What will be the implications be if all white people become extinct?
I read on a website that whites will be the minority race in two hundred years from now, what do you think will be the ecconomic, political and religous implications?
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105 Answers
Sunscreen sales will plummet.
That will be crap one, by that time I’ll be gone to a better place!
It’s not the white people who will go extinct, it’s people’s white skin.
People will be people.
I’d like to think racism will decline, but I bet it won’t. There’ll just be different aggressors and victims. It’s not a sin that’s owned by a single group.
I like to think the world is moving in a positive direction in terms of peace, harmony, science, technology, and more, I don’t think race will matter at all in 200 years. So my answer is there will be no significant impact on the world if whites are a minority.
It’s never going to happen. Melanin clines are well established in the genome. More than that, it doesn’t matter at all, because it is of no objective importance. It is a tiny part of genetic variety, and nearly meaningless. There are no races.
@antimatter Was the website implying Whites are Christians, and other races are more likely to be Muslim, Buddhist, non-Chrisitans? I just ask because you mention religion and politics.
@JLeslie Thanks.I have been struggling with sleep aids, and I have melatonin on the brain.
I don’t think it would make much difference.
@dpworkin So you don’t think we will become browner as a population? I’m not sure if the OP is accounting for, let’s say bi-racial and multi-racial children, for lack of a better word, or if the OP is only talking about non-caucasian populations growing at faster rates.
No the white population according to world senses. Type in by Google ’ WHITES WAKE UP’
These traits are distributed by climate for the most part, Northern Europeans need to be able to manufacture Vitamin D, and do not need protection from UV, so there will be constant evolutionary pressure to maintain the lack of melanin.
Wow – @ItsAHabit said something I agree with!
The country – I assume we are talking about America here – has been evolving and changing ethnically since its inception. It will continue to evolve and change. One of America’s great strengths has been its ability to absorb – not always perfectly – peoples from different parts of the world. This will continue.
@janbb I am beginning to regret that I was so harsh with @ItsAHabit. He/she seems to be able to roll with the punches, and doesn’t try to defend the indefensible. Welcome to Fluther, @ItsAHabit.
@antimatter Don’t you think “Whites Wake Up” is a loaded search term? Wouldn’t you be suspicious of the results?
Really bad wedding dances will finally be able die a well deserved long overdue death.
@dpworkin I think we screw around with evolution since we are protected from the elements. Like holding onto fat stores in the winter. At least in America, most people live in a heated and airconditioned habitat, no need for our bodies to climate adjust really. To your point, the more we protect ourselves from the sun, maybe the whiter the population will get over thousands of years?
@Cruiser Haha. I have to agree with that.
@antimatter Whites wake up? I agree with @janbb suspicious.
We can’t screw around with sunlight ratios in Northern Europe.
Yes I am, but than I did a little more reading regarding world population and it seems there may be some concrete facts.
I think ALL people should exit the planet and allow mother earth to restore herself to her original glorious Eden.
If the universe wants people to show up again..it’ll happen. lol
I don’t see how this matters. I see no reason why it would have any effect whatsoever on the world around us. Maybe I don’t really understand the question, or the point of the question, who knows.
I find this question to be loaded with bigoted, racist undertones. The question infers that there is something inherently wrong with whites becoming a minority. By white, I’m assuming @antimatter is referring to Caucasians. The fact is that whites already are a minority of the world population. Non-whites make up about 65% of the world population as it is already.
And there’s nothing wrong with that. The world still turns on its axis and revolves around the sun. The seasons still follow their order. Rain falls. The sun shines. People breathe, eat, give birth, live, and die.
People also continue to create great beauty and commit acts of horror regardless of race, religion, or other definers.
What difference does the skin color make in the grand scheme of things? Nothing.
So more women will look like Halle Berry, Rosario Dawson and Olivia Munn?
I’m in.
Power to the whitey!
In that happens in 200 years. By then, it will really not be an issue.
Power to the molato!
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Whites already are a minority, at least the lily whites of northern Europe. Has the world ended? No.
I think it’s pretty unlikely whites will be extinct. Though the implications are fairly meaningless. I do think it’s sad to lose genetic diversity, though.
@jaytkay That’s my reaction as well, but if I have to wait 200 years for such largess of beauty, chances are I will be in no position to exploit it. I will be well past 250 years old, and my exercise routine can only do so much to slow the impact of passing time.
If Hispanics are not lumped in with whites, then whites will become make up less than 50% newborns in the US population by next year. Right now, whites not including Hispanics make up 66% of the US population.
If you broaden your scope to the entire world, whites are already a distinct minority. The breakdown is thus:
Asians 56.4%
Africans 13.5%
Europeans 12.9% (including nations that were part of the Soviet Union)
Latin America and Caribbean 8.7%
North America (U.S. and Canada) 5.1%
Near East 2.9%
Oceania 0.5%
I couldn’t find specific numbers for the racial demography of the world, but clearly from continental populations, whites are already a minority. The majority are Asians. But as @dpworkin pointed out, there is no likelihood of the “genes conferring “white skin disappearing in 200 years is zero unless there is some massive campaign to eliminate them.
@bolwerk There is more genetic diversity among a group of black-skinned people than between a group of white and a group of black. You will lose no diversity whatsoever.
” Melanin clines are well established in the genome. More than that, it doesn’t matter at all, because it is of no objective importance. It is a tiny part of genetic variety, and nearly meaningless. There are no races.”
KUDOS! You got something right for a change! LMO!
Any chance this website was the American Nazi Party website?
@dpworkin: I know, but if a gene is lost, it’s lost. Diversity goes down. I think it’s nice to have people that look different in the world.
@CaptainHarley I’d appreciate it if you would get off my back. I don’t find you amusing, I don’t find you clever, I do find you irritating, and you seem to be dogging my tracks. Another Flutherite just PM’d me that I seem to have picked up a shadow. By that s/he meant you. Well stop.
@bolwerk – There are scientific advantages to having genetic diversity in any species. But in the case of humans, I think it would solve a slew of social problems if all humans mixed together onto a single “race.”
@HungryGuy There are no “Races”. Your wish has already come true.
if a gene is lost, it’s lost. Diversity goes down. I think it’s nice to have people that look different in the world.
So we all have to be tribal racists to be politically correct?
No gene gets “lost” in the production of skin-tone. The same set of genes are expressed differently (It’s a polygenic phenomenon.)
The skin tones of humans have evolved over time and they will continue to do so. The implications? More evidence that evolution takes place. More evidence that “race” is a false construct.
@HungryGuy – you are kidding, right? I wasn’t even talking about the advantages. I just think having no visual differences would be boring. But genetic diversity is critical to a species’ survival (though race is probably not).
@dpworking – okay, so, losing a kind of expression isn’t a loss of diversity? It doesn’t seem any better to me.
First of all, it’s not getting lost, second of all, it fools you because the effect is so noticeable (e.g. skin color) but it is a vanishingly tiny part of genetic diversity.
@dpworkin: eh, I am very well aware of that. Losing its expression would still be a loss of genetic diversity and, more tragically, the tapestry of human appearance. It would be equally tragic to lose any other “race.”
What makes you think that’s happening?
The premise is ridiculous.
You think all the people in Sweden and Rwanda will soon look alike? Tokyo will be indistinguishable from Rio? Salt Lake City will be Afro/Asian/Euro/Indian?
@jaytkay Yeah – the faux-issue being raised in all this isn’t really about whiteness disappearing is it, so much as whites losing their supposed power because they are even more in the minority. Didn’t “the white man’s burden” concept fade when the sun set on the British Empire? Shouldn’t it have?
@dpworkin: where did I say it’s happening? The OP’s question was “What will be the implications be if all white people become extinct?” I commented on the implications, not the possibility, which I already agreed is silly.
And @janbb is exactly right. Cellar-dwelling Internet white males get nervous at the prospect that they won’t be king anymore. Part of the teabagger phenomenon is probably similar angst from poorly educated middle aged white bourgeois types.
I don’t think this question is just about skin color, it is asking about stereotypes and generalizations that come with race and ethnicity I think. Someone said to me a few months ago that there aren’t any countries with non-white governments that are industrialized countries, they are all third world. Is that true?? I think that is probably more what these people who are so worried about whites dissappearing are getting at They feel superior.
@dpworkin But we are supplementing D now, so maybe we will all get darker? I wish I were a few shades darker, I like a nice suntan.
@bolwerk There can always be a new mutation, and I don’t think it would be lost, it is simply recessive I would guess, if we are just talking skin color.
@ETpro I think in America we count Near East and Middle East as white? I think they are a different race, but the census doesn’t. And, I know people argue there is no such thing as race, but when I look at my husband and I look at me, you can tell we are from different parts of the globe.
That’s not your race, that’s just a regional variation.
@dpworkin OK, I think my husband is a variant. LOL. I don’t think any of it matters anyway. I just want his thick wavy hair.
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Uhhh, how did you jump from “whites will be the minority race” to “white people become extinct”? Those two (dare I call them) statements are not the same thing.
And based on current trends, there will probably be an increasing number of areas where the classification of “Caucasian” will no longer be the majority of the population. So what?
@syz Uhhh, how did you jump from “whites will be the minority race” to “white people become extinct”?
Funny. We jumped to conclusions and answered a question which was not asked.
1) OP should have provided a link
2) We should have asked for a link
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I would think whites have always been in the minority, globally.
Internationally, whites have always been a minority probably.
@bolwerk Maybe it depends on who we include as white?
You are probably referring to white people in the US not the world because whites are already the minority worldwide.
Well, when you are talking about being in the minority in the US, are you talking about the minority compared to all non whites or a specific non white, such as blacks. If you are comparing to all non whites, which is what I see most people do, that is incorrect because not all non whites are one ethnicity.
Ok, assuming that whites do, indeed, become a minority in the US.
So freaking what. Us non whites have been minorities for our entire lives. Last I checked, nobody is trying to commit me to a mental facility so being of an ethnic minority has not resulted in me going stark ravers. Last I checked I am pretty much like everyone else.
Why do you think that whites could not handle being a minority as well as any current minority person? What are whites lacking that we do not?
Get real.
@Arisztid Hi! Haven’t seen you in a while. Interesting how you interpreted that question. I didn’t think of it in terms of white people “handling it” I thought of it in terms of these white people who are worried about it as thinking when the minorities grow in numbers and take charge everything will go down hill. Not that I think that, you can see my first answer at the top that I think race is a non-issue. Or, as @dpworkin says regional variants :).
I think you are right that the website the OP refers to probably means the US. Which is already only 65% White, the US that is, and that includes Middle East as white and other countries along the mediteranian like Spain and Portugal as white, which I think these people who are all afraid of the white race dissappearing wouldn’t even count them as white.
@JLeslie That is the thing… why would they be unable to not handle being in absolute charge of things any more than we are? Why would things go downhill if this was so? What are we lacking for anyone to make that assumption? I will agree with you that that is part of the issue of this fear. There are other parts, of course.
Most of the hollering I hear is, to me, illogical. As a member of a dinky minority, I just do not get it. I have lived 48 years as a minority person and come through pretty much ok. Being a minority has not ruled my life.
Why would it rule the lives of whites?
@Arisztid I think its the associations they make with the minority groups. The stereotypes and generalizations. If we are talking about Americans here, I think the white people who is worried associate the minority groups who are growing by leaps and bounds as not being “American” or that the country will stop being what they believe America is. I guess. I am just guessing. Like I said above (not sure how thoroughly you read the thread) someone recently said to me that there are no industrialized nations that were run by minoirty leaders and governments, they are all third world. I have no idea if that is actually true, I actually could not come up with one to argue back with this idiot, but anyway, these racists associate the civilized world with being white I guess? Or, some crazy shit like that.
Why do you think that whites could not handle being a minority as well as any current minority person?
Because of what I hear from FOX “News”, AM radio, teabaggers, the GOP…
@JLeslie I agree with you there. However, it is all generalizations and stereotypes and, according to them, I would be out picking pockets while having less than a 5th grade education rather than working as a phlebotomist with, obviously, some education. I would be in a “Gypsy wagon” (yes, they say that) rather than in a pleasant home filled with antiques. I certainly would not be sitting here drinking my morning coffee (I work night shift), chatting on the computer.
I had not read the thread thoroughly. Ok, for industrialized nations run by non white governments, how about [picks one] Japan. Another… China. I could go on.
I am not going to argue back and forth about it either. I usually stay out of these things by now because it is a lose lose argument.
@jaytkay So true so true! thankyou for my first out loud laugh of today
What if we all mutate and cannot see with our eyes?
We’ll have to feel each others’ hearts.
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@dpworkin I guess it just runs in the, err, blood. My parents were from there with me being American so I guess that is why I just draw the stuff for tests.
@MissA , sadly, that would not stop discrimination, including racism. If we all were of the same physical appearance, bigotry would just latch on to something else.
@Arisztid One thinks of Dr. Seuss and the “stars upon thars.”
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“Type in google ‘whites wake up”
LOLOLOL…Right, that’s what I’m going to do…because I’m supposed to understand this as a ‘threat’ and wake up from this anti-racism nonsense I’ve been doing. Thanks. And why does no one ever ask about blacks being the minority or what if all hispanics disappeared?
I agree, but only if you chill with the tired, repetitive, snide remarks. And let’s not forget that you started it, shall we?
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There would be a lot less skin cancer in the world.
Soooo, I did google ‘whites wake up’ and got something about the Oscars…fascinating
One would think googling ‘whites wake up’ would result with treatises on how the power of privledge can sometimes blind people to suffering. hmm, suprise
I didn’t read the previous comments so I’m just gonna answer the question.
I think the biggest issue here is defining what exactly a white person is. If you go back far enough, we’re all genetically African and I think we can all agree that doesn’t qualify as “white.” Many people we qualify as African-American also have quite a bit of Caucasian ancestry descendants of slaves, for example, because slaves were often raped by their white masters and sometimes there were “love” relationships between black slaves and their white masters, though this was very rare so would they count as white? Also, where would you place Hispanics? People we qualify as “Hispanic” or “Latino” are actually amalgams of different races one of which that which we call “white.”
Personally, I think there would be no implications of white people becoming extinct because then a whole bunch of the people in world would have to die. The same would be true of any of the races.
Who cares? As long as the human race continues to exist.
And most likely the longer it exists the more “racial” blending there will be.
Very white, very black, very yellow persons may in the future be rarer and hence ‘exotic.’
@anartist The belnd would be cool. I think milk chocolate color skin is the most attractive.
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All purebreds, including Whites, will definitely be extinct sometime in the future.
Good riddance.
The implications will be the de-homogenization of our culture. Something that guys like David Duke and Pat Buchanan are scared to death of. All the more reason to celebrate it.
@Kraigmo If only that were true. Members of the human race seem to have the uncanny ability to marginalize and attack anyone not like themselves.
Skin color is just the most obvious thing to marginalize. There are plenty of other things people can (and will) draw upon to hate or seek dominance over one another.
@SABOTEUR , I think the trajectory we are on, shows a mixed single race, in the far future. And I also think that’s a lot less stress. It removes one factor people use.
I agree about how people can move on to other factors, though. Even after we solve all of society’s groups’ problems, people will still discriminate and dominate, based on personality. And that problem will exist for a long, long time; thousands of years.
@Kraigmo the homogenization or blending.[Homogenized milk mixes the cream that used to sit on top with the milk]
@Arisztid Japan, thank you, I will use that one if it ever comes up again. China won’t work, because they are communist, and these white supremist types are all wound up about communists, socialists, and atheists.
Only the most ignorant fools believe that there is such a thing as “pure” races. That rhetoric lives only among inbred hillbilly neonazis and KKK creeps. Anyone who has actually spent more than 5 minutes investigating human history realizes that the history of humans everywhere is one of invasions and numerous occasions of blending genestocks. The modern British for instance are a result of the many peoples who have invaded, occupied and passed through those islands, including vikings, Saxons, Celts, Romans, and so forth. When a group of people become isolated, as on an island, and they interbreed, this is not a good thing; they develop genetic problems ranging from allergies to alopecia, deafness, and even heart and brain abnormalities. The real eye opener of human history is to realize you’re the result of not only a mix of races, but also a mix of species. Much of your genetic material includes non-human DNA. Including both similar species such as Neanderthals, and dna from far distant species including bacteria and viruses. These are not small and insignificant elements of our being; over 100,000 elements on our DNA are now believed to be viral in origin.
Shifts in the relative frequency of skin tone will have no greater implications than the shift in the frequency of genes for earlobe shape.
Only ignorant racists believe there is such a thing as someone of “pure” racial makeup.
The sooner we set aside our foolish preconceptions about how skin colour or facial features or hair texture relate to valued human personal characteristics, the better off we all will be.
Everyone is missing the biggest implication of the extinction of whites: rap music will finally stop being popular.
Why? I’m Jewish, and I like Hip-Hop.
You don’t have to be Jewish to love Levy’s.
that’s what I thought you’d say
(I love levis – must be in the jeans.)
@bolwerk When whites are extinct rap music will stop being popular?
Same as if all people with brown eyes or all people with brunette hair become extinct. Skin color like other minor human features are not relevant to the overall survival of our species. If all men become extinct the women got a problem. There are sperm banks, but those require electricity. Most of the tech personnel is male.
Hmmm, @mattbrowne got me thinking.
There is a dating website for redheads; the creator of the site doesn’t want the recessive trait to dissapear. He doesn’t appear to have any feelings of redheads being “better.” My impression is he just does not want to see something that is a strong part of his identity dissappear off the face of the earth. I guess maybe it is like Jews not wanting Judaism to stop existing, which I can identify with. It’s a little different for white people, since that trait is not close to extinction, but I think maybe all groups who feel pride in their uniquiness want their group to continue maybe? Seems like it might be instinctual is some ways.
My skin color is not what defines me in my mind, in fact I would love to be a little darker, so the browning of America is insignificant to me. Even my being Jewish is a conflict in my head, because I do have that feeling of wanting the Jews to survive and grow in numbers. I was watching a TV show about tracing back families, and one was Jewish and went back to Poland to learn about what happened to her relatives, it was the actress Lisa Kudrow, and Jews in the town where her family had lived were shot at he edge of a mass grave/pit, and then their bodies were burned while some were still alive. Anyway, she found a long lost cousin who her father thought was dead, and he had a child and grandchild, and it made me want to have 10 children. But I also am an atheist and think religion is a mess a lot of the time that helps fuel separation among people and wars.
@JLeslie Welcome to my world! Oh – You’re already in it.
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