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ragingloli's avatar

By how much do you think the US will lose against England?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) June 11th, 2010

I would say by 5:0.

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18 Answers

theichibun's avatar

Are you asking about odds or the score? I say the US will lose by either -2 or -3 goals.

ragingloli's avatar

The score, of course. The US sucks at football and has no chance to win in the first place, so it is only question of how much.

Ivan's avatar


On the contrary, the US is the only country that plays football.

rebbel's avatar

The last couple of years the US has improved in my opinion in soccer.
So i wouldn’t be surprised if @Mamradpivo is going to win the pot.
Which he has to share with me, since i also go for a draw, 1–1.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

The US will win by 1 goal.

(Either I’m really intuitive or extremely deluded…no comments from the peanut gallery.)


theichibun's avatar

England is too full of themselves. Not only are they looking past this game, they’re looking past the group stage. I’d love it if they didn’t even get out but there’s almost no way that’s going to happen.

DeanV's avatar

Eh, I see it being closer to 2–1 or even a 1–1 tie, and not just because I live in America. England is inconsistent at best, but I think people also take the Americans for much better than they are.

bob_'s avatar

England 4 – USA 1

Rooney FTW.

gemiwing's avatar

Objection! Leading the witness, your Honor!

We will mop the grassy floor with England’s broken dreams. Or at least we will show up and try to kick the ball a few times without causing international incidents. Or wars. Well, at least incidents.

zenele's avatar

USA 2 England 1.

ragingloli's avatar

England, I am disappoint.

bob_'s avatar

And odd-makers everywhere take a beating.

Ivan's avatar

How’d that turn out for ya?

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Let me just say….the streets of my English town were empty this evening as everyone stayed in to watch the game….and when the game was over, the streets were still very very very quiet.

:) 1–1 yessssssssssssssssssss

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