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timtrueman's avatar

What experiences are not to miss while camping in Yosemite?

Asked by timtrueman (5768points) June 26th, 2010 from iPhone

I’ll be camping in the “upper pines” area for a week. Any memorable or must-see/do things I should know about? This will be my first time in Yosemite.

Feel free to share any stories you have involving camping in Yosemite.

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5 Answers

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YARNLADY's avatar

Check that you will not be downwind of the controlled fires they are setting to thin the trees.

sccrowell's avatar

#1. Bring a camera
#2. Bring LOTS & LOTS of film!
#3. Make sure camera is H20 proof!!! (coming from experience)
#4. Come to think of it, make sure you’re waterproof. (Again, from experience)
#5. Bridal Veil Falls! Absolutely breath taking.
#6. Don’t feed the animals!
#7. Have a wonderful time.

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MissAnthrope's avatar

Drive up to Tuolumne Meadows one morning and take a day hike. My family used to camp there every summer because it is quieter and less peopled than the valley. It is also breathtakingly beautiful. I remember a day hike we took once that had us ambling through vast meadows with snow-capped mountains on the horizon, along a wide stream, and through forests. Amazing scenery.

If you’re into hiking. I recommend exploring some of the trails in the valley. Mirror Lake is beautiful and a nice photo op spot. You can hike along or to the top of waterfalls, if you’re willing to make the trek.

Don’t feed the animals and don’t leave food in your car! (bears ain’t jokin’ around up there)

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