General Question

XOIIO's avatar

What Phone is this?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) June 24th, 2010

I foung this on the street. I got a 256 mb microsd card from it, but I want to know what kind it is so I can wipe it and use it for taking pics of projects.

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10 Answers

cfrydj's avatar

What about trying to return it to its owner?

XOIIO's avatar

It’s smashed up, the battery is dead and I can’t fnd any info on it. The owner most likely got a new one.

HGl3ee's avatar

@XOIIO : Looks like Motorola Z3 :) Hope this helps. it’s defiantly a Motorola product though.

XOIIO's avatar

@HeatherGrace That’s it! Thanks!

HGl3ee's avatar

@XOIIO : YAY! So happy I could help ^.^

Buttonstc's avatar


Why are they trying to defy ?

I thought Motorala was a large enough company to not have to worry about that.

RocketSquid's avatar

@Buttonstc It’s a holdover from the great cell phone wars of ‘05, when the Motorolas were fighting to establish their independence from Nokia empire. The Nokias would often break the sliders of any Motorola they captured in warfare; Thus, when a Motorola is shown displaying it’s ability to slide open, it is said that the phone is “defiant”.

It should be mentioned that both nations now have a friendly, if fragile, relationship.

HGl3ee's avatar

Hahaha oh crap! Will I take this moment to laugh at myself? Definitely! :P

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