Is there any way to stop the "bouncing page"?
In the “Just For You” section, whenever I click “Remove” next to a question the screen bounces to the top of the page with an “okey-dokey” remark. This is very irritating when one has 30+ questions to sort through. It also wastes my time re-finding my place in the stack each time. I use Firefox. Is there any way to block this from happening?
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9 Answers
I use Safari and cannot duplicate your problem. I click “remove” and away it goes. Poof.
It is some technical problem having to do with browser support. I think Andrew and co. are wroking on it but I’m not sure. I have the same problem too.
It goes away for me also, but not before the screen bounces to the top of the page. I remember reading something about this before, but didn’t connect it to this problem. Maybe it has something to do with a slow, complex system on my end. The farm has its own wi-fi, going through firewalls to a satellite link; there are also several extra security features that I don’t really understand (I hired an IT professional to set this up; I’m a semi-illiterate when it comes to computers). Another feedback point for Andrew & Co. to work with. It’s only headache-inducing when there’s a long list of questions.
Yeah, that has always driven me mad, too. What I’d really like to see are check boxes, where you could select any (or all) questions for removal, and then click on ‘remove’. All the ones you’ve selected would be removed in one fell swoop.
I know Bendrew is aware of it, but it’s probably low on the priority list right now.
I’m pretty sure the issue is caused by some of the JavaScript on the page not loading properly. I remember having this issue a few month ago when I would click too early. In any case, I do hope a solution is coming.
In the meantime, I got into the habit of just clicking on all links that interest me, and once I’m done that I just click “Remove All”.
@augustlan That’s a good solution to the current problem, but is still inferior to the previous system. With checkmarks, you would have to click once for each question, and then once more at the end. With just the buttons (if they worked correctly) you would only have to click once for each question.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land The way you connect to the website is not the problem.
Another solution would be to not remove them. Just ignore them altogether. That’s what I do. Right now there are about 600 or so sitting in my list but it doesn’t bother me at all.
I should give credit to John Powell who mentioned this in a discussion thread about it and I realized how much time it would save.
@Buttonstc I actually wrote a Greasemonkey script that shows it as 0 no matter what.
YES @augustlan check boxes—bulk removal
Please bendrewim! pretty please.
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