Can you change your user id on fluther?
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18 Answers
I think you can start a new one using a different email address. I am pretty sure that is how some users have got their scores up, virtually overnight.
klaas4….no need to be rude
@klaas4, +1 Great Answer from me.
@deepseas72, with your score, I’d’ve thought you’d known better by now.
I’m sorry if came to you as rude, it wasn’t meant that way. I’m sorry, but there are now 3 questions for this.
B.T.W. I don’t think giving “Great Answer!“s is meant for this. :-)
I see my score as a sign how the community thinks about me, not how much experience I have. The human race will never know everything, you know…
@klaas4, wasn’t scoring you up to spite anyone.
Your answer was quick, concise, to-the-point. It provided reference and context. It also explained, by example, how future questions of a similar nature could be answered.
It really and truly was a Great Answer.
Just because it was easy for you, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth scoring up.
Does anybody really ever use the search function? I don’t. Granted, I have way to much to time on my hands and have probably read every question posted in the last eight months.
I think we need to ask if the question asking mechanism can be refined so that it alerts the person asking a question to one similar from the past. Maybe using tags.
Tag a question with SDK. Get a list of the last five questions with that tag. Confirm you still want to ask the question.
Great suggestion! I suggest you post it in the Man O’ War.
Don’t see this as rude, deepseas72 ;-)
Outstanding suggestion, johnpowell! And I’d like to publicly apologize to klaas. I, in fact, was the rude one. I really should have searched before asking. Thank you, klaas, for the link. It was truly helpful.
I would take a look at the answer by sferik. Word on the street is that he has access to the database.
mwha-ha-ha-ha. MWHA-HA-HA-HA!
And the power has gone to his head.
Johnpowell it would be great if everyone used the search function; however, for iPhone user does not have a search function available (to the best of my knowledge). Everytime we web browse to fluther we are automatically directed to the iPhone optimized web page
Actually, I think they added the search feature for the iPhone yesterday.
Bulbatron thanks. Didn’t notice it until now
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