Did you still give a GA even when you know you've maxed out on someone?
Asked by
janbb (
June 18th, 2010
A friend and I were discussing; he doesn’t, I do. I like to know that someone (or someones) thought my answer was good, even if it doesn’t push up my total lurve and also let a poster know that I thought their answer was good. What’s your feeling about giving or getting uncounted GAs?
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71 Answers
Of course I do – a GA is a GA.
Yes. I don’t even know if I’ve maxed someone out.
Of course I still do. If I like an answer for whatever reason, I feel like they deserve a GA from me.
But I think after you max out for someone, every time you give them a GA or a GQ thereafter, they get a little feeling in their pants. I could be wrong, but I think that’s how it works.
Btw, GQ! XD
if it is a great answer, yes! and, most of the time, give GA when it not a great answer! What is a great answer? In the eyes of the beholder…i guess! After all, there are lots of good answer here, but a great answer…don’t see an abundance of those! certainly not from Chaz! loll
Yes, if it is indeed a good answer.
I also give GA to everyone who posts in my question/thread.
I don’t, because it interferes with the person’s ability to get lurve, by taking up an empty spot in the limit of 5.
I don’t get what the limit of 5 is? I think there is a max of points that you can get for GAs for a question, but I thought it was more than 5.
@janbb You can receive 50 GA’s on an answer, but only the first 5 will actually count.
I do, usually.. I mean, a good answer deserves the extra notation in the thread, lurve be damned.
Only the first 5 ga’s count toward lurve. If I give you a ga, instead of 5 chances to earn lurve, you only have 4 chances, because I am firing blanks, yet counting against your total of 5.
If I don’t want to get pregnant, blanks are preferable. Off-topic, but just sayin’.
I do. And like @jjmah, if I post a question and someone actually answers it, I give GA’s to both people.
So – if 25 lurve points is the max you can get for any question, but people want to show their appreciation, it would seem to me to be a better system if you got 25 points for 5 “unmaxed” GAs wherever they accumulated, not just in the first 5 GAs. Wouldn’t that solve the issue?
If I have to start keeping track of GA’s, GQ’s, who got them and when then I’ll just stop.
@janbb That’s a great suggestion and I think it was mentioned several months ago, but was obviously never implemented.
@janbb There was some talk about adjusting the algorithm, but I don’t know what happened to that. I would prefer to be able to give GAs freely without thinking that I may be depriving someone of well-earned lurve.
Are you there, FlutherGods? It’s me, @janbb.
GA is about GA. Nothing more.
This is not a good place to get your ego stroked. :-)
Apparently many of you do. I’ve been getting many great answers, but very few points.
I still do, and I also give great answers to everyone that answers my questions. like @jjmah
If it tickles or informs me then it’s getting one regardless.
It is my mission to keep all of you from gaining any lurve points. I’m gonna GA the hell out of you.
I don’t have a clue if I’ve maxed out on anyone. I don’t really even think about it. If I think it’s a GA, I click GA.
@ucme That’s the other problem. An answer may be hilarious and worthy of a GA, but if it doesn’t answer the question then it’s kind of useless. Maybe we should have Funny Answers along with Good Answers.
@mrentropy Aha, nail firmly struck on head methinks.
@ucme Don’t get me wrong, though. I appreciate a good zinger.
@mrentropy I rarely give anything other than, well relatively speaking.
Yes. At this point, I don’t know who I’ve maxed out on.
I always give a GA when I see a great answer.
I don’t pay much attention to lurve points.
My previous invocation of the Fluther Gods might have been too subtle.
loll….i thought it meant, “gorgeous ass!”
I tried to not do it, for the very reasons @dpworkin pointed out… but I just can’t help myself! It’s a reflex at this point, if I like it I GA it, before a second thought even crosses my mind. I do think there might be some fine-tuning of the algorithm in the future, but the guys are so busy doing the imperative stuff that some of the niceties take a back seat.
@Auggie – I’ll fine-tune your algorithms anytime you like, you B-U-S-T-Y lady, you!
Always. If GA isn’t gorgeous asses what’s GQ?
A men’s magazine about fashion, but that’s not important now.
(I’ve got to stop hitting the Diet Coke on Friday afternoons.)
@janbb Duel GA’s. Those fancy publications don’t reach us hicks in upstate NY.
Yes. A good answer deserves recognition. (Also, to be honest, I couldn’t care less about other users lurve score and whether or not I’mgoing to make it bigger)
@janbb I’m getting a little feeling in my pants…
@Auggie So you will be my date for the Prom?
@janbb If you and auggie are getting together for the prom, I’m there. There’s a little feeling in my pants. What’s that?
@janbb We’ll dance the night away, darling.
@Adirondackwannabe Ok, but you can only watch. Keep your tentacles to yourself!
My tentacle is crushed, and I’m almost blushing. LMAO
I definitely agree with giving a GA when I see one. Of course thats my opinion. What if you could mark ‘bad answer’ would Fluther take away lurves:-D
That would be a GBA.
Good Bad Answer.
@dpworkin Yes. I cursed. Whatcha gon’ do about it?!
I like to give credit where it is due.
You mean it doesn’t mean gorgeous ass?
I was wondering what that lil feeling in the pants was
Why not? It doesn’t cost me anything or harm the? A GA is a GA.
I always thought that little feeling in the pants was because of the gorgeous ass i was clicking, but embarrassed to say. Happy to have the company.
I just gave everyone here lurve to make up for all the times I should have.
Math makes my head hurt so I just give out GAs and don’t try to keep track of numbers (ouch)
A GA is a GA regardless of how the numbers add up, or don’t.
Just as an aside to the discussion, many of us who talk about being “maxed-out” on people just know to whom we’ve been giving GAs for many a month and thus have gone over a hundred. It’s not so much a matter of keeping track as just an awareness.
And that’s half the battle.
Brought to you by AT&T.
Yes. It’s more important to me to see what was considered a GA or GQ than the actual figure it eventually adds up to.
It still hurts my head cuz I don’t really understand the whole algorithm pattern of maxed out so don’t give GA cuz it takes away potential other GA which would count ?
Even trying to type it out so it’s not a run on sentence gives me a headache so I decided not to bother.
Hope that makes sense to anyone reading it :D
Good luck with that.
For me, Fluther is about people, not a numbers game.
If it were the reverse, I’d make sure to find a site that pays for good answers.
Hey now, there’s an idea to investigate :)
@Buttonstc Now I don’t know whether to give you a GA for that or not, but you can have a nickel!
Oh thank you kind sir (or madam)
But you can give me both :)
I wouldn’t object.
…..not too proud to accept charity. Like Blanche, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers (or friends).......
Or people in your Fluther?
(Ooh – we should do a Fluther version of Streetcar Named Desire!)
Count me in :)
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