What is ping.chartbeat.net, and why does it make Fluther so slow?
Asked by
Kraigmo (
June 22nd, 2010
I see things similar to this at other websites, too, such as abc.com. And they get clogged up by it, too.
What exactly is it?
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4 Answers
It’s an analytics tool that we use to monitor whether or not our site is up as well as get alerts when traffic surges happen (and it certainly does). Here’s a screenshot of the kind of data we see (and you can check out the live demo site if you are curious). It’s helpful for figuring out when someone links to us and sends us a ton of traffic or when one specific page is being slow (and dragging down the rest of the site).
If we didn’t have this kind of tool we wouldn’t know when the site is down (and since there’s only four of us 24/7 monitoring isn’t feasible). It shouldn’t be slowing downing the page load times since it doesn’t load anything until after the rest of the page is loaded.
We use three analytics tools and they are a crucial part of the way we keep the site up and running as well as helping us make informed decisions about which features people use and don’t use so we can focus our time on what’s important.
I was having the same problem with it too. So I started blocking it with Adblock Plus. pic
@krave , thanks for that link. I’m glad Chartbeat addressed this. I’m still suspicious somewhat, but I’ll have to go with what Chartbeat said in that posting of theirs.
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