Social Question

dpworkin's avatar

What do you imagine would be different about your life if you lived it in the body of a god or goddess?

Asked by dpworkin (27095points) June 24th, 2010

If you had won the jackpot of the gene pool, and looked like the very model of what most people consider to be maximally sexually attractive, how would your life had been different? If you could choose to “try on” a “perfect” body, would you be tempted? What would change about your behavior? (See the thread about “physical attraction” to find the predicate for this question.)

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39 Answers


Not much difference…..because there’s little difference between my physique and the body of Adonis. (wink)

YARNLADY's avatar

I probably would have let it go to pot just like I did the body I have.

tinyfaery's avatar

I’d be rich. I could travel whenever, wherever. I could indulge my every whim. Whether or not that would make me a happier person is debatable.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Maybe this might have been interesting when I was young and single. Now it would be just a pain in the a$$ unless of course my wife were in the same position. Then it could be very interesting.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I would’ve switched with Florence Griffith Joyner.I would love to be able to experience the feeling of running that fast :)

dpworkin's avatar

I’m curious as to why you think it would be so different? How would people treat you? Would you become insufferably vain? Would you be unaware of your gifts? Would you feel confident in the motives of those who professed to love you? Supposing you remained yourself, but (in this alternative universe) your dating or cohabiting or marriage companion were the great beauty?

chyna's avatar

Too many “super models” and movie stars who are beautiful are incredibly unhappy. Some have even committed suicide and I look at them and think “but you had it all”. I guess they didn’t.

dpworkin's avatar

@YARNLADY I love your answer.

Jude's avatar

I’d probably have a hard time trusting others (what do they really want from me?? Do they care about anything else besides the outer package?).

I like the fact that I’m not perfect. I do my best to take care of myself (body), but, I don’t obsess over it..

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I would hope that I would have enough sense to recognize my gifts,keep any vanity in check,be able to discern bullshit from sincerity….and run really,really fast ;)

Here’s a photo while I’m at it

nikipedia's avatar

I don’t think things would be that different. One of my coworkers/close friends is a perfect 10. She looks like a Barbie doll.

But her life isn’t that different from the rest of ours. She still has to work hard to be successful; she has guy problems like any other girl; she works out to stay in shape.

And being a very attractive woman seems to invite a lot of unwanted attention that borders on (or crosses the line of) creepiness. So it’s not all fun.

Facade's avatar

I wouldn’t be vain. But I would capitalize on my looks doing something like modeling for extra money.

nikipedia's avatar

And @dpworkin, what’s your answer?

cookieman's avatar

Bigger schlong.
Other than that…meh.

chyna's avatar

@cprevite Thanks, I have to clean my screen where I spit beer on it.

janbb's avatar

I find this question perturbing in some way. I consider myself in the normal range of attractiveness at this point but had some weight and body image issues when I was young even though I was not fat. If I had been beautiful, I wonder if it would have made me more or less secure? I agree with Niki that it would probably attract a lot of unwelcome attention which was problematic enough to me as a young woman. I do confess I have looked at beautiful people and wondered what it would be like to be that stunning. For me, feeling that I am attractive to the people I love is probably more important than feeling like a goddess. But hey – let me try it for a week and I’ll report back.

Dog's avatar

I want to FLY! And smoting my enemies would be pretty cool (If I had any enemies)

I imagine I would end up like I do in video games. I turn on GOD MODE and go play the hero and rescue everyone just to feel good.

dpworkin's avatar

I don’t know that I would accept the invitation. I’m rather content. I’m curious to know what it might be like to go through life like that, but I am not prepared to accept all the changes that would have to accrue if I became irresistible now.

Oddly, I have a son, a 26-year-old man, who seems to inspire fluttering in the hearts of most women. He seems completely oblivious to the attention, and waited until he was in his mid-20’s before he had his first girlfriend, who was pleasant but unspectacular. He is a hard-working guy and seems to earn whatever he gets.

Also, my dad was extraordinarily handsome (does it skip a generation?) and from what I remember I believe he lived his entire life without having been aware of it. I have a photograph of him from when he was 32, and the reaction of people who see it is uniform: “What a beautiful man.” So, in his life, my mom was the first woman he ever kissed, and he remained faithfully married to her throughout his entire life. Go figure.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’d probably be even more pissed at never being taken seriously because they’re thinking about or being jealous of my body. No thanks.

nikipedia's avatar

Is your son single?

dpworkin's avatar

He has a new, pretty cute girlfriend. But you encouraged me to post this Q. Don’t you want to participate?

nikipedia's avatar

I done participated! Scroll up!

If they break up, tell him you know an adorable neuroscientist in California. If he needs more encouragement, send him this.

dpworkin's avatar

He lives in Brooklyn, my dearest, but he has a beautiful sister who lives in Malibu.

gailcalled's avatar

I was raised by someone who looked like a goddess, and my sister and I were miserable. The goddess, however, had a very easy life. (Her stage name during her two years as a dancer with Paramount studios – before her marriage – was Helen Troy. I ask you!)

An odd question…my daughter just called and mentioned that when she was in 9th grade, she gave a guy who had a crush on her the key and alarm code to our house. We were away for the summer, and this kid entered the house to get a picture of my daughter (gorgeous then and gorgeous now, 29 years later). It’s a good thing she waited to tell me.

janbb's avatar

You make an interesting point about your son @dp. Some people are very attractive and yet it doesn’t seem to affect them; they are not aware of it. I alos knew a really homely woman who seemed to have great self-esteem and presence. I wonder how much our outer appearance does influence our confidence.

chyna's avatar

@gailcalled She passed those genes down. There are beautiful people in your family.

gailcalled's avatar

@chyna: Curiously, my father was very homely. He treated my mother and displayed her like a rare gem. My brother was very handsome, and my sis and I don’t scare the horses, at least.

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled What about small cats?

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb : Milo here; I was hoping someone would ask. I am sui generis.

Cruiser's avatar

Wasn’t man created in the image of God?? For the Theists out there, I am the essence of God and so are you! ;)

Jeruba's avatar

I think it might have felt wonderful for about the first 15 minutes but then become a burden. It would be hard to have a normal relationship with anyone. Their responses to you would always be colored by the effect you had on them involuntarily by the power of your looks.

In college my sister had a friend, I’ll call her Sandy, who was plainer than plain. It wasn’t so much that she was ugly, exactly, as that her face just wasn’t put together right. It had a pinched and mashed quality like when you make a face by pressing your cheeks forward. You kept hoping that it would smooth back out, but it didn’t. She was kind and sweet, but it was truly painful to look at her, and people just didn’t like to do it. They’d talk to Sandy but look elsewhere. They couldn’t help it.

Sandy graduated from nursing school and became a very good nurse. A really sick person doesn’t care what your face looks like. They feel gentle hands, they hear a comforting voice, they sense competence and caring. An older man, a wealthy patient, fell in love with Sandy for her kindness; in her own way she was beautiful to him. He married her.

Who is more enviable, the voluptuous beauty who has come to believe that she deserves to be admired, worshiped, and adored for her movie-star looks, glamor, and style, all of which will desert her one day, or homely Sandy, who never inspired a wolf whistle but is secure in being loved for her good-hearted personality?

Berserker's avatar

I suppose I’d get in over my head, and in the end, become The Devil.
I’m not basing that on people who are already beautiful, rich or successful and have always been, or at least, have always had a knack for it in respect to your question, but rather on my own experiences, the ones which presented me with more than I might have dreamed of at the time, and I fucked up, because at said points I thought nothing could fuck up. I guess that’s not being like a deity, but close enough, for what’s worth what I’m ever gonna get, or have obtained.

john65pennington's avatar

There is no room in the social world for a 2nd ROBO COP. one is enough.

Pandora's avatar

Everything. I wouldn’t be the same person. I would be a Goddess. I’m sure my thoughts wouldn’t be the same. Especially since being eternal will change how I see a lot of things. Wouldn’t have the same human concerns.

le_inferno's avatar

I think my life would have turned out vastly different. I was quite the ugly duckling in middle school and upper elementary years, so I never got any male attention. I was 17 before I even kissed a boy. My confidence was quite low until I got to college.
Really, I believe my entire personality would be altered had I been “goddess-like.” I wouldn’t have known insecurity, low self-esteem, loneliness. I would have likely had boyfriends, abundant male attention, confidence, sexual experience, etc. I think it would have stripped away a lot of my humility, level-headedness, cynicism, intellect. I think being on the ugly side actually helped me grow; I didn’t get caught up in BS. Even though I was sad and lonely, pining for a boyfriend, physical contact, etc…that depravity shaped who I am.

My appearance has improved a great deal since I was a young teen. I’m much more confident now, but by no means “perfect” or a “goddess.” It feels really good to be confident in my own skin, and I can only imagine that feeling would be heightened if I were at a perfect-10 level. However, it could get to the point of vice; I might become too vain or superficial. It would be nice to inspire envy and awe in everyone I met and adore what I see in the mirror, but would likely get old after a while. Being purely “eye candy” has its downsides. You’re not taken seriously, you’re seen solely as a sex object, etc. But I think for a while, it’d be nice :D

@nikipedia Lol’d at the California gurls link!

Pandora's avatar

Oh, I misread the question, I thought you meant an actual God or Godess. LOL
Probably nothing would change for me so long as my parents and siblings were the same. Up until I was 9, I was treated special in school because I was considered cute and friendly. By then my personality was pretty much set. I did go through an awkward stage but my friends remained the same. Even when I was considered cute I still had a few enemies, people who thought I wasn’t worth the attention so they tried to give me grief. It hurt my feelings a bit but it taught me that I would not always be adored by everyone. Things didn’t change when I went through my awkward stage. I feel even if I had stayed adorable during that period people still would’ve found reasons to dislike me. I had a very pretty friend during those years and although the guys liked her the girls hated her. The girls although not envious of my looks at the time hated that the boys liked to play games with me ( I was a tom boy) and protected me from their attacks because I was short and I also had the best grades in school and was teachers pet most of the time.
A few years later I came back into my own again and was considered attractive. The only difference is that it helped my confidence.
As for how I actually turned out, I give credit to the parents and siblings who loved me and were a constant force in my life. The rest is just gravy.

mattbrowne's avatar

Extremely smart women who look like a supermodel consider this to be a disadvantage when trying to climb up the corporate career ladder. What an odd world we live in…

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