Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can your boss charge you for mistakes at work?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 9th, 2010

In Alberta, Canada someone I know was charged, by her boss, $50.00 for a phone card that was accidentally rung in..She’s the manager and the owner was nearby and told her that she was to pay for the phone card that she can’t possibly use.

She paid the $50.00 and I wonder if she should have… since the boss makes mistakes against her… like not paying overtime and breaking promises and such…

She refuses to quit because she is scared to find work elsewhere…she’s 61 and has health conditions brought on by her boss, like working 9am – 1am 55 days straight without breaks or days off…

What should I do…? I already got in trouble for expressing my anger at them to a social worker…

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5 Answers

CMaz's avatar

If it was an honest mistake. Company has the CHOICE to eat it. If they CHOOSE to. But then again, it is about accountability. If it was done on her home phone. Should the boss have to pay?

And, if it happens again. Will not be a good thing.

“She refuses to quit because she is scared to find work elsewhere”
And a good reason why the boss is a douche.

talljasperman's avatar

@ChazMaz seems like I’m a sucker… seeing I care about such wonder I’m poor

CMaz's avatar

Poor is a mind set. You are wealthy with goodness. :-)

marinelife's avatar

Some people cannot see options. You can break yourself on the rock of someone who does not want to be helped.

YARNLADY's avatar

Call the fair employment practice board, or whatever it’s called in Canada. They can help file a complaint against the employer.

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