If someone drank as much alcohol as they did caffeine, would they be dead?
For example, I tend to drink about 2 cups of coffee, an energy drink, & 10 cans of soda a day. If I replaced the caffeine in those drinks with alcohol, what would happen?
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24 Answers
Nah, I’m not even sure you’d notice. Your body probably takes in more alcohol by accident each day.
According to this, a typical coffee serving as 90–150mg of caffeine. Just assuming the soda has the same amount, the amount you’re taking in barely registers as a a fraction of the weight of alcohol in a standard drink.
A standard U.S. drink is 0.6oz or about 17g (that’s 17,000mg) of alcohol. The size of a standard drink varies to keep the alcohol level consistent so, in theory, a shot of whiskey should have about the same amount of alcohol as a glass of beer.
BTW, the sugar in the soda probably does more harm than a few drinks of beer each day.
Ten cans of soda a day? O_o
Anyway, people, especially alcoholics, obviously, can consume surprising amounts of alcohol in one day. Granted, it’s no good for your health, but they won’t die, at least not right away. We also have to consider the drink itself, and the percentage of alcohol within. Two six packs a day versus two bottles of JD a day, for example. I’m unsure of how much is, generally, the limit of alcohol an average human may take in one day, but some people do worse than both my examples.
Meh, alcohol tastes better, anyways.
Yeah. I almost stopped drinking coffee. Anyway, the opposite might be true: if you replaced the alcohol in a night of moderate drinking with caffeine, you might actually give yourself a heart attack!
If you replaced each drink of caffeinated beverage with a standard alcoholic beverage, you’d be in trouble. At my worst, I was downing about 15 drinks a day, but I’m 6’5” 240 lbs. At your size and weight, that many drinks could easily put you into a coma. You’d probably pass out long before getting to that number.
@Draconess25 I’m seriously impressed. At your body weight, that should have killed you. With that high a tolerance for alcohol, you really have to be careful; you can ruin any number of vital organs with high alcohol consumption. I know from firsthand experience.
@bolwerk Very true. But there are some people like @Draconess25 who lack that protective response and can also remain conscious with incredible BAC levels. People like her have to be very careful.
A partner of mine drank 1–2 bottles of hard alcohol everyday for years and he never came close to dying. You’ll just be a drunken mess.
@Neizvestnaya Just a race between liver and brain as to what gives out first.
@Draconess25 Wow, you drink a lot of caffiene.
A lot of the people I know who are around my parents’ age (maybe 40–50) drank a lot of caffiene or alcohol when they were younger and then gave it up. That seems to be a symptom of aging into a responsible citizen. Right now, I sometimes drink unhealthy amounts of caffiene and alcohol, and I also smoke. I figure I’ll grow out of it, or I’ll die- but either way, these habits won’t last forever.
Too much soda per day will eventually ruin your throat and stomach. You’ll want to exercise caution.
@Haleth I agree with you. In my 50s I’m cutting back on caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. There is something about middle age and impending mortality that seems to drive this. I’m down to one espresso, two drinks and ten cigs (good French Galoises) per day now. I’m working with the patch and fake e-cigs to taper off the nicotine addiction. A glass of wine with dinner and a Glenfiddich on the rocks in the evening. Pity the Indonesian clove-flavored Garams are no longer available.
I average 6 to 8 cups of coffee a day. if this were straight vodka, i would be a dead man.
Wow! 10 cans of soda a day? That’s seriously bad. You must get terrible headaches. That’s roughly half a kilo of sugar. It’s amazing how resilient the body can be.
@TooBlue Nope, no headaches. I almost never get headaches. My only problem with caffeine & alcohol is that they both make my hands all shaky. I already slur my speech & talk extremely fast, so my speech isn’t affected. And I already run into walls, but that’s because I’m half-blind & a total ditz. The only time I don’t get shaky hands in when I have alcohol & caffeine together, like right now: Mountain Dew & red wine.
@Draconess25 You need a slow withdrawal and detox, preferably at some luxury spa.
@Draconess25 You and your ladies are welcome at our farm anytime. :^)
@Draconess25 Our farm is very peaceful and spa-like.We have a hot tup as well as an icy spring-fed pond. Todays temperature got up to 86F. Guests are not field-hands (although many do some work because it’s such a pleasant break from city life).
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