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Draconess25's avatar

What is the biggest sandwich you've ever eaten?

Asked by Draconess25 (4464points) June 16th, 2010

Pretty self explanatory. Burgers count, too!

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41 Answers

Jude's avatar

Her name was Sand-e. She was 6 feet tall (big!) The sex was great/she was tasty, but, she ended up being a total psycho-witch.


Val123's avatar

The biggest sandwich I’ve ever eaten is a Quarter Pounder with Cheese from Mickey D’s.

Draconess25's avatar

@jjmah Yes, I see my grammatical errors!

Jude's avatar

@Draconess25 I was just playin’. :)

Val123's avatar

….and, um, ate/eaten…...

Draconess25's avatar

@jjmah I know. I just hate making mistakes.

janbb's avatar

Hot corned beef from 2nd Avenue Deli. They don’t make them quite as big any more.

zenele's avatar

Ahhh. Finally I can relax and enjoy the sandwich. Phew, the grammar made me lose my appetite. ;-)

It was a big burger about 300 grams. Delish.

Val123's avatar

@Draconess25 We all do (hate making mistakes.) But it happens. Even us Grammar Nazi’s trip over our own arrogance sometimes! I’ve been corrected, and rightly so, more times than I care to admit!

@janbb I eat a Big Mac maybe once every two years. I ate one tonight. I was SHOCKED. The beef patty was about ¼ the size it used to be. My only consolation that it simply had to be healthier for me than the “old” way.

Draconess25's avatar

@Val123 I wrote a whole journal entry on VampireFreaks about how much I hate bad grammar!

Val123's avatar

LOL!! There ya go! Welcome to the club Padawan! Gosh. Once upon a time I lived in a website called Wisdm, and my first few posts (like 3) were along the line of, how, like, “Can you take a person seriously when they can’t spell and use poor grammar?” I’ve learned since to just freakin’ chill! Well, about a year later I discovered this thing called Firefox spell check. Then, for some reason, I had reason to go back to those original posts, and damn if there wasn’t a misspelled word in every single question! Hence, I learned to freakin’ chill. Above all, I consistently spelled the word “grammar” as “grammer.” Urgus!

Val123's avatar


Draconess25's avatar

@Val123 Read this:

Y’know what I hate? Those idiots all over the Internet who can barely spell their own name. How do they expect people to take themsrslyif they leave out every vowel in the whole damn word?! Orhow r u?” for example. I’m fine, & how’re you? I see you have some brain damage, since you left out half of the letters. So I guessurday can’t be too good. “2” good? Does that meantwiceas good? Nonetheless, you’re supposed to spell it out in proper language, anyways. Oh, & Irllyhate it when they write their essays like that. How would you abbreviateessaysanyways? ”sas”? Hmmm….rhymes withass”. DUMBass. They sure won’t be be getting an A on their homework! Most they’ll abbreviate that to is an F! The lack of punctuation gets me, too. If they spoke the way they wrote, I’d understand why they were so stupid: the lack of oxygen reaching their brains!”

Val123's avatar

Hee hee!!! Is that what u rote????

Val123's avatar

Hey! There ya are!!!

AGN's avatar

Muffaletta. HUGE!

Val123's avatar

What is a Muffaletta???? That’s not even a real word.

Draconess25's avatar

@Val123 Yeah, I was really grumpy at the time.

Val123's avatar

@Draconess25 I understand…. ;)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Corned beef, pastrami and Swiss on rye with mustard, Carnegie Deli, sometime in May 1992. The joint’s a tourist trap, but their sandwiches are freakin’ huge!

ipso's avatar

In So Cal (and now elsewhere) there is an establishment called In-N-Out Burger. They allow you to order a burger with as many patties and cheese slices as you want.

I was involved in a burger with 100 patties and 100 cheese slices as an appetizer for a party.

That was the biggest burger I’ve ever eaten [from].

meagan's avatar

I guess a foot long from subway. I’m not big into food, but eating those sandwiches could kill me haha. Where is everyone finding these megafoods?

MarthaStewart's avatar

The famous Primanti Brothers’ sandwich of Pittsburgh PA, complete with a handful each of french fries and cole slaw on the sandwich.

Val123's avatar

@meagan I ate a foot long once too. Maybe that’s the biggest sandwich I’ve ever eaten.
I think ya gotta go look for them to find them.

Haleth's avatar

I had a Ray’s Hellburger. The burger place is related to a really amazing steak restaurant, and I think basically all the beef that isn’t used for steaks goes into the burgers. They’re a half pound each and amazingly tender, juicy, and flavorful. The bun totally doesn’t stand up to the patty and the ingredients, so the whole thing just falls apart when you eat it.

Val123's avatar

@Haleth I guess I’d rather have a plate of the meat than try to eat something like that with my hands. Just sounds messy.

Draconess25's avatar

@Haleth Dammit, now I’m hungry!

Val123's avatar

@Draconess25 SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why did you have to go and say that??? I’d forgotten about my tummy!

Val123's avatar

Nah. I ordered 3 dozen donuts for class tomorrow (we have 16 guys, 14 BIG ones) and I know I’ll probably pig out because….I stupidly ordered my favorites! Caramel glazed! So, I’ll wait…

Draconess25's avatar

@Draconess25 Well, my stepdad just used his Psychic Powers Of Doom & brought me home a fresh salad.

Val123's avatar

LOL! I’ll do that! Tell him to bring me one too!

Draconess25's avatar

@Val123 Sorry, there aren’t any extras! DX

Val123's avatar

@Draconess25 C’mon! Fax just one leaf!! And….some onion! Please!! Fx 620 555 1212

Draconess25's avatar

@Draconess25 I don’t have a fax machine….But here!

Val123's avatar

LOL FINE! @Val123 Take THIS

Draconess25's avatar

@Val123 That’s a tiny picture! Beat this!

Val123's avatar

Oh! I just added you to my Fluther yesterday, and you are turning out to be the meanest friend I’ve had in 3 years! I called the meanest friend I ever had last night and convinced her to make an account and log on, find this Q and post…..that would be @AGN, which is short for Anal Grammar Nazi, up there. I told her her Av looked like a melting brain. Don’t know if she’ll be back
ANYWAY you can take THIS to the bank!

Draconess25's avatar

@Val123 I just added you! XD. You beat me; I literally squealed when I saw it!

You should click the link in my profile & feed my dragons; you just have to click on each egg. If not, they won’t hatch & they’ll die. My cousins & I will be grateful!

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