(nsfw) Do people feel comfortable using condoms as their sole method of contraceptive? I am stopping my BC pill and I'm a bit concerned.
I’ve been on birth control pills for seven years and I think it may be the cause of a handful of other issues (anxiety, loss of libido, etc.) so I’m quitting those synthetic hormones! I’m a little nervous about using only condoms because everyone I talk to uses the Pill. Does anyone use JUST condoms these days?
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21 Answers
No, no, nooooooo. Don’t do it unless you’re OK with getting preggie.
I think there are probably a good bit of people that strictly rely on condoms. I never felt comfortable enough to do that though. I always wanted to know I was being extra careful when I didn’t want to get pregnant.
I can understand wanting to get away from the pill because of the hormones, have you looked into any of the other birth control methods? There are many different pills available that have release different amounts of hormones and different hormones. There are IUDs that do not use any hormones and some that do. There are diaphragms, spermicidal foams, and a few other things you can consider as well. Before making a decision, you should talk to your doctor about it to discuss all your options.
Unless it is FOR SURE my boyfriend, honestly I am completely against condoms only for contraceptives. Wayyy too much chance for error.
Talk to your gyno or three. It’s likely it is only this particular medication that’s giving you adverse effects, not all.
What is most important is your peace of mind, and the fact that you wrote this in the first place leads me to believe you’re not happy with the idea of condoms only (with GOOD reason!).
Go with your gut and at least get a few different PROFESSIONAL opinions. This is your life and your health we’re dealing with here.
You might want to consider using something like fertility awareness in conjunction with condoms and/or withdrawal. There is a very short window during which you can actually become pregnant.
There is no method that is 100% effective other than abstinence.
Do you always want to carry a condom with you? If you don’t, stay on some sort of hormonal birth control.
i never felt comfortable only using condoms. i feel fine with only using birth control pills, but condoms always felt sketchy to me. i worried all the time. and since my period was always irregular without being on birth control, i was always early or a week late which really stressed me out.
@perspicacious Pull out method is the only one that is 100%, abstinence is only 99% effective since you can get pregnant from toilet seats.
Just spreading the truth, tell your friends.
We use condoms and birth control. But I use the Depo shot. The pill gave me a slew of hormonal problems.
My sister relies solely on her Depo.
And I know people who use only condoms but they never explained why. My cousin used a condom but it popped and she’s got a little one now but no job and her boyfriend/fiance was shot, so she’s just on welfare and gets help from our family. It’s one of those situations where “oh, ok, we can keep a baby” and then one day, everything goes topsy turvy and she’s barely living.
Not using a condom makes me uncomfortable because I think the physical barrier is a very helpful way to keep my mind at ease. Not using birth control makes me uncomfortable because of condom breakage, which has happened a number of times to me.
If you’re comfortable with the idea of possibly having a child, I’d say go for it. But if you accidentally have a child and you wouldn’t be able to handle keeping it, I’d recommend trying other birth control methods to see if they have fewer side effects. If you don’t want to ever have a child of your own, you could always go for tube tying or getting your guy a vasectomy.
… @drClaw No, you can’t get pregnant from toilet seats. And pull out is definitely not 100%. To be honest, I’m surprised it’s got a percent, it’s so unreliable. Not to mention unsatisfying.
It works fine in my relationship. I have two kids and trust the condoms. If they break, there’s always Plan B.
my only metod is him pulling out before… :)
Have fun getting pregnant, @Ludy
@casheroo wait, what’s plan B? day after pill?
Thanks for all the responses. I am really good about using condoms And I’m trying to pair it with a fertility schedule. If I feel better off the pill, I’ll look into getting an iud but I’ve heard some negative things.
@perspicacious never wear khaki short pants after labor day (or before) and never get your Mogwai wet.
@drClaw Thanks; now I know where to go for random advice. :)
I actually do want to get pregnant so if IT happens it would be awesome, but just wanted to say that when i saw your answer i just started laughin so bad, very clever
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