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FutureMemory's avatar

(NSFW) Have you ever used a body cavity as a place of storage?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) June 18th, 2010

OK – I’ve seen these TV shows about the harsh realities of prison life, and one thing that really trips me out is how these guys will store shanks in their bums (presumably wrapped in plastic or paper to avoid internal injury) for later use – ouch! Does anyone else remember the part in Jackass when the dude put a toy car up his rectum?
Also, I have a friend that once stored acid in her vagina in order to transport it back to the States undetected (according to her the European stuff is superior to domestic varieties).
So this got me thinking, how common might this practice be? Does anyone here have experience with this, and if so, what were the circumstances?

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21 Answers

Silhouette's avatar

I once stored a ¼ gram of cocaine in my nose. Did you know once you snort it up there you can’t get it back out? I didn’t either.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Might I have crotched a bit of marijuana in order to bring it into another country?


Oh, and no circumstances.. I mean, I might have done it and I might have completely gotten away with it.

Facade's avatar

My boyfriend and I were just joking about this earlier!
I haven’t. Would I? Absolutely not maybe

Vunessuh's avatar

Well, I’ve stored a tampon up my cooch and a remote up my butt to keep from losing it, but that’s about it.

jazmina88's avatar

acid in your vajayjay, can hide acid anywhere…...that was silly.
from what I’m told.

SamIAm's avatar

@Silhouette : i wish i could give more than one GA for that, thanks for the laugh – i needed it.

slipperyguitar's avatar

When I was little, I put my finger in my butt. I don’t think you’d ever need to hide/smuggle a finger though.

Facade's avatar

@slipperyguitar That’s an awesome story lol

unused_bagels's avatar

I’m going to make my wife wear a buttplug when she goes to work… does that count as storage?

Buttonstc's avatar

I once thought about it, but realized my CD collection wouldn’t fit, so I just bought a shelf instead.

ratboy's avatar

I once carried my pet toad in my mouth on airliner so that he wouldn’t have to ride in stowage.

gorillapaws's avatar

This question reminded me of that scene in “The Goonies” when Mouth was trying to smuggle all of those jewels and gold in his mouth. Wish I could find a link to the clip, but no luck.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Yeah. I was in a car accident recently, and take pain killers or muscle relaxers every now and again for it (a couple times a month). However, a couple weeks ago, my neck was having a really crap day, and a relative I haven’t seen in awhile came into town for a night. This relative happens to have an on-again off-again addiction with various substances, and I didn’t want to take any chances of her going through my purse. So grabbed an almost empty chapstick tube, stuck a couple pills in it, and stuck it in my vagina. I ended up taking a pill later on that night when I went to the bathroom.

ItsAHabit's avatar

Nope! Never even considered it. Ouch!

ucme's avatar

No but I have been known to crack open a Bud using my butt.That’s the beer not a friend I hasten to add.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

No and I’ve had no reason yet to consider it. What fascinates me is that people can get stuff up their butts at all, mine is non compliant. I too have watched movies where prisoners cram big ole things up their bottoms with apparant ease, it’s amazing.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Neizvestnaya “I too have watched movies where prisoners cram big ole things up their bottoms with apparant ease, it’s amazing.”

I think prison sex may help “loosen” things up a bit… <shudders>

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Kind of off topic but do stretched out bum holes become incontinent over time? I keep reading where people have to go bigger and bigger if they start putting stuff up there. Omg, where is my mind today.

Buttonstc's avatar

Haven’t you guys ever seen Goatse ?


Berserker's avatar

@Buttonstc Yes, and ew.

And no, I’ve never stuck anything weird in any hole, at least, not with the purpose of storage.

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