What are you thinking about right now?
Are you thinking about anything right now? What?
right now, I’m trying to decide what movie should I watch
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As much as I want this weekend to be a chill out time.
I have work issues that are driving me crazy. :-(
For the time being. ;-)
Is Korea gonna score AGAIN??!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! What a miss. Close though – at the 27th minute. Will they score again? Will they kick Greek ass? I need another beer. Damn, ran out of chips. Haven’t had sex in about a month. That’s about it. That was 30 seconds in my mind. GQ!
@zenele lol no they won’t kick Greek ass, you should go buy some beer and some chips, and…. who knows? XD
Nice morning, Walk first? Bakery breakfast? Stay on Fluther? Nope – get going with the day.
should I watch “1408”, or that lame movie that’s on t.v. now? .
I’m thinking that I wish I had someone (somemanys) to spend some time with.
I have to finish this report by Monday and here I am, screwing around with Fluther.
Thinking about the World Cup, going scavenging/thrifting, sleeping, itching (stupid allergies), breakfast, how one of my cats has this weird ‘blip’ in the mornings he’ll be sitting quietly and then his head cocks a bit to the side and all kittyhell breaks loose as he chases invisible cats
Also- has anyone seen my sandals. No, not the black ones, the brown ones with the strap.
I’m trying to decide if my 5 and 6 year old boys will sit through the new Karate Kid movie, or if we should play it safe and go see Shrek instead. All three kids want to see Karate Kid, and my husband and I would rather see it than Shrek, but I heard the first part of the movie is a bit slow. Decisions, decisions! I’m also trying to decide what to have for breakfast. I’m hungry but nothing sounds appealing.
I am asking myself the question “How the hell did Greece became the Euro 2004 Soccer Champion?”
@rebbel I guess we were lucky, I don’t know
Actually, i was just wondering if a survey were to be taken, how many parents would allow their 16 year old minor daughter or son, to go on an open-sea sailing adventure, alone, just to prove a point or set a record?
You were lucky then, but their (your) team was much more disciplined and a unity, and they had fighting spirit.
I was in Greece those weeks (in 2004) and it was one of the greatest happenings i have ever witnessed.
Everybody believed in it (the further they came in the tournament), and there was quite a positive energy flowing in the country.
Why do they have to test the fire alarm at work while I’m here on a Saturday?
@rebbel I still remember the fireworks xD
That I need to hop into the shower to wash my hair and clean my bits.
Heading to the g/f’s for the weekend.
Are you watching the game right now? @mYcHeMiCaLrOmAnCe What a coincidence that you are from Greece!
roundsquare, maybe its to make sure that you are not sleeping on the job?
@zenele yeah lol :p it’s nice here, I like the summer
I’m thinking… this is funny.
Trying to figure out how to get a pickup truck out of the mud without burying the tractor as well. A minor practical engineering problem.
My mind is mostly on health insurance , it sure would be fucking nice to get my knee back in order.
I’ve been housecleaning for a few hours. I sat down at the PC for a break and am thinking do I go to the next floor and continue, or save the rest for tomorrow.
Did I call it or what? Korea ruled Greece.
I’m thinking of mowing my lawn. Should I?
I’m thinking I better hurry up & take the dog for her walk & make the kids meals. Because only two more hours till England kick off their world cup campaign.Gotta git ;¬}
My lack of money and a job
How out of shape I am
How sweet my boyfriend is
How our supply is low*
Which oil-moisture combo I’m going to use on my hair today
Whether or not I’m ok with 50/50*
* purposefully vague
I’m thinking about how people who use religion to support discrimination should move out of the US to a country more suited to their beliefs—Iraq, Iran, Dubai, etc.
I’m thinking about how much I want Pete to get back to the real world. He comes back in about 3 weeks.
Writing letters takes too long.
Which also makes me realize how dependent I am on technology.
@rangerr I’ve been wondering about him; didn’t remember he went away.
@Silhouette Good for you. I took a break and am still here.
I should be doing my housework instead of answering questions on Fluther : )
Nothing in particular. I drank too much yesterday, am thinking of ways to cure the hangover. Moar beer sounds like a good idea.
Should I eat or go to the bike store or see if the soccer game is over yet. If I go to the bike store, should I walk or take the car (the bike is unrideable due to lack of intact tire). My shirt is all dirty from gardening. Should I change it? Do I care enough about the World Cup? I haven’t eaten all day, really, except for one bowl of Special K and 2 canele.
Will someone please put me out of me misery? It’s all too much. Thanks a jillion for asking the question. If I die of indecision, it’s on you, OP.
I was just this minute wondering how long the boys are going to be quiet, now that I have finally got them quieted down. They are both sick and were crying and fussy all night, so I took a nap with them before I logged on, and I doubt it will last long.
Thinking back to that scary bi-curious couple that Nikki and I met in a gay bar last night. They had no social skills. The girl was very blunt and right away asked us to sleep with them (well, after she whipped out her phone to show me pictures of her in a bride’s maid dress, wtf?).
I’m trying to decide what to make for dessert on Father’s Day. I’m leaning toward graham cracker ice cream served with chocolate sauce and marshmallow sauce. Then again, maybe it would be more “seasonal” to make some kind of fruit dessert, like strawberry shortcake. Hmmmmm…..the ice cream is winning.
woooooooow I see dead people O.o
I’m kidding
@MissAusten Doesn’t it depend on what the Father involved like best?
“Likes” @YARNLADY. Just anal-typo-grammar playing.
@zenele Could it be some kind of computer error that leaves the last letter off many of the words I use frequently, such as you instead of your and like instead of likes? Maybe my keyboard needs replaced or cleaned?
Yes. First try cleaning, then try replacing.
@zenele Did the free ‘tune up’ at Staples a few months ago – waiting to win the lottery for a replacement.
@YARNLADY I haven’t noticed you making that many typos.
That I have to piss like a racehorse.
@YARNLADY Yes, but in this case one of the fathers doesn’t like dessert and the other two told me to surprise them. They like everything.
What the hell am I doing inside, Fluthering, when it’s a rare sunny day and work to do outdoors?
My leg is going dead because I have been sat on it for so long, but I can’ really be bothered to move it because I am comfy :) Oh and I had better get off fluther and do some work :)
playing “twister” was a great idea but I fell down so many times, I mean, I play alone and lose!
Why did my neighbor decide, when battling serious health problems, to start raising chickens a few weeks ago? And why, now that he knows he has liver cancer, was I unable to say “NO!” when he asked me to take care of the chickens while he’s in the hospital? They smell bad and the rooster is mean. They don’t even lay eggs, they just hang out eating and pooping. I feel bad for the guy, but he’s been the most annoying neighbor we’ve ever had, and in a way I feel like he got cancer just to have another way to intrude on our lives. I’m going to hell probably.
@MissAusten if he’s that annoying and bad, maybe he’s going there. you’ll never know
Yes, Holland kicked butt.
That I miss making out with my lady.
This second?
That I’m the most horny when I’m ovulating.
I’m ovulating. TMI?
The root canal scheduled for this afternoon <<ugh!>>.
that creepy little thing that’s making noises in the kitchen. I thought it had left weeks ago, but now I guess it’s still here
My scene isn’t flowing the way I thought it would into the next one. Something doesn’t read right.
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