Ever wonder what human flesh tastes like?
Asked by
zenele (
June 12th, 2010
All this world cup soccer reminded me of Alive! which begged this question. I am not about to try to find out (any volunteers?) and I’m not talking about sauteed brains a la Hannibal Lecter in Red Dragon et al…
(Links to IMDb referenced films for your fluthering convenience.)
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58 Answers
No, it’s not something I have ever wondered about. But that’s just me…
But I’m guessing it tastes just like chicken.
No, I haven’t. But I’m the kind of person that doesn’t want to eat a frog leg or fried alligator either. I’m gonna say human flesh is way out of the question.
I’m thinkin’ it would be nasty, unless the person was a vegetarian. We don’t eat carnivores, it case you haven’t noticed!
Hannibalism, cannibalism, rosemary and thyme. (Sung to the tune of Scarborough Fair by Simon and Garfunkle).
OMG I need a job.
I’ve always heard that humans taste like pork. Isn’t that odd – now where would I have heard such a thing?
Well, sure, I’ve wondered about it before, but I’m never going to do anything about it… :\
@syz Jews taste like chicken. Just saying.
Really @syz, where would you hear something like that? Hmm?
I’ve read multiple articles of cannibals describing human flesh smelling and tasting like pork, preferably bacon. Oink!
But I’ve also read that it more closely resembles veal. Y U M M Y!
@zenele If you say so….
LOL, does this relate to the morbid question?
cannibalism, hannibalism, shmannibalism. No, I never really thought about it, what it tastes like but now I have. Thanks, Zen.
@syz It relates to kosher issues. ~
Wouldn’t it have been hilarious if he’d posted this in the “General” section?!”
I heard it’s similar to pork.
Which is good news because I love pork!
You could always cut off your pinky toe and find out. No use for the stupid thing anyway :P
@penis The little toe, consists of the fifth metatarsal bone and its associated phalanges.
The muscles that serve the fifth toe are:
Abductor digiti minimi muscle (foot)
Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle (foot)
It is indeed, as you said, the least important of toes, however, how else can you go weeeeeeeee all the way home?
Actually, it’s not that bad if it’s pounded just right.
I have tasted it (and i am sure more of you did so too)..., although i didn’t chew and swallowed.
@rebbel LOL, nearly busted a lung after reading that
@rebbel ::shakes head::
So is it reasonable to say you think it tastes like fish?
I BELIEVE that it tastes like pork when people say that. I refuse to eat pork because it makes me think that is what it would be like to eat human flesh. Yuck!
@TheOnlyNeffie You’ve thought about it that much? LOL. A lot of people don’t eat pork, for religious reasons, all sorts of reasons, but that’s the first time I’ve heard that one.
It isn’t that I’ve really thought about it. I just have always gotten that impression from pork. ESPECIALLY ham. Just the way that it looks and the texture of it, it definitely makes me think that is what it would be like to eat something that came off of a person. I can’t help it, there is just something about it. Eek.
Ever bite your fingernails or your cuticles?
I have and it really doesn’t have much of a taste raw and I’ve never tried it cooked.
I’m with @HoneyBee – I never cook my cuticles or fingernails.
Anyway, cuticles are skin, not flesh. Big difference.
Tastes great, less filling.
Human flesh, the other white meat.
I hear it tastes like chicken. Like, literally the same as chicken.
@zenele I kind of thought that but went with it anyway. Oh, well….
The scariest part, for me, is that what with all the World Cup stuff going on—I too thought of the book Alive. The good news is that I stopped with that thought and didn’t go on to visualize soccer players on my dinner table . . . . Zen, Zen, Zen . . . could we call a Lukovic, Gerard, Tevez combination “Hat Trick Stew?” No, that would be too Messi . . .
You guys are absolutely freakin’ NUTS!!
@val123 those of us without allergies already know how nuts taste . . . being a lesbian, I classify myself as a person with an allergy.
@Talimze I think that depends on how the flesh is consumed. If you fry it, apparently it tastes more like pork.
@zenele Someone who gets my humor!
Kewl =D
What about on the grill, @Symbeline? Should it be marinated first?
Next best thing after french fries!!!!
@Symbeline I can help you there. Just, you know, easy with the teeth.
@bob_ I knew you’d say something like that. :D
@Symbeline You mean you tricked me? I feel used!
Which is really, really hawt.
I knew you’d pleased. See I’m not that bad. ^^
Oh, you’re bad. But the good kind of bad, which is good.
Uh guys – you’re in the human flesh thread. Perhaps you’d be more comfortable in a more romantic thread? Just saying.
Who said human flesh wasn’t romantic?
Yeah, this is my kinda heart shaped bed, anyways. Heart…human flesh thread…see wut I did thar LAWL
Alrighty then. You kids enjoy. Turn out the light when you leave.
I assumed it tastes like rubber bands? Maybe not.
It tasyes alright, the newer the better butdefinitly not newborn.
You can still taste the afterbirth… yuck
@XOIIO You are practically newborn. Smaterchew?
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