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john65pennington's avatar

Whats wrong with my cars air conditioning?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) June 16th, 2010

One day, my cars ac works great, while in town and on the interstate. then, one day, only the high-side or interstate driving works and not the low side or in-town driving. mechanic states the ac is in perfect working order, but not so in 100 degree temperatures when the wife i and sweat bullits during in-town driving. so what gives? my car is ten years old. is it its age or is the ac just playing mind games with us?

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4 Answers

MissA's avatar

John, you might go here. It seems to be a very thorough site: .

LuckyGuy's avatar

Is it possible the refrigerant level is getting low? . If it drops below a certain value the A/C clutch will not engage. You might be right at the point where you are marginal.

Let us know how you make out.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

Problem could be in the thermostat or the solenoid that engages the clutch. Electrical more than mechanical. If the A/C clutch is engaging, you should be able to hear it, and your idle speed will fluctuate momentarily as the IAC valve opens. You can check the voltage to the solenoid with a VOM. Unfortunately, when this piece goes, you often have to replace the compressor.

MarthaStewart's avatar

I’d suggest having the coolant, thermostat and water pump checked in that order.

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