Social Question

Why do you think Socialism is a bad thing?
Every day I see more and more people complaining about Obama’s “socialist state”. I happen to live in a country often derided by Americans for being socialist (Canada). We’ve got none of the partisan division or healthcare debate of the US, and I really attribute this to the political system we have in place.
Communism is a flawed system, as the people have no power. Democratic socialism, on the other hand, is one of the best political systems in the world. Deregulation of key institutions by the government in a capitalist state like the US resulted in massive economic disasters, including price gouging, monopolies and the current banking fiasco. In a country where government regulation is still enforced, economic tribulations have far less effect, as the government can stabilize financial institutions by tightening up laws.
Healthcare is another issue. Government-funded health systems result in better care, and less chance of financial ruin for those afflicted with illnesses like cancer and chronic diseases. In a capitalist, insurance-based health system, the poor have no chance to survive illness.
Well, I hope this convinces some of you to stop Socialist-bashing.