Social Question

tinyfaery's avatar

Who is willing to let me come stay with them for a week in early July?

Asked by tinyfaery (44302points) June 26th, 2010

The wife is going on vacation with her mom to Hawaii and I am not going to sit at home again while they vacation like I did last year. I can get myself to your place (in the continental U.S. or southern Canada) and pay for all my incidentals, I just need a couch/air mattress/guest bed to crash on.

I’ll probably want to sight-see a bit, so you’ll have to entertain me for a few days, but I can be left by myself for a bit, as well.

If this is doable, tell me what fun things I can do where you live.

And don’t hold me to it, because I might get cold feet.

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33 Answers

janbb's avatar

If you’re willing to babysit and talk to guidos, you can stay at my house on the Jersey Shore.

dpworkin's avatar

Do you enjoy meth-heads and farmers? PM me.

janbb's avatar

@dpworkin Didn’t know you were a meth-head farmer! And I thought I knew all about you.

Seaofclouds's avatar

The Wizard of Oz museum is not too far from me….other than that we don’t have much to see.

jazmina88's avatar

If you like dog poo, a crazy 91 yr old woman, a drunk psycho neighbor and the sweetest gal on earth, call me.
I want to go to hawaii

dpworkin's avatar

I have never really needed to husband meth-heads. They flourish here like weeds.

gailcalled's avatar

@dpworkin: In your ‘hood, for every meth-head, there is an upscale antiques shop to make a fine balance.

dpworkin's avatar

True enough. And a pretty good restaurant.

janbb's avatar

Works for me.

janbb's avatar

Bet @jjmah would like you to visit.

chyna's avatar

Let me check my busy social schedule… oh look, July is wide open. If you are into boredom, watching TV, and just driving around looking at countryside, come on down. I have a spare room.

wundayatta's avatar

Do you do roofs? I was just up on mine with my son, making up stories. Strange stories. But my point is that I almost fell asleep. It was wonderful to be up there, staring at the clouds and feeling the cool breezes after a very hot day (although not sweltering).

Anyway, you could inspect the tree damage in my local park. About ten sycamores and one maple got knocked over in the storm yesterday. It is an amazing thing to see.

Then you could take the Atlantic City Express down the shore. I bet @janbb would be willing to pick you up. Oh. Did I mention the Liberty Bell?

gailcalled's avatar

@tinyfaery: Actually, @dpworkin lives in a fine area; but you have to love cows, endless pastures, rolling hillsides and Lyme tick inspection.

OTOH, if you have a car, there are endless cultural opportunities and the chance to see me and Milo (and to whip him into shape.You still have your whip, don’t you?)

janbb's avatar

@janbb sings “Up on the Roof” to @wundayatta .

syz's avatar

Transportation is the biggest issue here, too (we have crappy public transportation options). But NC has mountains, beaches, barbecues, bluegrass, baseball, a couple of fun museums – and stifling heat and humidity.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I’m in southern Alberta in a very dull little town south of Lethbridge. I’m sure you will get more interesting offers. I’m alone until my wife gets back in three weeks.

casheroo's avatar

You’d hate staying with me. I have two kids. They’d annoy you. But, we live right next to a train station, quick trip into Philly. There’s tons of restaurants, and museums to see. Oh, and we have two cats that would snuggle you so you wouldn’t miss your kitties.

gailcalled's avatar

@Dr_Lawrence: I turn my head for one minute and there you are, showing interest in another woman. O, fickle one.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

@gailcalled You are going to give me a bad reputation! I am a well behaved married man.

tinyfaery's avatar

Weather is something to think about. I HATE humidity.

Thanks all. Makes me feel good that ya’ll would let me come to see you.

janedelila's avatar

Do come see me! Own bedroom? Yes. Share bathroom? Yes. Northwestern Pennsylvania.

Kayak8's avatar

OK, TF, I am in Ohio. We have humidity from time to time (my Mom calls it “air you can wear”) but there are (surprisingly), a number of fun things to do. There are two zip codes in my area that have the greatest concentration of Lesbians in the entire country. While there are beautiful rural areas to visit, there are a number of really cool things—one of the best zoos in the country, cool B&Bs, and if you behave, you can come with me to training a time or two and learn how we train dogs for search and rescue . . . .

tinyfaery's avatar

@Kayak8 How far away is Cedar Point from you?

Blondesjon's avatar

If you don’t object to abject poverty and rampant alcoholism, by all means, PM me.

JLeslie's avatar

Well, July probably won’t work for me, depending on the dates, but if it did work out you could see Elvis, where he lived, ride the trolley, and eat lots of BBQ and the best fried chicken you have ever had. If you drive a couple of hours you can see the Clinton Museum/Library, which is fantastic! We also have many good museums in the area. While at my house you can watch the deer in my yard, just recently we have seen two new baby fawn, one was so small it could barely hop over my grass that needed to be mowed. Soooo cute. Meanwhile, since you hate the heat and humidity it has been disgusting here lately; around 100 degrees and sticky.

rooeytoo's avatar

Too bad you ruled out Australia, my new home is spectacular and there is so much to do. And you could sit on the front porch in the sun with my 3 dogs and me when you need a rest.

Kayak8's avatar

@TF, about a 2–2.5 hour drive. Not too bad and it is a decent drive. Real cool places around Cedar Point as well. And King’s Island is about a 1.5 hour drive.

Jude's avatar

@tinyfaery Come to Canada. I’m an hour away from Detroit and three from Toronto. I have the summer off, so, I can take you anywhere. Wake up in the morning, grab your coffee and head down to the beach (my backyard). Toronto is an awesome multicultural city and it has a wonderful gay community. You’ll be there just in time for Pride. There’s the Toronto Zoo and also, I’m not far from Statford (Shakesphere Festival). I can cook and I have cute, little fur babies that you can meet. You can also head over with me to my girl’s way and we can have campfire’s on the beach and take you out to see some live music.

Come to the land of beer and beavers.=)

I just came back from a beach walk. You’d love it.

dpworkin's avatar

No fairsies. I wanna go.

syz's avatar

<Sigh> Me, too.

janbb's avatar

I knew @jjmah would invite you!

Jude's avatar

@janbb I was pmed and told to check out this thread. :)

dpworkin's avatar

Well @tinyfaery, you’re still welcome here, but if I were you I know what I’d do.

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