Can you help me decide on a new user name?
Asked by
Val123 (
June 25th, 2010
The one I have now I just created on the fly, with no thought whatsoever, because I DIDN’T PLAN ON STAYING!! But then you guys tied me up and hooked me to a ceiling fan until I decided I liked it here after all.
I know I’ll have to create another account, and I’ll start out at 0 points and will and be scorned and pilloried until I get at least get 1000 points, but that’s all OK!
Anyway, I’m having a hard time coming up with a name. Suggestions? GA’s will be counted!
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64 Answers
Just from looking at your profile.
You can always ask Auggie if you can change it. They’ve allowed it for people who make good cases :D But I like you being mommyval… Keep Val in your name.
For example: imvalandihaveahotson
@rangerr Vallerina ? :) (That’s what my Granddaughter called me when she was 2, “Gramma Vallerinna”. She was in ballet at the time!) Nah…I don’t think I like that.
@chyna Hmmmm…but….that’s too close to TinyFaery (sorry if I mangled that TF!). (Where did the dancing come in BTW? I do love to dance,but I don’t think I said anything about it in my profile?)
I love cats. That’s one thing. And I’m Dutch. And Texan..
@Val123 I almost suggested “turniptheValium” but I doubted anyone would say it out-loud.
@mrentropy I want something with a little class!! Like Jeruba has! And JLeslie!
So… Not “PrincessValient?”
Valient is a BOY’S name!! Princess Val? No…too pretentious….
@rangerr We may have to drop the Val. But I’ll still be Mom!
“greatValue” sounds pretty cheap.
You’d be surprised how many words don’t start with Val.
Although I’m kind of partial to using Valentine.
@Val123 Fine. ihaveahotson will work.
If you’re from Southern California you can be “SoCalVal”
It has a nice ring to it. XD
NO @rangerr!!
@Vunessuh That would be cheating, me thinks. Even though you gave me permission to use your name in it!
@Ivan I wish! But….if you don’t know the story it sounds pretentious…..Besides, somebody already took it. When I logged on the first time I had to go with Dutchess1 or something… :( Who out there spells as badly as I do???!!!
@rebbel Huh??
Something unique….
@Kayak8 Oh! I kinda like that! But…doesn’t that have something to do with Greek hell or something? I like that tho…
@Val123 from wiki:
In Norse mythology, a valkyrie (from Old Norse valkyrja “chooser of the slain”) is one of a host of female figures who decide who will die in battle. The valkyries bring their chosen to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin, where the deceased warriors become einherjar. There, when the einherjar are not preparing for the events of Ragnarök, the valkyries bear them mead. Valkyries also appear as lovers of heroes and other mortals, where they are sometimes described as the daughters of royalty, sometimes accompanied by ravens, and sometimes connected to swans.
@val123 trade school had me laughing out loud . . . . I originally though insulation . . .
@Kayak8 :) Oh! I love him so!!! But if I call myself “Kilmer” they’ll think I’m a guy…
Val Kilmer…........I luv him too. wooooow
@jfos I like the way you think.
@mrentropy amd @jfos You guys are nuts! I’m not for sale, anyways.
@Kayak8 HA HA! I’m reading the Odyssey as we speak! I like Valkyrie but that’s a little aggressive, me thinks. Sigh. We’ll think of something!
libertyValence. It’s patriotic.
@mrentropy and @jfos HA HA HA!! I just got it! I stepped into the shower, and as I was doing so I said, outloud, “I want to buy a Val…..humph!...I want to buy….Wait! I want to buy a…. VAL!” AHAHAHAHAHA!! You about ruined my shower, man cause I almost fell down! That was funny!
I know. How about SlowVal. :)
Contact @augustlan and ask if you can change your user name (and thus keep your points).
Now you’ve been Validated ;)
It was a Valiant effort indeed.
Valere is Latin for “be well.”
Dutchess, yes. For old times sake.
Dutchess….well, it seems to be coming down heavy on that….
@gailcalled I thought it was Latin for “brave”..Valient and stuff.
@Val123: It’s the imperative form of valeo. You’re talking about an adjective.
valens : strong, powerful, healthy / able, worthwhile.
valeo valui valiturus : to be strong, have power, be well
valetudo : health. good health, bad health.
validus : strong, mighty, powerful, exceeding.
And these:
audacia : boldness, dash, daring, audacity.
audacter, audaciter : boldly, proudly, fearlessly.
audax : bold
audentia : boldness, courage.
Ah geez. I hate it when you talk like that @gailcalled!
@Val123;It’s your lucky day. Latin is a written language only these days, even for me.
Aficionada Linguistica
Val des Libres (Val of the books in French)
Literati – refers to those who love books and who are well read
I added Val to it.
O! I’ll think about this!
@gailcalled That was a typo -oops! Libre = free Livre=book
What are you guys talking about??
Gail corrected my French answer from above
Valiterati sounds like a secret conspiratorial organization ;-)
—Val Strikes Back
—Val_val_val__Val_val_val_val__Val_val_val__val_val (Sung to the tune of “Smoke on the Water”)
ROFL!!!!! I can’t decide which one made me laugh the hardest!! Thank you @jfos!!!!
@Valentina? Sounds so exotic and romantic.
If you keep Val somewhere in your name (so we can still recognize you), you can keep your current account. DutchVal?
DutchVal….originally I was DutchCat, but then I got knighted “Dutchess” by a kid, long, long ago.
I like it, but it gives too much about me away me thinks…..besides, I’m sure it won’t take people long to realize that this new person is SO WEIRD she reminds me of….OH!! It’s you, Val!!
Allo! Will this work, guys?
@I_Dutchess But… why didn’t you just keep your account…?
I don’t know! I didn’t want to trouble the mods! Besides. I’m a disciple of Zen.
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