Does my dog hate me?
Lately my dog has been hiding from me, not all the time just every once in awhile as soon as I walk towards him he will just run away. I think it’s because I have been giving him baths and cutting his nails and all that kind of stuff more often. As soon as I say your stinky or do you want a bath he hides under the bed. But lately for no reason he will just run away. What should I do about this. He sleeps with me still every night and is normally affectionate and happy around me but sometimes he will just get a scared look and run away. I do not hit him EVER or do anything abusive to him. Any ideas?
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24 Answers
Some dogs are more body-sensitive than others. I’m just speculating, but it sounds like the extra handling may be frightening him. Does he flinch when touched?
no he doesnt flinch but lately his ears will go back and he will drop his head low like he did something bad or like i’m going to hit him or something…makes me feel horrible…im extra nice to him when he gets like this hoping it will correct anything that is going through his head.
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He hates baths and nail clippings, not you. He never knows when you pick him up what you are going to do to him next, so he is prepared for the worse. The only thing you can do is what you are doing, giving him extra good attention, so he doesn’t think every time you touch him is bath time.
How old is he and what breed? And what was his upbringing? Shelter dog, etc.
he is 2 years old and part pit bull and jack russell
He isn’t sure whether you are going to do something to him that he disliked, like having a bath or having his nails cut.
Also you can appear intimidating if you are stood tall while approaching your dog.
If you kneel down to the dogs height, then slowly, very slowly approach them. Speak in a soft tone and then stroke him.
You will soon get their reassurance that you are not going to do anything they don’t like.
That’s an odd age for him to start that behavior. I would watch very carefully next time you trim his nails. I think something your doing is hurting him. It could be the soap you’re using or something. He’s associating something with pain.
Sounds like you spooked him.
Consistent reassurance will fix it. Not drama reassurance but positive confidence.
Dogs don’t hate. They just dislike.
Try saying something before you clip his nails (e.g. “Time to clip your nails.”) That way, he’ll know that when you DON’T say it, you’re not going to do anything he doesn’t like. For the rest, agree with reassurance and praise while you’re doing the grooming.
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Most dogs don’t mind the bath, or don’t mind putting up with it. Something else is in play here.
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Love is the greatest form of discipline for a dog! If you love them, they will try very hard to please you!
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My parents adopted a perviously abused dog (who is absolutely amazing now!) and they had a hard time giving Flora a bath.
Now we discovered that this pooch was a peanut butter fiend! We had to hide the jars because she would scale table, counter and shelf to get to the goods :)
So we had an idea. Since she hates baths so much (she would cower, cry, hide and run out of reach, we all felt absolutely terrible when it was her bath day) we decided to try a little treat therapy. Just before the bath she would get a cracker smeared with peanut butter, then my Dad would scoop her up. Once we had her it was a bit easy to control her and keep her safely in the tub. We always limited the amount of us in the bathroom so she didn’t feel trapped or cornered any more than need be. Then once she was all wet she would get another cracker smeared with peanut butter, we would then soap her up, wobbly legs and all, rinse her off and my Dad would scoop her up in a towel. Now the fun part, she LOVED this part :D We would let her shake and roll around on the carpet in the basement, then once she was all happily shaken off and hair spiked on end she would get another cracker with peanut butter, we only had to do this for the first four or five times, now she associates the bath with peanut butter and she gets her cracker after the bath :)
I guess what I’m saying is try to show him that bath time/nail clipping is not a bad thing. Reward reward reward! Get in the bath with him even, after each nail you clip give him a little piece of one of his favorite treats :)
Hmm….methinks the pooch needs a lot more lurve and cuddling and affection and attention_other than_ for nails and baths. I just talk to my dog as if it is a person and reassure it.
“Fido, I know you hate for me to give you baths and cut your nails, but sometimes, I have to do that…and I do it because I love you.” I would say this as I sit on the floor, cuddling him on my lap. And when I do bathe my dog, I would keep saying over and over, “Good boy, good boy…such a good dog…you are doing so well in this bath!” I coo and coo and all that and it seems to make it less traumatic.
I also play with my dog. I literally get on the floor and push my nose into her tummy. She loves that. She will start doing a playful growl and I growl back and we sort of “wrestle” a bit…well, as much as you can with a tiny terrier. She loves that!
Some dogs really, really need affection….a lot of it. I also was wondering…does anyone _else_have contact with your dog during the day? Where maybe someone _else_might be mistreating her? (Just a thought.)
I like what @ElleBee had to say with the positive reinforcement cracker or treat. That does seem like a good one.
@johnny0313x You must always remember that dogs are not cats. Cats are their own master; we their slaves. Dogs like to serve and be made a fuss of, well at least generally speaking.
my dog is a jackrussel too and when something scared him i come torwds him and he just runs away but he always flollows me ALOT
try to give him treats when he gets close to you. reward him for doing that so he’ll know its a good thing to be around you.
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