Social Question

FutureMemory's avatar

Have you ever been caught urinating in public?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) June 9th, 2010

You know the scenario: you’re out somewhere in public and you must go now – yet there’s no bathrooms nearby. You find a secluded bush/tree/car and begin doing your business, when all of a sudden someone walks by…or worse…walks up to you. How did you handle it? What was said? Did it become hostile, did you get “in trouble”?

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8 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

No,but I have been caught naked.
That’s when I got the tattoo of a pair of pants.
My life is so much simpler now.

ucme's avatar

When I was a kid this happened twice, at school of all places.First time I was maybe six.I was in a queue with my classmates waiting for teacher to inspect our workbooks.I was bursting for the toilet but felt it was inappropriate to leave until my work was checked.Anyway to cut a long story short when I handed teacher my book, well the pages were slightly damp.She looked up at me & suggested I go to the toilet, which I did.Uber embarassing.The second time was me being lazy, I was around twelve, during an early morning sports workout I went behind a tree.One kid grassed me up, severe telling off followed.Never forget the teacher his name was Edward Edwards! Happy days.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Yep, went to jail for it.

Ya know it’s tough getting the junk stuffed back in when they tell you to put your hands up.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Only caught once while peeing in a sink.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Never. But here in my country,it isn’t an unusual sight if someone(especially low-economic/homeless men) pee in public. They have no place to do their business so they just do it around trees,wall,under the river,or wherever they think is a nice and secluded place. If you approach them while they’re doing ‘that’ then they’ll get angry and threat you. No one(not even the government) cares about that but everyone know from its ‘smell’.

chyna's avatar

Yes, once by a cop. I was let off with a warning. My helpful friend who was waiting in the car told him it was okay, I had toilet paper. Just shut up before he gets me for littering!

free_fallin's avatar

During a few druken nights I have peed in public not an easy thing for a woman, luckily I always carry the travel toilet paper with me. Never been caught by the police but once a few frat boys came up and asked if they could give me a hand.

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