What's your dating rule?
Asked by
SamIAm (
June 24th, 2010
So you go out on a first date… good or bad, how do you follow up? If the date goes poorly, do you just never contact the person again?
Is one person supposed to wait for the other to call? Is it okay to text/e-mail after and say that you had a great time?
Guys: Does that 3 day rule still apply? Actually, does that even exist?
So curious!
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23 Answers
I don’t follow rules, just my heart – it’s worked out for me in the past, I’ve lived a wild life, romantically. If it’s someone that’s really struck me, they will know ASAP. I also need them to be just as taken with me and show it.
I’ve actually never done the traditional dating thing. I have always been friends first. The 3 day rule has never seemed to apply although I suppose things may be different when two total strangers get together.
I have not dated in a long time, so this will be interesting. My old rules, which I think I would live by today if I were single, was I prefer not to kiss on the first date. I go on a second date only if the first one went well (excluding anything really odd happening that was out of everyones control). You might get sex by the third date if I am really connecting with you, but not likely, more likely it will take a little longer. I would send a text to say I had a great time following the date. I don’t like to play games. It has to feel natural for me to be interested. I might call, he might call, I don’t want to feel like I have to figure out whether to play hard to get or any of that mess. Most of my dating life either it clicked and almost off the bat we were seeing each other and talking to each other a lot, or it fizzled out fast. Maybe it is different when you are older? I was married at the age of 25.
I don’t know, and for gay guys it’s even worse. The guy is supposed to call back, right? We are both guys. If I had a good to e, intend a smiley face text within an hour of leaving, then I wait 2 days and say hey what’s up, or give them a ring. But, I truly hate talking g on the phone, so I may be a bad example.
I’m probably going to sound incredibly naive when I mention I’m curious what the “three day rule” is.
Side note: Why is this in the general section? It seems like a typical social question.
Ah! @Simone_De_Beauvoir is clearly a passionate and uninhibited person. What an admirable quality.
@Dr_Lawrence I am that, that’s true. Though, not all find it as admirable as you. And thanks.
I don’t know…I’ve not really dated before.. (I know I’m 30 how sad is that….!!! tut tut tut) but I would know I think from the date how things were going to play out.
If we equally liked each other: We’d both be eager to text/ call and there would be none of this 3 day rule nonsense.
If I liked him more: I would text him first…(because I’m shy-ish I would not call…just in case I had read it wrong)
If he liked me more: He would text… or probably call me first..because men are better at that type of thing in general than me…
But that’s just me…
@Fyrius : there’s some rule when a guy meets a girl and gets her number, he waits three days to call her… idk if it’s true.
this is now in social… my mistake.
I’ve never dated, either, and I’ve been married twice.
Now I feel manipulative. I try to play it cool after a good date, because sometimes it’s tempting to call the person right away. So if anything, I try to go out more and have lots of fun when I’m dating a new person so I won’t want to call them all the time. And when I do, I’ll often say something like, “I’ll be at this event at this time. Want to go with me?” instead of trying to set up a date where my plans hinge on that person being there.
First date rule number 1 – Whoever wakes up first fixes breakfast. :-)
To be honest, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do as a guy after a good date. I know we’re supposed to wait some kind of period of time (most common one I’ve heard is 24 hours) before so you don’t scare off the girl, but the girl has always called me first.
So? How do like your eggs? I’m an early riser ;-) Lol…….
When I started dating (an odd word, really, for our behavior) at age 62, we skipped the preliminaries and leapt into the main event. The two guys I was seeing, (serially) were men I had known from 3d grade to HS graduation, so it was easy. We reconnected at a HS reunion picnic, and everyone was moderately sober and coherent.
Bad date…..I don’t call. And they probably won’t call. If they do call, I am honest and tell them that I enjoyed the date, but that I didn’t feel any “sparks fly” or some other (bad) euphemism.
Good date…I don’t call. I might send them a thank you email and see what the response is. Then, I take it from there.
If the dude was wearing a mask made out of my dad’s face and chasing me with a chainsaw, then the three day rule is pretty much forgotten.
Such posts is probbaly why I have no boyfriend.
I’ve had mainly serious longterm relationships where we pretty much knew we were something right off and then kept seeing each other until we lived together. The few times in between I’ve had “dates” then it was the guys who asked me out, followed up on a date with a goodnight call or text and plans to go out again. I’ve never had a “3 day” communication limbo thingie. If I were open to dating again then I’d think it’s only polite to follow up a date with a call or text thanking the person for their company and to show either interest for more or to say not so much.
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