Meta Question

Jude's avatar

Brush up on your grammar, folks, and, fellas straighten your ties, @Gailcalled has made her way into the 30K mansion?

Asked by Jude (32210points) June 18th, 2010

Congrats, country mouse! Oh, and a mouse offering from Frank to Milo. :)

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98 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Shakes fist @jjmah for beating me to it.

Congratulations, Gail! Have fun in the fancy manse!

zenele's avatar

That’s nice, dear. Congratulations!

janbb's avatar

Not sure if we should be partying since the Queen doesn’t approve of these lurve-fests, but I will go down on one knee anyway and doff my cap to the Queen of Fluther!

Mazel Tov, Your Royal Highness!! It is always a pleasure to be corrected by you or duel you to a draw in a pun war.

(And Mazel Tov to Milo too – feline extraordinaire!)

rebbel's avatar

I am going to make @gailcalled replie to this thread very soon.
@gail, congratulations on that 30.000, and thanks for correcting me (and us?) on my writing!
And your answers aren’t bad either.

J0E's avatar

Your one of my favorite jellies, great job, and congrats to.

Jude's avatar

Not quite a jellyfish (it’s an octopus); taken moments ago on my Dad’s old barber chair.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Well done! Congrats to the Queen of Fluther!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Awesome job. All the way to the big house! Congrats

Arp's avatar

Woah. I am sooo slow 0_0

TooBlue's avatar

If these congratulatory threads ever want to be genuine, there shouldn’t be any great answers given out. Did I ruin the party? Or state what everyone’s thinking?

Vunessuh's avatar

Way to go! Congratulations!

aprilsimnel's avatar


Golly gee whillikers! This calls for a parade! Huzzah to Gail!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Woo hoo! Well done @gailcalled

zenele's avatar

@J0E Before @gailcalled corrects you, it’s “you’re” not “your”. It’s also “too”, not “to”.

rangerr's avatar

Isn’t 30k the island…?
Congrats!! The island will have proper grammar for a while now!

And congrats to you too, Milo. May there be plenty of critters for you to chase.
And to teach the human language to.

janbb's avatar

@rangerr I believe it should “and to whom teach the human language” but I may be wrong.

chyna's avatar

I wanted to host this party. hmmmf
Ok, I’ll just tell it like it is, Gailcalled is my very favorite jelly of all time. 30K is a fine achievement, and Gail is a very fine lady with a very fine cat. I am very fortunate to have the pleasure of knowing Gail. I hope I spelled everything correctly.

Seaofclouds's avatar


CMaz's avatar

Congratulations, and enjoy that great big house.

All three of you Blackbeards. :-)

Buttonstc's avatar

Gail, one of my most favorite of erudite jellies.

What a well-deserved honor. Congrats on the big 30K. If you get lonesome in those exalted climes, at least you have Milo for company.

Enjoy your celebration.

ucme's avatar

Kongratulashuns, oops wrong place for spelling incorrectly, anyway you get my drift. Well done. Hoorah!!

Buttonstc's avatar


Actually, it would correctly be

” and to whom to teach the human language”

Just left out one “to”.

Boy was that a pain to type on an iPhone :)

bhec10's avatar

Congratulations @gailcalled !!

Great achievement!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

What an accomplishment! Congratulations!

AmWiser's avatar

Again I repeat….Hellllloooooo up there. It’s me down here. CONGRATULATIONS. I can only dream of one of these days.

jonsblond's avatar

@gailcalled You inspire me to think twice before I write. You also inspire me to learn Finnish. ;) Congratulations!

Cruiser's avatar

Big time congratulations! WOW! 30 grand! Time for a party!!

erichw1504's avatar

Holy lurve! Congratulations on an amazing 30k @Gailcalled!!!

AstroChuck's avatar

Gale, I is so hapy four you! You is definately wun of my faverite jellys hear on fluther.
But seriously, you really are one of my favorites. Congrats and onward to 40K!

loser's avatar

WOW!!! Congrats!

forestGeek's avatar

Well done gailcalled, looking forward to the next 30K! :) Congratulations and cheers!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

dpworkin's avatar

How do you allocate the points between GC and Milo? I demand a commission of investigation.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Congratulations Gail!

wilma's avatar

Congratulations Gail!

tinyfaery's avatar

Wowzers! I am holding myself back from spelling everything wrong. Congrats. I don’t think I’ll ever make it to the 30K island, so tell Milo he can rest easy, for now.

liminal's avatar

I was wondering why I saw Milo at the cleaners picking up his tux. Congratulations!

filmfann's avatar

Congrats to one of the legends of Fluther!

ipso's avatar


It’s great to float here with you and Milo.

kevbo's avatar

It’s lovely having you around, Gail. Congrats!

Dog's avatar

Awesome! I do hope Milo will like the new digs!

MissAnthrope's avatar

Congrats, @gailcalled & Milo!!

Facade's avatar

That’s quite an accomplishment. Congrats.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Angel and Simba send fresh catnip for Milo.

MissAusten's avatar

Wow! Yay for you!! I’m so tempted to misspell everything in this quip, but can’t bring myself to do it.

casheroo's avatar


cookieman's avatar

Pack a bag Milo!! Your hopping a puddle-jumper and moving to the island.

Congratulations @gailcalled. You’re one-of-a-kind and Fluther wouldn’t be Fluther without you.

syz's avatar

Good God! I didn’t know it was possible! Congratulations!

jazmina88's avatar

30K….now that is blingy!! So bright, I need shades. You are queen of the flutherverse.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Congratulation and thank you for being so constructive! Everyone here know you really deserve it.

PupnTaco's avatar

Well-deserved, Gail!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Congratulations! Simply amazing!

Jeruba's avatar

(Ahem) This post is not for gailcalled. I doubt that she will be here to enjoy the celebration in her honor. I don’t think she will even sneak in lurker-style and read this.

So this is not to congratulate gailcalled. No, sir. This is my congratulations to fluther for keeping our Gail interested and active to the tune of 30k lurve. I wish us many more.

kenmc's avatar

Holy crap, take it easy!

OreetCocker's avatar

Great job @gailcalled, congratulations!

Fyrius's avatar

Contralugations! It’s quite a number.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Always a pleasure. Thanks for being here.

Kayak8's avatar

Is it an accident that one of my favorite Jellies just reached her pearl milestone? I think not. I just never guessed that @gailcalled would be XXX rated! Thank you for your many contributions to one of my favorite places!

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here; Small-brained Gail is running around, looking for me and hoping to stuff me into that damned carrier and drive long enough for me to barf in the car, just to get my nails cut. Later, guys. I have to find another hiding place.

Coloma's avatar

Congrats Gail..I always enjoy your posts and identify with your lifestyle, Milo and your love of gardening, amongst your thoughtful and bright replies to questions. ;-)

I think we all should form an investment collective…like a monthly pool…with a monthly winner of the pot for GQ’s & GA and points earned in that space…lol

The Fluther lotto….

Everyone kicks in a dollar a week, hmmmm…..$4 per month x….hundreds….would make a nice little honey pot! haha

Oh never mind….the powers that be would never allow it….lolol

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here again: Well, Gail was hoping to have a minute to post, but I made her pay for that 28 mile drive. She is busy hosing off the carrier and the towel, throwing away the newspapers she had covered the back seat of the car with, and trying to get back on my good side. (Unlikely since she had to give me a warm sponge bath as well.)

And remember folks, I don’t wear a tux, but top hat, white tie and a tail (since I already have one).

janbb's avatar

@Milo This party is supposed to be for @gailcalled . You are crashing it, pussycat!

BoBo1946's avatar

Congratulations Gail!

Fred931's avatar


Happie 30k!

KatawaGrey's avatar


Did I spell that right…? ;P

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Congratulations Gail!! I can’t even imagine how opulent your mansion must be!

mangeons's avatar

Congratulations Gail! Never making a mistake, you’ve been our grammar expert for a long while. We’re very lucky to have you around to correct an error whenever one occurs, so that Fluther language is always of the highest caliber. Congratulations on this achievement, I wish you all the best to 40k and beyond!

filmfann's avatar

Their is no one hear who knows there grammer like you! I think you’ve had a positive affect on everyone! Thanks four making us better!

janbb's avatar

I know my grammar and my grampa! Just sayin’

gailcalled's avatar

Gail here; I’ll get back to you all as soon as Milo finishes his final draft of my acceptance speech. Right now the only person he seems to be allowing me to thank is him.

wilma's avatar

I wish I could give @filmfann more lurve for that cuteness.

Buttonstc's avatar

Ahh, he was just showing off.

Methinks he is already well aware of just how cute he is :)

shego's avatar

WOW! 30K what a day! Congrats @gailcalled Hooray!

gailcalled's avatar

Well, guys, I was prepared to write something brilliant and edit-proof, but I see that Milo has eaten the speech.

And now I have to go deal with my poor mother, on week 7 in rehab, although the fractured pelvis seems to be healing. I am taking her back to her apartment for a dry run; to see whether she can function with no prompts for me.

More later. definitely.

cyn's avatar

Dear Gailcalled,
Congratulations!!!! What’s the story behind your username? I always enjoy reading your answers. They’re quite funny and grammar perfected. <3 To tell you the truth, you’re one of the first jellies I fell in lurve with- your intelligence. When I was a newbie here, you’re very nice to me. Thanks. You are a wonderful Jellie!
Much lurve,
Cyn =)

Dr_C's avatar

Ok, I put this post through the spell-check twice just to make sure I didn’t muck it up.
Congratulations @gailcalled. This is truly deserved and a long time coming.

ubersiren's avatar

I’m terribly late, but congratulations 30k times on a huge accomplishment!!

gailcalled's avatar

Dear Everyone;

First of all, I’d like to thank the Finkel gene pool.
Then thank-you to all my genial opponents in the jousting contests.
Thank-you to my beloved adopted daughters. May you be fruitful and multiply.
Thank you to the really good friends and their support during some miserable times.
Thank-you to the cat lovers who occasionally let me garner some praise.
Thank-you to the cats who PMd Milo regularly and kept his head swelled (and sweet Molly).
Thank- you to the language buffs who reminded me of why Latin, Greek, Finnish, and Yiddish are worth relearning.
Thank-you to those who introduced me to new writers and poets and painters.
Thank-you to the Fluther youth for giving me a peek at the alien but wonderful Zeitgeist.
Thank-you to all the patient techie supporters.
Thank-you to Harold for the unconditional love.
Thank-you for never misspelling “definitely” and confusing it’s w. its.
And finally, thanks for the memories.

My Summer Solstice resolution; I will solemnly swear to stop editing (unless the physical pain is unbearable).

xox, Gail (user name is a pun on Gail Calder.)

Cupcake's avatar

Yay! Late congrats to you, @gailcalled!!

gailcalled's avatar

Dear Everyone;

Forget that rubbish that @gailcalled just wrote.
I deserve all the adulation, adoration and admiration that I get.
Next time ignore all this and please just send money.

Love, Milo

chyna's avatar

Dear Milo,
You have my admiration. If I can get Chyna’s billfold, I will send you all her money. It’s probably not much though.
Love, Molly

gailcalled's avatar

Dear Molly, Of course you can outwit her. It’s easy. PM me for hints.

Love, Milo

Buttonstc's avatar

Gail Calder, the interior decorator ?

Pardon my ignorance, but that’s all that came up.

Wiki had nothing meaningful other than some local Australian political candidates.

gailcalled's avatar

@Buttonstc: No, not the interior decorator. No one particularly interesting.

filmfann's avatar

Congrats Milo!

gailcalled's avatar

@filmfann: Milo here. That’s more like it. (Where’s my cake?)

cookieman's avatar

@Milo: Your cake sir.

gailcalled's avatar

@cprevite: Milo here: That’s more like it. I was afraid Syz was going to offer one of those edible imitation litter box cakes with pieces of tootsie-rolls as fake you-know what.

Thank you very much.

gailcalled's avatar

@cprevite: Gail here; Not that anyone listens to me much with that omnipresent and blabber-mouthed cat on-line all the time, but I much prefer chocolate chip cookies.

cookieman's avatar

@gailcalled: Funny thing – me too.

and I always listen to you.

mattbrowne's avatar

The sky is the limit? No, ma’am. Here comes @gailcalled. This is so yotta, zetta, exa, peta, tera, giga, mega cool ! !! !!! !!!! !!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!

marinelife's avatar

I cannot believe that I completely missed this thread! It happened while I was out of town. Congratulations to the doyenne of Fluther. And the official Fluther pet, Milo.

Gail, you are wise, witty, and warm.

That is your charm. To say you deserve 30K-hood is an understatement.

Welcome to the island. Daloon has not staked out all the best places for his own yet.

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