General Question

bolwerk's avatar

Is there a correlation between Myers-Briggs Type Indicator result and genitalia size? (NSFW)

Asked by bolwerk (10357points) June 11th, 2010

I would appreciate any research on this subject.

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12 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

Only if you factor in ears, hands, and Jungian Archetypes.

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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

C’mon, guys, this is the general section! (though I gave you all GAs)

I can’t find any studies correlating these two aspects, so to speak. Sorry.

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El_Cadejo's avatar

Hmmmm the only correlation i could possibly make is that those more well endowed would more than likely be a more confident person than those not. How exactly that would play into those 4 letters though, im not really sure.

anartist's avatar

@bolwerk Are only considering male genitalia for this Q?
and @uberbatman for your reply? After all a big cock is considered more desireable than a big cunt.

bolwerk's avatar

@anartist: Primarily, but not exclusively. Women’s bust size would also be an interesting dimension.

anartist's avatar

@bolwerk the last I heard, boobs weren’t genitalia.

dpworkin's avatar

Nor are they quite as cryptic as the nether parts.

bolwerk's avatar

@anartist: thanks for the biology lesson. But did you consider that might be why I chose the words “would also be an interesting dimension”?

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