General Question

Sisa's avatar

Can a cowboy catch longhorn with a rope by its head?

Asked by Sisa (174points) March 17th, 2008 from iPhone

I’m doing for t-shirt design. I putted (long) horn and a cowboy on the horse in a action.

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4 Answers

Sisa's avatar

like if longhorn is too long will the cowboy be able to catch it with rope?

Whyte0ut's avatar

If said rope is long enough then there will be no longhorn too long for the cowboy to catch.

Indicaman's avatar

Yes. You need to keep in mind that the diameter of the lasso loop has to be wider than the longhorn’s horns are. Also, a lasso is a very ‘stiff’ rope, so it holds its loop when thrown.
Hope that helps. Have a Google image search for lasso
Click on the link..

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