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kevbo's avatar

Speaking of the 50s and 60s, were you promised a jet pack?

Asked by kevbo (25680points) June 22nd, 2010

Here it is!

* “Range 31.5 miles (at max speed of 63 mph as required by FAA part 103).”

* “For the recreational market they will use premium gasoline, the same as an automobile.”

* “Martin Aircraft has built several prototypes so we have a good idea how much they cost to manufacture. Depending on production volume, the initial cost will be about the same as a high-end motorcycle or car. As volume increases this will drop to be similar to a mid-range motorcycle or car.”

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3 Answers

jazmina88's avatar

you’re right…...holy jetsons….a real jet pack!!

AmWiser's avatar

Nope hadn’t heard of ‘em. I guess I was too poor.

crankywithakeyboard's avatar

I wasn’t alive then but this question made me smile in a big way. Thanks.

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