Social Question

XOIIO's avatar

How much would this tattoo cost?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) June 9th, 2010

I was bored and drew this on my hand, how much would a tattoo like this cost?

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9 Answers

CMaz's avatar

It will cost you a lifetime of misery.

Cool, but not cool enough. But if you have to have it. Probably around $100.

XOIIO's avatar

Not cool enough?

Granted it will be changed a bit.

Buttonstc's avatar

It will cost you far far more than just the $100 estimate if you are not yet sure of what type of career you want for yourself in life or could qualify for.

If it messes up your chances for desirable jobs later in life, it will cost far more than you could imagine now.

Trying to get a tattoo lasered off the inside of your hand once you wake up to reality can be incredibly painful.

For your own sake, get it done on your shoulder or some other part of the body easily covered by clothing. This way you can have your cool design without screwing things up for yourself immeasurably.

You’re a very smart guy and could have your pick of any number of rewarding professional careers. Why eliminate your shot at many of them with something that visible. Please please use that brainpower to not limit your options in life so severely. No matter how cool you make the design, if it’s on your hand, there will be many future employers who will pass you by in favor of others with better judgement and taste.

That’s just the realities of life.

zenele's avatar

Right. ^

CMaz's avatar

And, word.

casheroo's avatar

I’d say 150.

ratboy's avatar

Do it! Once the illegal aliens are driven out, day labor will be in high demand.

XOIIO's avatar

LOL Thanks for the answers guys, that on each hand would be expensive! I would probably get it when I got a job that I really like, but maybe not. I think it’s pretty cool.

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