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Jude's avatar

Is there a reason why your pants feel tighter after you've dried them in the dryer?

Asked by Jude (32210points) June 12th, 2010

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11 Answers

Steve_A's avatar

They get smaller right? Same with shirts…I think…Not really sure GQ :)

chyna's avatar

Mine do, but after a couple hours wearing them, they “grow” on me. Then they bag in the butt and hips. I have no butt as it is, so then it looks like I don’t have clothes that fit me.

knitfroggy's avatar

That is exactly why I don’t dry many of my clothes. Underwear is about it. Everything else I hang dry. I can’t afford to have anything shrink!

wwpil's avatar

To reiterate on what @syz said, a lot of fabrics are cut on a bias, so when pulled, fabric can greatly stretch, which is what happens when worn….it loses it’s elasticity. When you wash then dry the clothes in the dryer, the heat then allows the fibers in the fabric to “bounce” back, causing shrinkage. It’s like curly hair and humidity.

john65pennington's avatar

Its the same reason a freshly-cleaned automobile seems to run better. who knows?

janbb's avatar

“Shrinkage” doesn’t only happen in swimming pools.


I notice that too. And the longer you dry and heat them, the snuggier they get. It has to do with the slight shrinkage of the cotton fibres. Actually, I like the snug-fit feeling when I dry my jeans in the dryer after washing them. It shows off my physique better and feels “nicer”, if you know what I mean. Lol. But after wearing the jeans for a full day, they lose their tight feel and get all saggy and loose again. I hate that. :(

Val123's avatar

They shrink.

casheroo's avatar

I can’t stand shrinkage. It ruins my clothes :(

mollypop51797's avatar

Once you wash and dry them they shrink!

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