Meta Question

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Is there any chance that Fluther might introduce a NSFW tab anytime in the near future?

Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous (11295points) June 19th, 2010

I hesitate to ask some NSFW questions under the other tabs because I really don’t want to offend sensitive jellies. But, I do love reading and answering “Adult” questions and as I said, I have a few of my own. Is there a problem with having a separate tab?

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23 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Seems like a good idea.

Vunessuh's avatar

At first I was going to say there’s not enough NSFW questions to actually create a separate tab for it, but then I realize that if there is a tab, it would encourage more NSFW questions because then people wouldn’t have to worry about offending or annoying others and in turn feel freer to be able to ask and express whatever they want. So, I agree that it’s a good idea.

jrpowell's avatar

Can I get a iPhone tab? And cooking, and “Does she/he like me?”

The big problem seems to be with space. Adding a tab would make it look like 25% of the site was NSFW stuff.

On my old site I hid anything tagged with a certain word “Hammertime” from the main page. So you simply had to look for the tag “Hammertime” to find it. And if you added a question you would tag it “Hammertime” to put it there. Everyone seemed to get it. It wasn’t elegant but it worked.

ETpro's avatar

I have participated in another social Q&A site that had a separate adult area complete with the Yes I am 18 or older checkbox to sign in. It worked well, got some great questions, was quite active, but didn’t offend anyone who did not want to read what was there. The only link to it was in the small links at the very bottom of the page, so you just never accidentally ended up there. Something like that could work.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

We’d know who the pervies are. ;) Seriously, it seems like it would be a fun thing.

rangerr's avatar

I hope not.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

It could be beneficial to have some link, discretely placed to channel NSFW discussions. I don’t believe it should be a tab on the top line.

Jeruba's avatar

I like the “Hammertime” solution.

cookieman's avatar

Yes, but the tab must be discretely wrapped in black kraft paper.

zenele's avatar

I like @ETpro ‘s solution. It also keeps the 18 and under folks out. The last part was ~.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

AB had a nice, homey little section like that. It worked out well. All gone now.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I appreciate your suggestion JP but not sure I understand how space is a factor. How does another tab take up space? Do you mean that many more questions might be asked in a new NSFW tab as to cause space issues? I really can’t see how that would happen. Also, a cooking or iphone tab wouldn’t be necessary since I don’t see those types of questions as being potentially offensive. I think the idea of a small out of the way tab would be great.

cookieman's avatar

So the icon for the “General” tab is Dr. J – for the “Social” tab a party hat – the “Just for You” tab a treasure chest – and the “Meta” tab a fish.

What would the icon be for a “NSFW” tab I wonder?

HungryGuy's avatar

I think it would be a great idea! Though having General, Social, Just For You, Meta, and NSFW may make the link bar a little too cluttered. But then, each member could indicate in their account page whether or not they want to see NSFW questions; if they don’t, then the NSFW tag will be invisible to them (they also have to be over 18 to see it).

But that doesn’t solve the problem of NSFW answers to regular questions, as regular questions occasionally get NSFW answers.

HungryGuy's avatar

@cprevite – Here’s an idea for a symbol: How about the silhouette of a nude woman with the international NO symbol over it?

zenele's avatar

Or a big YES! over it?

HungryGuy's avatar

@zenele – Indeed :-)

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Ugh. There are already too many tabs.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I think that as long as we maintain the present conventions, everything is fine. There are other sites that specialize in sexual themes; no need to re-create that here.

2prudes's avatar

That would be nice, I do love a good spicy q.

Eggie's avatar

That would definitely be a good idea.

ETpro's avatar

My vote is YES, we should do that. The current system forces even those who might find the question itself offensive to view it before skipping over. Also, simply having {NSFW} in front of a line of text isn’t going to help much if the question is about a sexually explicit topic and it flashes up on somebody’s screen at work, or before a crowd who would be offended.

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