Meta Question

Jude's avatar

Are you ever curious as to what your fellow Flutherites look like?

Asked by Jude (32210points) June 16th, 2010

I’ve seen many on Facebook and for some, they’ve used their own mug as their avatar here on Fluther.

But, what about the others?

Zenele, are you just as handsome as Captain Picard? ~

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67 Answers

rangerr's avatar

I like the anonymity. Is that the right word? Gail? Jeruba? A lot of time, people judge other people too much based on how they look rather than who they are. I like that some people choose not to reveal themselves on here. (Take Pete for example. Nobody except me has seen him, and he’s won the heart of quite a few people around here. It’s all through his words, who he is as a person. I love that.)

I have my own vision of quite a few jellies in my head, and I like them as they are.
The rest I just picture as goblins.
But the people I have seen pictures of, I can say that we have a sexy collective.

CMaz's avatar

Lets see…

Cats, chickens and chickies. Santas, ninjas and creatures of all kinds. Captian Picard and Mr. Spock.
Hot babes, babies, the occasional stud and body parts. Lunatics with guns, Jeff Goldblum and doggies.
Na, not really. ;-)

Facade's avatar

Kind of, but not really.
Please send all nude photos to my facebook inbox. Thanks~

rebbel's avatar

From Fluther users who don’t have their mugs as avatars i have my own picture in my head, just as when i do when i talk with someone unknown to me on the phone.
<< This is a lifelike rebbel.

Jude's avatar

@Facade forward the nudes to me? ~

My avatar? My g/f on the left. I’m on the right.

wilma's avatar

I like seeing the real person, sometimes I’m surprised when I finally see what they really look like.
I also like the made up vision that I have for those who don’t show themselves.
I sometimes wonder what impression you all might have of what I look like.

tinyfaery's avatar

Nah. But sometimes I wonder which Jellies might be hot. I know what a lot of my favorite Jellies look like, though.

Jude's avatar

And, your favorite jellies aren’t hot? lol


tinyfaery's avatar

I didn’t say that. Pfftbt!

Jude's avatar

The ones that I’ve seen are hot. Especially, the one behind the lips/mouth/fangs. Yes, siree.

Seek's avatar

Who isn’t in the Photobucket Group

If you’re not, you should be. ^_^

tinyfaery's avatar

I haven’t looked at that in a long time. There are so many people I had forgotten about.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I’m nothing worth looking at. I used to post my picture as an avatar and on the Photobucket page, but that seemed to provoke the stalkers and flamers. Henceforth, this “stranger” will remain invisible as well as anonymous. Puzzling, but some people seem to attract trolls and stalkers like iron filings to a magnet; I’m not the only one.

Think of Uncle Fester on a bad day and you have a pretty good idea of what I look like.

zenele's avatar

@jjmah Hey – no singling out jellies in details. Flag!


chyna's avatar

edit: Let me claify my Yes answer. It means, “yes, I’d like to know what other jellies look like.”
It does not mean “yes, I think I’m hot”, as another jelly misunderstood me to mean.

Kayak8's avatar

Wow,just checked photobucket link and Bob_ IS a guy . . .

Jude's avatar

@Kayak8 I know. Not what I was expecting either. :)

gemiwing's avatar

I’m happy with the pictures in my own head. I don’t really care what anyone looks like anyway.

Jude's avatar

@gemiwing to me, you’ll always be an adorable lump of “stuff” with a speech bubble attached to you saying, “Yarn!”.

gemiwing's avatar

@jjmah I look just like that when I first wake up. Truly.

janbb's avatar

@jjmah I find it disconcerting when people whom I associate storngly with a certain avatar either change it to another or I see their picture or meet them in person and they are not Cate Blanchett, for example.

zenele's avatar

I think Jeruba is probably even lovelier in person. * sigh *

Jude's avatar

Oh, Jeruba

Le sigh

janbb's avatar

colective * sigh * for Jeruba.

Jude's avatar

@gemiwing I just want to squish (hug) you


zenele's avatar

@jjmah Since I sorta have your ear – why did you single me out – and why the tilde – and in details yet!?

Jude's avatar

@zenele I didn’t mean to single you. I’m sorry.

(I’ve often wondered, though, what the fella behind handsome baldy looked like, is all)

zenele's avatar

@jjmah Yes – but the tilde???!!!

It implies sarcasm – as in – he probably doesn’t.

A couple of people have seen me. One isn’t around much anymore (I think) one deleted her account and I don’t know if she returned or not (JB) and also Matt. I don’t like pictures that much. I like words.

janbb's avatar

Maybe she wants to know what Tilde looks like too?

Jude's avatar

Ahhh. Do forgive me. See my earlier post/question about the NASTY SPIDER BITE that nearly took my life!!! ;-) I wasn’t in my right mind this morning.

I’m sure you’re just as beautiful as the bald fella AND the tilde.

janbb's avatar

Live and learn.

zenele's avatar

D’ya think it has a fluther connection?

janbb's avatar

Doesn’t everything?

casheroo's avatar


I think I post a ton of pictures on Fluther..and in the chat. I’m such a picture whore.

Fred931's avatar

Who wants to guess what I look like?!

Your_Majesty's avatar

It doesn’t really important how they look like. I personally don’t feel like it if my personal photos are exposed to other people all around the world. But I’m curious about how others might look like.

@Fred931 You’re handsome and middle aged. Oh what have I said? Forget about it.

zenele's avatar

^^ Budding romance?

CMaz's avatar

Actually. I would like to know what they smell like.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’m really curious, I remember someone who shall remain nameless on Fluther recently described themselves and I was actually really surprised that they didn’t look the way I had imagined them. What they explained wasn’t better or worse than what I had thought, just different.

chyna's avatar

@ChazMaz I smell like Pleasures, the perfume.

CMaz's avatar

Right. Wink, wink.

chyna's avatar

Ok, I really smell like my dog as I’ve been wallowing with her this morning.
What do you smell like @ChazMaz?

CMaz's avatar

I smell delicious! :-)

janbb's avatar

I smell like chlorine; I’ve just been swimming at the gym.

zenele's avatar

Is this the I smell like… thread? Good, I was looking for it.

I usually smell like Dove soap after a shower, Opium or Escape/Eternity when going out. My natural body smell is delicious, and like Sting, or so he claims, I rarely smell even when sweating.

Those who don’t know – I am into aromatherapy. I have been blessed with a wonderful sense of smell, and very poor vision.

Coffee always smells good to me… when its aroma is wafting through the house I am happiest.

Fred931's avatar

I smell really badly. Thank god for the properties of electricity not having to do with that.

Seek's avatar

I currently smell like onions and garlic. I’ve been cooking Italian all week. ^_^

zenele's avatar

Women who cook well can smell any way they want. Just saying.

chyna's avatar

@zenele See how easy you are?

zenele's avatar

Oh, I’m easy.

mattbrowne's avatar

I wonder how many Flutherites actually show a real photograph of themselves. Am I the only one?

And yes, I’m very curious.

Jude's avatar

@zenele Like Sunday morning?

chyna's avatar

@mattbrowne So have you gone to the Fluther photobucket to check out the pictures since you are curious? There are a lot of us out there.

janbb's avatar

Why chyna – you’re beautiful!

mattbrowne's avatar

@chyna – I need to become a member of correct? Then search for Fluther there?

chyna's avatar

@janbb ::blushes:: Thank you

Seek's avatar


I do, I do! Well, if you don’t count the latex ear in the pic. My ears are quite human, normally.

mattbrowne's avatar

@rangerr – Super ! I will need some time to browse through all the great pictures. Just added a more recent one of myself. The Photobucket album is a wonderful idea !

mattbrowne's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr – Some hot Flutherites might want to perform oo-mox on your ears ;-)

Enjoy !

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