Social Question

What could this weird pain be?
I’ve been sitting on the bed for a few hours, with my legs outstretched. I started to notice that the middle three toes on my left foot hurt. Kind of around the toe knuckles, and they feel very scraped.. almost like a new tattoo feels for those of you who have them. I didn’t scrape them, the skin isn’t red, broken, splotchy, or anything. It hurts a little bit more if I sort of rub with my fingertips even lightly.
It’s only those three toes, only the top part where the knuckle is, no pain at the tips of my toes, and the pain is purely a scraped feeling; nothing else.
I haven’t changed soaps or laundry detergents. I also haven’t walked barefoot anywhere except from the bathroom to my bedroom and only the bottoms of my feet touched the carpet, like every day. They’ve also been on top of all the covers and for once, the cats weren’t sleeping on my feet.
Any ideas? It’s really really annoying and surprisingly painful for not having any idea why.