Other than the fact that they’re all squishy & adorable.
They don’t have brains!
Is it just because they’re so cute & awesome?
I want to know!
Duh. Because our founder, Dr. J, is a jelly.
@AstroChuck But why?
Because they poop through their mouths. Ben and Andrew were jealous.
@rangerr But wouldn’t that leave a nastly aftertaste?
Guess what, folks. We are miracle jellies.
[most] Jellyfish do not communicate like we do, remember they do not have a brain or language! BUT Some can flash colorful lights. Scientists think these may be used to disguise them or even to attract prey. Jellyfish can signal each other. One jellyfish releases chemicals when it is about to breed. Other jellyfish then are stimulated to spawn at the same time, so that the most jellyfish are born.
I bet @augustIan know can give you her reason.
@anartist But the zombies ate my brain. But it wasn’t Logic; he doesn’t eat brains.
Perhaps because Dr. J is immortal and we all wish we could be so lucky.
like many of our members… those wacky invertebrates will sting you old school
Boring, official answer: Because they function as a group, a collective… just like us!
Told you it was boring. ;)
You’re still the brightest jellyfish in my sea, Augs.
Because Jellyfish are fun to poke with a stick.
@ChazMaz But that’s mean! And true.
Re-Run answer… http://www.kqed.org/quest/television/amazing-jellies--siphonophores2
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