re talking about!

gggritso's avatar


Val123's avatar

@augustlan You stay away from crowded places? But Fluther’s pretty crowded! With short people and gold idiots. humph :)

Val123's avatar

OK., to answer seriously, even though I don’t want to. Not so much any more, but I used to get a LOT of “positive” attention for my looks and my bod. I think it helped build my self-esteem over the years (for no reason—I mean, I didn’t actually DO anything to deserve it), but along with that positive attention came the assumptions that I was stupid and was no kinda athlete. Like I couldn’t be good for anything else. In a way, it was kind of fun proving both of those assumptions wrong. Well, and in a way, it worked to my advantage because I HAD the advantage out of the gate. For example, I won many a pool and foosball game because dude assumed that since I was a pretty I was also empty-headed, just trying to get the boy’s attention by stepping up to the pool table and sticking my butt out. I’d start out slow and stupid, then have them for lunch. :) I remember once I stepped up to the table and one guy who was looking on, who had played me before, told the guy that I challenged that he’d better watch out for me. The guy I challenged said, “Watch out for THAT?? Ha ha!” I took $20 from him. HA!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have panic attacks on a regular basis people think I should be able to just snap out of them, I really wish I could.

MacBean's avatar

@Leanne1986: “Just don’t let it get to you!” Oh, wow! Thanks! I’ve never tried that! Never even thought of it on my own before! What would I ever do without your amazing guidance!?


Chongalicious's avatar

@Leanne1986 My mom has the same problem :( Very draining on everyone

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Chongalicious That’s why I tend to spend a lot of time on my own, that way I can’t be a drain on anyone.

Chongalicious's avatar

@Leanne1986 Well even though it can be draining, the important people still want to be around you. Trust me they do.

bunnygrl's avatar

@MissA <hugs> lol oooo ice cream wafers, lovely <falls over and goes yuuuuuuummmmm> :-) <hugs> xx
@Leanne1986, @MacBean and @Chongalicious panic attacks are the most cruel hateful things and no one understands how they impact on you till they’ve had to survive them <hugs honeys> I had a friend (you’ll note the “had”) who used to be quite sarcastic about mine, and the fact that I needed (still need) anti depressants. I was told to “get a grip” or “stop mooching for sympathy” and once when i was literally shaking and crying (we’d gone into a large store in spite of the fact I’d tried to talk them out of it, too many people) while on a rare shopping trip with her and another “friend” she said to the other friend “oh look she’s acting mental again” they laughed their heads off. When i was able to get up i went straight to a taxi and went home. people can be at best uncaring and at worst ignorant and hurtful about panic attacks honeys, but not everyone is like that <hugs> xx

OpryLeigh's avatar

@bunnygrl I’m sorry that your “friends” put you through that. xx

MacBean's avatar

@bunnygrl Ew. I’m glad that’s a “had” instead of a “have.” Who needs people like that? Blech.

augustlan's avatar

@bunnygrl That’s awful. Glad you ditched them!

bunnygrl's avatar

@Leanne1986 @MacBean @Augustlan we were friends all through school, but not any more. It’s a sad thing when you have to end a friendship of more than 20 years but they were making me ill, or maybe stopping me from getting better? I remember being outside a shop when one of them saw an ex neighbour and said hello to her, so I stepped to one side since I didn’t know the lady too well just by sight really, and my friend didn’t even introduce me properly, all she said was that I was an old school pal (speaking about me as if I wasn’t standing there) and that she ”..came up every now and again to try to walk some of the fat off her for her husband” I felt like she’d hit me and went to the ladies and cried myself sick. When she eventually came looking for me I told her she’d hurt me and what was she talking about anyway, and all she said was I was being stupid and over sensitive and “no wonder people think you’re mental.” Friends like that you can do without honeys. I think I let them away with far too much before deciding I couldn’t get well if they were a part of my life. Some of the things they did and said, both seperately and together, to me were just awful thinking back on it. No one needs toxic friends. <throws hugs> xx

meagan's avatar

My social anxieties. My mother constantly disrespects me over my social anxiety. I’ve only explained everything to her (including my “feelings”) a million times, but she continues to say “I dont know why you can’t just _____”. Like my disorders are something to “get over”.

bunnygrl's avatar

@meagan <hugs> people just don’t seem to understand if they haven’t experienced something themselves honey, I’ll bet your Mum wouldn’t hurt you for the world <hugs> xx

meagan's avatar

@bunnygrl Oh, no. Shes a complete and total bitch. Forgets birthday, the whole nine yards. I come from a long line of cold as ice bitches.

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