General Question

ucme's avatar

The World Cup trophy I reckon, is a thing of beauty, what other trophy/cup/award could you say the same for?

Asked by ucme (50052points) June 16th, 2010

Or maybe some that are not so aesthetically pleasing, ugly even.Not exclusive to sport, any trophy in any field will do.Film, music, whichever.

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15 Answers

rebbel's avatar

The Golden Bear awarded at the Berlin International Film Festival.

Edit: It’s in General, so here’s the real thing.

Jude's avatar

Oscar. He looks like a eunuch, but, what a great physique.

cfrydj's avatar

Maybe it’s because I’m Canadian, but the Stanley Cup sends chills up my spine.

I also really liked the medals at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.

I think the MLB championship trophy is hideous, and the Masters Green Jacket tends to clash pretty badly with whatever the golfer is wearing. See here.

ucme's avatar

@cfrydj Yeah i’ve always thought the US Masters winner looks kind of like a pimp who’s been told to dress down for church.Not a good luck. Agree on the Stanley cup, that beast is huge.

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Cruiser's avatar

Not many can beat out the most awesome of trophies the Stanley cup which is still traveling around all the bars here in Chicago!! YES! I said CHICAGO!!! ;)

YARNLADY's avatar

I hope nobody takes this wrong, but I loved the trophy I received for participation on another Q & A site a few years back. Now, don’t get mad – If I had a Fluther Trophy I would have shown it.

madeinkowloon's avatar

Not a huge fan of hockey, but I think the Stanley Cup is AMAZING looking. It’s this HUGE silver thing with all these engravings of winners’ names and such. It’s invaluable, it’s historical, it’s “old.” And I mean, I don’t think it’s everyday that you have to hire someone to babysit that thing while it’s in transit.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Another vote for the Stanley Cup. I could host a pool party with that sucker.

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critter1982's avatar

Calder Cup, only because I watched the Hershey Bears win it this year and got a picture next to it last year.


Personally, I think “The Oscar” from the Academy Awards is one of the most elegant award statues ever designed. The human body, in fine form and physique, simple yet sleek.

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