Meta Question

bob_'s avatar

Do we have to change the way we say hello in private messages?

Asked by bob_ (21942points) June 13th, 2010

Every now and then I’ve gotten the feeling that some messages get lost on their way to the user they were sent to. I think I’ve figured out what’s going on: if you’ve posted the exact same comment before (say, “Hey there!”), the system assumes you’re accidentally posting it again, even if you posted it days or even weeks ago, so it doesn’t get delivered. Am I right? If so, could it be fixed?

I just checked and the same happens with answers on questions. But then, I guess it makes more sense there (and it’s easier to notice if you’ve posted the same answer before).

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16 Answers

rangerr's avatar

You’re right.
We figured that out a while ago with “I love you”. Tim told us to just get creative.
I like that it’s like that, though.
Repeat comments are boring.

bob_'s avatar

Ah well.

It kinda gets in the way of telling knock knock jokes, though.

chyna's avatar

@bob_ Get creative.

bob_'s avatar

@chyna Are you saying I’m not creative?

Well, um… go make me a sandwich!

chyna's avatar

Heavy on the mayo? haha

bob_'s avatar

And easy on the lettuce.

timtrueman's avatar

It’s definitely a bug. We put in code to prevent people from writing the same answer twice (usually done accidentally), but it carried over into messages I think. I take it you’d prefer if we fixed it?

bob_'s avatar

I do, yes XD

timtrueman's avatar

We’ll fix it.

bob_'s avatar

Danke schön!

timtrueman's avatar

This should be fixed now, let me know if it’s not working.

mattbrowne's avatar

Sometimes I’m unsure about the first name. Bob is obvious. Tim is obvious. If user names are really strange it feels a bit awkward to start a PM with

Hi strangename,

bob_'s avatar

@mattbrowne You know, Bob’s not really my first name. That is me in my avatar, though. Yep, that’s the ticket.

mattbrowne's avatar

@bob_ – What I meant is that I feel fine sending you a PM starting with “Hi Bob…” but I feel awkward starting with “Hi Strangeavatarname…” In this case, I prefer “Hi there…”

bob_'s avatar

@mattbrowne Ah. Verstanden. I prefer “hey yo”.

mattbrowne's avatar

Alles klar auf der Andrea Doria ;-)

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