Fact from fiction, truth from diction. Who thinking inspires and why? Oh I feel like I am at the Oscars and sure to forget or fail to mention someone, but for those I have sorry about that. Well, lets get started:
@laurath, because she wears her heart on her sleeve and is very passionate of her believes and is quite logical
@Delepetric, technically sound and logical debater.
@Seek_Kolinahr, Fair middle of the road opinionator. Cool ears too.
@ChezMez/@Cruiser like 2 cousins who brings it with less BS.
@Draconess, her own person in a dark and twisty way, far from the cookie cutter.
@Violet, Very open-minded and logical, doesn’t get clouded by emotion.
@Nillo, seems like a logic ninja or some stellar Mensa brain, seems always on point.
@John65pennington, like Joe Friday keeps to the fact ma’am, keeps to the facts
@stranger_in_a_strange_land, always ready to shoot from the hip or take deadly aim just wish he would believe in himself more. :-)
@Jerv, very logical even in unpopular debates.
@Dr Dredd, brings it and makes you think.
@ETpro, good logical debater.
@DominicX/@JLeslie a tandem that won’t let you up the stair without swashbuckling all the way.
@YARNLADY, always throwing heat across the plate and you never know when the slider is coming.
@Jack79, tells it as he see it and pretty logical in spite his passion and emotion.
@Ragingloli, debates like Rocky Balboa, just keeps coming.
@Blackberry, has a gay time while debating hard for Gay people and their rights.
@Simone_De_Beauvior, is like Al Qaeda in the sense you know it is gonna be a fight once the debate starts, and you never really sure which direction it will come at you from.
Yeah, yeah, I know I missed you but it is early in the morning and I can’t remember all of you :-)