Meta Question

MissA's avatar

What flutherers have had an impact on your thinking?

Asked by MissA (7401points) June 13th, 2010

I’ve been here for a little over a month and already, there are a few flutherers that I really look forward to reading. Some are a wealth of information, like dpworkin. Lots of characters and interesting folk.

Who are some of your favorites and why?

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43 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar

@MissA You’ve only been here for a little over a month? How can that be?

jerv's avatar

I like reading posts by @stranger_in_a_strange_land simply as a reminder that I am not totally crazy or at least not alone out in left field.

I like myself too, but that’s just because I do have an ego :P

dpworkin's avatar

I like to read people who really know cool stuff, like @nikipedia and @shilolo.

Vunessuh's avatar

I always look forward to reading posts from Symbeline, Trillian and Merriment. Those three are exceptionally clever and intellectual.
I love hearing from lucillelucillelucille, Silhouette, bob_, ucme and janbb because I can always count on them to make me laugh. I can also count on Silhouette to make me cringe too, which is always fun. XD
I like perspicacious because of her bluntness. She’s always straight and to the point.
Futurememory is great. I like poofandmook because we seem to have a lot in common, especially about movies and MissAusten is really rather insightful. So is wundayatta and escapedone7, but they haven’t been around for a while. Those two need to come back. I loved reading ecapedone7’s posts. She’s brilliant.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Jeruba’s responses always make me all tingly inside.

eden2eve's avatar

@mattbrowne for his reasonable and intelligent posts.

He can be informative without being insulting, which I value. In so doing, and in his tactfulness, he is able to avoid divisiveness. I appreciate someone who can be intelligent and informative without being insufferable or supercilious.

He has a diverse knowledge base, and IMHO very interesting things to share.

@stranger_in_a_strange_land because he is so open and willing to share his experiences and challenges.. The things I have learned from him are helpful in situations I deal with among people I care about.

AmWiser's avatar

I too have only been here a short time and so far I like reading most flutherer’s posts. I like that the community here seem to want to contribute information genuinely (most of the time) and with sincere thought behind their answers.

Facade's avatar

Simone, Katawagrey, @dpworkin and some others have influenced me positively and/or negatively.

lillycoyote's avatar

O.K.. How much of a love-fest is this going to be. This is to start:

Mattbrowne makes me think.
Realeyes makes me think, hmm? O.K. I’ll have to think about that.
Trillian makes me think not all people who home school their children are Fundementalist Christian weirdos and some are pretty cool.
Jeruba makes me think: Damn, I wish I’d said that.
LTryptophan makes me think: Huh? What? But then I usually eventually get it.
Zenele makes me think I might want to move to Israel and be a cougar there.
Simone makes me think things I might not have thought before, even if I don’t really want to think them.
DPworkin makes me think: A “thinking man’s” asshat, who’d ‘a thunk it? Who knew there was such a thing?
Worriedguy makes me think: Jeez, I really don’t know anything about anything, do I?
_Bob makes me think I’d really like to have a sandwich.
Val123 makes me think about how much I miss

casheroo's avatar

Simone and Macbean have both exposed me to things that I probably never would have been exposed to. I feel like a better being for that.
Rangerr reminds me of me, so she makes me laugh.
Mattbrown and kevbo’s questions make me feel like I might have missed something in school..I avoid their questions. lol

jonsblond's avatar

@cak and @whatthefluther remind me to enjoy the little things in life, and not let the big things bring me down.

asawilliams's avatar

@arpinum continues to surprise me with the depth and breath of knowledge pertaining to factual information.

gemiwing's avatar

I hate singling jellies out, I don’t like thinking that I could make someone feel like they are less important than someone else. It feels squicky to me.

So, I would say- all of you guys at one point or another, have made me think and opened me to new experiences. A lovely group of jellies!

lillycoyote's avatar

@gemiwing That’s really the best answer to this question, after all.

MacBean's avatar

I especially like people who make me think. Off the top of my head, I’d say Blondesjon, dpworkin, Qingu, Jeruba and Simone_de_Beauvoir do that most often. But I have a major soft spot for pretty much everyone in my Fluther. (It doesn’t hurt that I follow a lot of them on Twitter and Tumblr, and so I’m regularly reminded of how goddamn attractive they are, too. I’m a sucker for shiny things. XD)

Your_Majesty's avatar

That’s my little secret. There are some but I forgot their name and I haven’t met them in a long time.

augustlan's avatar

Too many to name, and I’d hate to leave anyone out. That said, I’m in total agreement with @jonsblond about cak and WTF. They are wonderful human beings. Suffering extremely debilitating illnesses, they still manage to spread light and love all over the place. I truly, deeply, admire them.

janbb's avatar

I don’t do these kinds of questions, but I’ll add a second “like” to Auggie’s answer.

zenele's avatar

Agreed ^ – I hope they get better.

MissA's avatar

At the risk of sounding…

I’m glad I found you all. And, I didn’t mean to cause anyone to feel as if they were necessarily singling some out and might make others feel badly.

I find myself truly looking forward to your answers…and, it has surprised me how I’ve created mental pictures of many of you, by virtue of your personalities shining through.

Your tolerance meters are off the charts, but you call a “shovel a shovel”, as well. I am guilty of putting my 2-cents in where perhaps it doesn’t really add to the discussion. But, mainly I join in the social section, where I don’t have to worry about getting shot.

Thanks for having me.

janbb's avatar

@MissA Speaking for myself alone, it is very nice to have you!

Silhouette's avatar

All of you have changed my thinking to some degree and I thank you all.

ipso's avatar

I’ve seen a bang-on post by almost every one of you here; exemplifying cool-headed intelligence and clarity. So many of you lead by good example. Teaching the new pups how to play.

Most specifically, that fewer words is best.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I love reading what I write.

Berserker's avatar

There’s a lot of people I like and that I might consider my ’‘favourites’’, and yeah I don’t have enough class not to single them out and probably leave someone out, however the question is asking me who changed my way of thinking, not just who I like the most and alla that.
While I like a lot of you, there’s only two people who might have changed my thought process somewhat, and most especially, my approach to things.
And those two people are people I met way before Fluther, so I denno if it counts, but, Talimze and Vunessuh.

I’m actually a really biased and judgemental person, and I enjoy lying to myself. Talimze is so upfront and frighteningly honest that there was no way that some communication with her wouldn’t make me question my own honesty. Nobody’s as honest or straightforward as her. If everyone was, this world would have been destroyed a long time ago. And I know she’d probably think that’s funny if she read it. If she doesn’t like you even a bit, you’ll know. I’m glad to be tolerated. :D

As for Vunessuh, she’s the least judgemental and open minded person ever. I can talk about anything with her, and everytime I do, it feels like I’ve known her forever. We don’t agree on everything either, but it hardly seems to matter because it never gets in between anything. With the way she looks at things, it makes me question my own willingness to accept fads, people and other various societal factors. Compared to her, I’m a total Republican. See I’m doing it right now. Anyways, as far as mindframes go, she’s way more Goth than I’ll ever be.

CMaz's avatar

I love all of you. You’re all my bitches.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@ChazMaz – I appreciate the sentiment, or at least the first part, but I am not your bitch. I’m done being anyone’s bitch. don’t drink and Fluther

zenele's avatar

@ChazMaz I second thay. Not good to flink and druther.

Silhouette's avatar

bob if you ever stumble on this question I want you to know I really mean you have made an impact on my thinking. After seeing your “Now go make me a sandwich” I started thinking of how many of my life’s milestones have been marked by sandwiches. Bridal showers, baby showers, birthdays, graduations, funerals. Etc. Thanks for the memories.

bob_'s avatar

@Silhouette Awww XD

Glad I could be of help!

Now go make me a sandwich ;)

janbb's avatar

@bob_ You are beautifully consistent.

bob_'s avatar

@janbb That’s what she said XD

dpworkin's avatar

Like Philadelphia Cream Cheese?

janbb's avatar

I was thinking more Ben and Jerry’s Karamel Sutra.

dpworkin's avatar

Get a room.

janbb's avatar

What, me and Ben and Jerry? Anytime! I don’t need a room – I just need a spoon.

lillycoyote's avatar

@bob_ Can you handle a sandwich? Can you handle these sandwiches? Can you man?

bob_'s avatar

@lillycoyote Whoa. I mean, I could give it a shot.

lillycoyote's avatar

@bob_ If you can’t, well, at least you will have died with your boots on, as they say.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Fact from fiction, truth from diction. Who thinking inspires and why? Oh I feel like I am at the Oscars and sure to forget or fail to mention someone, but for those I have sorry about that. Well, lets get started:

@laurath, because she wears her heart on her sleeve and is very passionate of her believes and is quite logical

@Delepetric, technically sound and logical debater.

@Seek_Kolinahr, Fair middle of the road opinionator. Cool ears too.

@ChezMez/@Cruiser like 2 cousins who brings it with less BS.

@Draconess, her own person in a dark and twisty way, far from the cookie cutter.

@Violet, Very open-minded and logical, doesn’t get clouded by emotion.

@Nillo, seems like a logic ninja or some stellar Mensa brain, seems always on point.

@John65pennington, like Joe Friday keeps to the fact ma’am, keeps to the facts

@stranger_in_a_strange_land, always ready to shoot from the hip or take deadly aim just wish he would believe in himself more. :-)

@Jerv, very logical even in unpopular debates.

@Dr Dredd, brings it and makes you think.

@ETpro, good logical debater.

@DominicX/@JLeslie a tandem that won’t let you up the stair without swashbuckling all the way.

@YARNLADY, always throwing heat across the plate and you never know when the slider is coming.

@Jack79, tells it as he see it and pretty logical in spite his passion and emotion.

@Ragingloli, debates like Rocky Balboa, just keeps coming.

@Blackberry, has a gay time while debating hard for Gay people and their rights.

@Simone_De_Beauvior, is like Al Qaeda in the sense you know it is gonna be a fight once the debate starts, and you never really sure which direction it will come at you from.

Yeah, yeah, I know I missed you but it is early in the morning and I can’t remember all of you :-)

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