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Sisa's avatar

Can you cook eggs in the microwave?

Asked by Sisa (174points) March 17th, 2008 from iPhone

I wonder if I can dip bread with eggs and put in mircocrave then served with stirup… And yup its french toast. Will it work?

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33 Answers

squirbel's avatar

My brother tried it when we were little because the microwave manual said you could cook eggs in the microwave.

Result: it stunk up the house, made him throw up, and he had no appetite for the rest of the day.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I cook scrambled eggs in the microwave and they taste just fine.

hollywoodduck's avatar

While I think you can cook eggs in the microwave and have them come out pretty decent, I do have a feeling that making french toast in the microwave probably wouldn’t come out so well.

hairypalm's avatar

ya put a whole egg in the microwave, ya sure, just stand back…........

Sisa's avatar


El_Cadejo's avatar

Here is a great recipe for cooking eggs in the microwave. :P

jz1220's avatar

Sure you can cook eggs in the microwave, just make sure that they’re scrambled or at least out of the shell. I’m not sure how good microwaved French toast is, though. It could be soggy.

hairypalm's avatar

nah just stick 4 or 5 eggs in there shell and all…... Let me know what happens. I mean…... Ya I do it all the time.

Sisa's avatar

how min sec per egg?

Whyte0ut's avatar

hairypalm is right. Stick 5 eggs in for 5 minutes or so and it will hard boil them for you. Piece of cake.

Lightlyseared's avatar

don’t worry you’ll know when they’re done!

hairypalm's avatar

if you use 6 whole eggs with shells , the shells will cook right off and shazam! A omlette will apear.

jz1220's avatar

@Whyte0ut, shouldn’t the eggs at least be in water? Isn’t that what hardBOILED means?

Anyway, this link should demystify the whole thing. I don’t know why this wasn’t Googled earlier:

Sisa's avatar

ok well I did a little experiment. I putted one egg in the shell. After a min…. Its explode!!!!! How can that happen. Not happy. Lol.

Sisa's avatar

maybe I should put in water then in microwave.

Whyte0ut's avatar

or you can listen to jay z up there. But thats no fun.

hairypalm's avatar

well here’s the problem you only put one egg. You underloaded your microwave.
if you put 6 in there, it will distribute the heat. Trust me.

bulbatron9's avatar

@uberbatman-DAMN, that video was great! Sisa should’ve checked that video before they done that.

Sisa's avatar

Hmm…. so no kidding? 6 eggs?

BirdlegLeft's avatar

Please don’t cook French toast in the microwave. The idea alone makes me wanna hurl. Get a skillet out and do it up right.

hairypalm's avatar

French toast? Easy as pie put two eggs on a bread slice and set it for 1 1/2 min. Now do the hokie pokie and shazam! French toast. Yummy.

occ's avatar

don’t listen to hairy palm – his answers are really not true. He’s trying to cause some kind of mischief. Do NOT put eggs in their shell in the microwave—they will explode. You can, however, scramble them and then put them in a microwave safe bowl. It won’t taste as good as scrambling them in a skillet, but some people prefer this method because you don’t have to use oil, so they are lighter and fluffier (and less calories) than scrambled eggs made in a pan with butter or oil.

El_Cadejo's avatar

i love how you put that occ as if any one would of actually taken those answers seriously in the first place.

hairypalm's avatar

Not true. If you scramble them it will be poisonous

jz1220's avatar

@uberbatman, well, the original question was serious in nature, and sarcasm does not translate well over the internet. Any person who is seriously looking for an answer to the question might just follow hairy’s suggestions as Fluther has a reputation of supplying trustworthy answers.

occ's avatar

@uberbatman: you have no idea how many people have no clue when it comes to cooking and will actually try whatever advice they are given! :) Especially people who search google for “eggs in a microwave” and just end up landing on this fluther page with no other context.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Fair enough. I get what your saying now.

bulbatron9's avatar

hairy and whyte should both be flagged! Not just in this thread, but every one they have ever been on. The occasional joke is acceptable, but everything they input is BULLS**T! With users like these it won’t take long until fluther needs an enima! Go look at their profiles, and see all the nonsense they post!

hairypalm's avatar

i guess foul language is okay?

gooch's avatar

you can cook eggs any way you like in the micrwave except in the shell

Lightlyseared's avatar

you probably can’t fry them.

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