Ear Infection - to take or not to take antibiotics?
Asked by
tan235 (
June 23rd, 2010
so i wrote about an ear infection a couple of days ago.
I still have pressure and ringing in my ear, it’s not getting hugely better but it’s not getting worse.
I have some antibiotics – Azithromycin but have not started them as my doctor keeps telling me to wait – they don’t know if its an ear infection but she ‘thinks’ it is.
It’s been 6 days, the most annoying thing is the pressure, and deafness – and the ringing.
I really want to heal this naturally, and hate antibiotics, has anyone done this naturally and if so how long did it take?
If it was a really bad infection would it hurt?
worried about it being so close to my brain and i’m a singer.
anyway…. any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
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53 Answers
Any delay in treating an ear infection increases the odds of permanent damage. If I were you, I’d start the azithromycin immediately. Take the front load with food. It will be easier on your stomach.
Sometimes the body is overwhelmed. Antibiotics are a wonderful invention. Being shy in taking them is OK and shows that you’re thinking of your body and what is best for it. BUT…. there are times when we need some help. If you are a singer, you’ll know the value of your hearing.
I have healed a throat infection naturally (with all sorts.. including smelling like a clove of garlic) but it didn’t last and in the end I needed antibiotics. I simply was prolonging the inevitable.
Antibiotics save lives. Take them sparingly… sure, but take them when needed, and it sounds like they are needed here.
See if you can make an appointment with a Ears Nose and Throat specialist and get a good idea of how to avoid them in future. Sometimes we have ears that don’t drain, or noses that are left of center and don’t drain right. They can help you. (I suffered with bloody noses for years until I saw a ENT guy who was great!)
Six days is a long time to wait with such pain. Call your doctor back and tell her that the pain is very intense and you need to know what to do immediately. In the meantime, you might want to try the hairdryer trick for earaches. Take a hairdryer on medium low setting and put the airflow next to your ear. The warmth will soothe the pain and the airflow is good for the possible infection.
All the best to you.
@MrsDufresne He has the prescription for antibiotics…. he just needs to take them and feel pain free in a day or two.
Sometimes, it is unfortunate that doctors are trained in public policy, and that interferes with treatment of the individual. The training correctly addresses the over use of antibiotics. The idea is that we don’t want to create super-bacteria that is antibiotic resistant by over using antibiotics. I’ve seen it first hand, where a doctor will not prescribe an antibiotic for two weeks, until a verifed lab test is back in his hands, identifying the precise pathogen that must be treated. If we really wanted to stop selection for super-bacteria, we would stop treating livestock and chikens with antibiotics, and use them for people only.
Has your doctor not examined you? I think they can tell right away if they take a look. My kids’ doctors always seemed so certain upon examination. It took a second and they knew. If you haven’t been examined, do so right away. If you have… maybe you should get a second opinion. I do not, however, think you should take antibiotics without a doctor’s supervision.
I’d take the antibiotics. I agree that it’s best to allow the body heal itself, but sometimes we need the extra strength. When you’re done with them, take a rec. supplement to build your immune system back up again. I’d be more concerned about the damage being done to my ear if I were you.
hey guys thanks so much, i do have the antibiotics and i’m not in pain, it’s just a full feeling in my ear – and it’s fricken annoying, i’m scared i’ll be allergic to the antibiotics…. im a paranoid human being…. surely though the body can heal itself in this instance, it just takes longer right?
@tan235 Well, if the infection spreads to your brain & you die, you won’t have the full feeling anymore. Try a few drops of alcohol, see if that helps.
@tan235 Not really. I was trying to prove a point that it’s probably not life threatening.
@BoBo1946 Wouldn’t that work along the same lines as alcohol? Drying it out?
@Draconess25 yes, but alcohol could be very painful…i wouldn’t do it. Maybe someone else here has done that.. will check that out!
Guys… DON*T be sticking things in your ear unless you know what you’re doing! Ear infections are often in the middle or inner ear. Anything you stick in the outter part will have little or no effect. Careful.
Ok I am answering here without reading all the responses at the request of another jelly. There are some types of infections which become, well let’s say seuqestered. The body cannot tackle these with the immune defenses alone. That is why antibiotics are helpful. They weaken the organsims and can get to some of the critters your immune system can’t get to. In short they work with you immune system to clear the infection.
@BoBo1946 It didn’t hurt for me. And it smells better, in my opinion.
@Draconess25 oh, HP is great for cleaning the wax out of your ears!
@BoBo1946 Really? That’s interesting, & kinda gross! I’ll try it some time.
hey i used HP and it was great but wondering if that’s what made my ear swollen… anyway Bobo sorry yeah you’re right… I just read that antibiotic i’m about to take has caused fatalities so i’m not really feeling great about taking it when my body isn’t that sick but my ear just wont unblock!
@Draconess25 it works…and better than spending the money for your ear, nose, and throat guy/girl to do it!
@BoBo1946 Why would I let some freak I don’t know near my ears?!
If you’re worried about this particular antibiotic, just ask the Doc for some Amoxicillin.
It’s been around for ages and has a high degree of effectiveness. Works for me every single time.
As long as you don’t have a known allergy to Penicillin it will be fine.
I’m amazed that it’s so many days later and you’re still putting up with this infection.
@Draconess25 oh…there will be a time you will love to see a ear, nose, and throat doctor. I’ve been going to mine for 30 years!
I agree that waiting to see if it clears on its own is a good idea, but six days is long enough, assuming you don’t have a cold along with this ear infection? If you do have a cold that is a completely different story, under the assumption you don’t, take the meds.
I am allergic to penicillin unfortunately and i do have a slight cold/sinus issue but thats almost gone.
man it’s hard being so paranoid.
i guess you just have to take it and see if you are ok?
what else is there to do really.
@BoBo1946 I’m against all synthetic chemicals. You couldn’t get me within 20 feet of them without a sharp weapon.
@BoBo1946 If I’m meant to get a deadly illness, it’s my fate. I won’t jack myself up with a bunch of drugs to mess with Fate.
@tan235 Have you tried a decongestant/antihystamine? If you have a cold you might just have a blocked eustacian tube from the cold, but not a bacterial infection.
yeah i’m on sudafed….not sure if it’s working or not, the thing is its hard to tell if it’s getting better or not…. I just think my body should be able to fight it, and i have no fever or pain – although my ear is a bit achy everynow and then – i know i’m not doing anyone any favours, but antibiotics sometimes kill people ..i mean is it worth it if it’s not that sore and obviously not affecting me to much or else i’d have a fever right.
@tan235 That was kinda the point I was making in my earlier comment.
@tan235 I don’t think Sudafed is a decongestant AND antihystamine. I don’t think you are going to die on the antibiotic, but if you are hesitant I would say this….colds last a week. Any “cold” that is 8 days or longer probably needs an antibiotic actually. Wait a couple of more days, and if you still have signs of a cold and feel blocked take the drug.
If you are allergic to penicillin, and you TOLD them so, they won’t give you something you’ll be allergic to!
I AM allergic to penicillin and have taken alternative antibiotics without any sort of reaction.
Oh, about the allergy Zithromax (Azithromycin) is not penicillin.
@Draconess25 i chose to live…take whatever i can to accomplish that! Fate has lot to do with your own choices! doesn’t it!!!!
@BoBo1946 Not so much. In the end, it’ll come back to get me. With vengeance.
hey thank you so much everyone, so appreciate reading your responses.
I have a question .. what if you test the antibiotic to see if you were allergic to it?
re : bit a little bit or crushed it with warm water to a paste and applied it to your arm like you do hair dye testing – would that work?
seriously… yes i’m being serious.
if you were allergic to it wouldn’t the body respond to a small amount?
@tan235 I wouldn’t recommend doing that.
@tan235 No, don’t do that, you will screw up the dose. When you take penicillin what is your response, rash? Can’t breath?
Maybe take the first pill with someone around, a friend, or family member, or in a public place and wait an hour or two before leaving so you feel sure you are not having an allergic response. Again the drug you were prescribed is not penicillin.
If you have a penicillin reaction the safest thing for you for the ear infection is what you have.
with penicillian i took it for 8 days and on the 8th day developed a little rash, it wasn’t itchy or anything, the doctor told me to stop taking it….. so not sure if i really have a true allergy or not.
my doctors is around the corner i guess i could stalk her and take it there – makes sense – however i wouldn’t be able to take it till monday – as on top of all this, I may be pregnant – so kinda want to wait and see….. however that would work though wouldn’t it – crushing it and seeing if it made my skin tingle?
man it’s tough being a hypochondriac… really debilitating.
@tan235 sounds like you allergy is very mild. TAKE THE ANTIBIOTIC! if they gave it to you knowing you are allergic to penicillin, you should NOT have any problem. MY reaction was MUCH MUCH worse. Heal your ear before it gets too bad.
Placing it on your arm is going to do nothing! ... GEEZ.
It is teratogenic class B, which means safe for pregnancy.
Somehow I get the impression she’s not hearing us :)
@Buttonstc I think she is. She is just afraid, as she said, and it is paralyzing her.
sorry guys i am hearing you, @Buttonstc is right, i’m worry far to much – If its not better by tomorrow i’ll take the antibiotics and I really do appreciate all your advice, seriously.
makes me feel so much better.
just a scardy cat… of a : being sick and b : antibiotics.
not a great combination.
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