Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

How does one develop faith and trust for the future?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 23rd, 2010

I’m a kind of guy who won’t step foot from A to B unless I’m certain that B leads to Z… I used to take leaps of faith in grade school when I knew someone would catch me if I fell… but that’s gone now… and I can’t seem to go to the next level…(like picking my future job or religion or major ect…) I just hide at my parents basement and sleep as comfortably and as long as possible…
How do I get the inner strength to move on? Or have I peaked in life and should stay where I am for now?

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8 Answers

ipso's avatar

Q: “How does one develop faith and trust for the future?”

A: By striking out on your own and building the character, will, and confidence to succeed by your own means.

Mistakes can be infinitely more interesting and important than easy success. Embrace chaos. Thrive in chaos.

jonsblond's avatar

Quit thinking and start doing. You’ll be so busy you won’t have time to worry about the future. Live in the moment!

Cruiser's avatar

Life is full of twists and turns you have to navigate and many are completely unexpected and there is no way at all to plan for them. Accept this fact and get your butt in gear and go live life as it comes to you one day at a time. Life is too short to not live it like there is no tomorrow as you never know when the ride will be over and why waster one day not doing all that you could!! Just do it!

CMaz's avatar

By living for today.

wundayatta's avatar

That sounds like the behavior of someone who is depressed.

I did that around your age, and my parents got sick of it and kicked me out. That forced me to start doing things. Although I did not appreciate the way my parents got me moving. I thought they should have staked me to maybe three months rent and food, and sent me out to take it from there.

There is no certainty. Ever. Anywhere. If you can get from A to B, you are doing stellar work, in my opinion! Go forth and multiply!

gailcalled's avatar

You can make seven contingency plans for all future possibilities or possible possibilities. The chances are that you will need to invent plan # 8.

Your behavior sounds, however, like depression. Talk to a pro to see if you can unsnarl things and find the beginning of the ball of twine.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Be a flexible person – even if you plan, life will have a way of leading you in some other direction so just coast the wave.

Spider's avatar

Learn to trust yourself. Trust that you can depend on yourself, and trust that you will ask for help when you need it. Look inward to see what is important to you and go in that direction. A friend described that a way to happiness was “to find something you like to do, find someone to do it with, and do it as often as you can.”

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