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LostInParadise's avatar

Is Sarah Palin going to seek the Republican presidential nomination?

Asked by LostInParadise (32286points) June 27th, 2010

Unless her new career is professional speech maker, I think that she is preparing to seek the nomination. Republican candidates, including some Tea Party selections, are likely to do well in midterm elections. There do not seem at the moment to be any other strong Republican presidential contenders. Most of them made fools of themselves in the last election cycle. Palin did too, but her followers do not seem to notice. I think she has a good shot at the nomination, though I can’t imagine her doing well in the general election.

I would love to see her run with Cheney. The campaign poster would make a convenient dart board.

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35 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I doubt it.

kenmc's avatar

I hope not.

JLeslie's avatar

@boots Even if she did, I don’t think she would get very far. Competing in primaries is way harder than being chosen to run as VP.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I’d like to say I doubt she would do it, but honestly, nothing would surprise me coming from her. If she does, I doubt she’ll get far.

kenmc's avatar

@JLeslie I don’t believe in god, but I pray that you’re right.

JLeslie's avatar

@boots I have a fantasy that Hillary wins in the next election. But, back on topic, lately all of the Republicans, once they start running for national office get sucked in by the Republican base far right needing to cater to them bullshit, and in the end it probably doesn’t make a difference, almost like they are just figureheads I hope that changes, I hope the Republican party can move more moderate, and get someone in there who is more balanced and open minded to hear all sides. I had thought Romney might be able to be that person, but then once he ran for national office he seemed to become a different person. Still, a stereotypical northeastern Republican sounds good to me.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

The Republican Party is sinking into irrelevancy, as did the Whigs in the 1850s. It’s likely that they will nominate some right-wing religious fanatic like Huckabee or a cardboard-cutout comedy figure with no original ideas like Palin. The moderates and progressives have mostly left the Party now. Barring some major fuckup, Obama is certain of a second term. Until a new party emerges, the US will be a one-party state at the national level.

JLeslie's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Wow. So you don’t think the Republcians saw their mistake when McCain picked Palin and will adjust as a party? I just can’t understand why they cater to the far right? Does the far right have a lot of money they donate or something? I mean if there is a Democrat and a moderate Republican the right wingers are still going to vote for the Republican, aren’t they? I don’t get why the Republicans worry about that vote.

Jeruba's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land, there’s an awful lot of big money pitted against that, though, don’t you think?

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Once she can successfully complete high school, she may be considered for the nomination.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Not if the Republicans want to win. Does anyone think she changed her position on:
Creationism should be taught in school.
Off shore drilling should be everywhere.
Against abortion -even in cases of rape. She would oppose it even if her then 14 y.o. was raped.
Thinks our troops are on a mission from God.

Domestic and world affairs require intelligence, knowledge, finesse, leadership, honesty, and drive – none of which she has in abundance.

She is purdy though. You betcha’.

kenmc's avatar

@worriedguy I think we’d all be surprised as to what people think they want.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Jeruba The big money interests are running out of credible-looking stooges to front for them. About the only levers the big money interests have left to pull are racism, xenophobia and religious bigotry.

The aspirational middle class is getting squeezed out; maybe a true “labor” party will emerge from the wreckage. Political peddling of the “American Dream” has kept European-style class hatred out of US politics. Now that working people with an average education cannot aspire to home ownership in most places, loyalty to employer and seniority in the workplace are meaningless, this may change. It may manifest in an unpleasant way though: isolationism and xenophobia mixed with class resentment and a dash of religiosity could get very ugly.

LostInParadise's avatar

There is a good chance that Palin’s political career is over. Walking out on the governorship, among other things, has not made her very popular at home, and nobody in his right mind would choose her for a non-elective political office. Running for president may be her only option.

thekoukoureport's avatar

Be afraid… Be very afraid. As we sit and discuss this amongst ourselves, there is a passionate, well organized machine churning out false information and spinning false hopes all over the country. Once this “new” conservative movement takes over, you can bet that the change you were looking for will be right back to the 50’s. We live in dangerous times, where the truth is no longer televised and the lies are debated ad nauseum for ratings of course. So in this soundbite world that we live in, it is quite possible even probable that she will run. I pray she does because I want to see how she writes her campaign slogan on her hand. LOL

wilma's avatar

Very unlikely.
She isn’t presidential material and if the republicans can get past their wingnuts, (both parties have plenty of them) they will push her aside and she will continue to make money on speaking tours.

dpworkin's avatar

She’s interested in making a lot of money and being well-known. I doubt she understands what being president even involves. But one can always hope that Obama gets to run against Palin and Beck in 2012.

jerv's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land You took the words out of my mouth.

filmfann's avatar

Sarah is making money right now. Anything she does, her motivation is making money. Money money money.
If she was gonna run for office, she would be more interested in keeping her face in front of the people.
I find her amazingly captivating, and one of the dumbest people on the planet.

JLeslie's avatar

Do any of you think that having a downs syndrome baby will affect her at all? Infants are Infants, but as he gets older he will be more time consuming. I guess her husband can do most of the child rearing, but still.

Cruiser's avatar

@dpworkin As a resident of Illinois and having to endure an entire year of his Senate tenure where he recorded the majority of his absent not here don’t care about Illinois I am too busy campaigning for Presidency let Rod Blagojevich Titanic the state while I golf and shake hands. I don’t see a lick of difference from his performance as POTUS and SOIL! Both are in the tank and sinking to the bottom! I’d much rather throw darts at Palin and blame her for my woes than BO any day!!

dpworkin's avatar

You and I have long ago agreed to disagree on politics, @Cruiser. On most other things I find you quite sound. Odd, how that can happen.

JLeslie's avatar

@dpworkin For some reason how you worded that gave me a chuckle.

Iclamae's avatar

I asked my boyfriend this question a month or two ago because it worries me that she seems popular with people and since the Tea Party is constantly traveling, it’s difficult to tell how many of them there actually are.

All I can do is hope people realize how stupid she is:

Rufus_T_Firefly's avatar

Probably, but we can all hope the GOP isn’t stupid enough to nominate her for dogcatcher, much less nominate her for POTUS. Nominating Palin would all but guarantee their imminent demise.

jerv's avatar

@Rufus_T_Firefly How about if they nominate Plain for “MILF of the decade”? I know quite a few people who would vote her in for that.

Rufus_T_Firefly's avatar

Yeah, there’s no accounting for taste, we’ve all seen what passes for intelligence in most GOP candidates, but you know what? If that’s all a person really requires of their elected politicians… and they’re dumb enough to vote for her, they should get exactly what they deserve. Unfortunately, if America is actually dumb enough to let that happen, the rest of us would get what they deserve, as well.

jerv's avatar

@Rufus_T_Firefly I know it isn’t healthy but I’ve gotten to the point where I care less about improving the world than in making the train-wreck more interesting.
Rome is burning and instead of reaching for a bucket of water that is too small to douse the flames, I am reaching for the copper sulfate and potassium chloride to make the flames turn pretty colors.

I wonder how many others are growing as jaded or fatalistic as I am getting in my old age…

Iclamae's avatar

@jerv I really don’t get this whole Palin-sexy thing. What is it?

dpworkin's avatar

Big tits.

Iclamae's avatar

<sad face>

jerv's avatar

@Iclamae I don’t know either since I am not into older women, and if I were then I think I’d rather go for Tina Turner. Sure, she’s 70, but all that dancing has helped her age quite well.

@dpworkin… bought with taxpayer money?

dpworkin's avatar

I think she grew ‘em.

jerv's avatar

@dpworkin Oh no… that usually means one thing, and I’m not sure if the world is ready for another Palin….

mattbrowne's avatar

As I said earlier. Fools think small and start big.

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