What is your nickname?
other than that fluther identity, yeah, you have a nickname. people who “really” know you call you—yeah, that name.
in a crowded room or at a picnic or family reunion, somebody calls you that “name,” and only you can respond to it, you know?
did it stick with you for life? do you hate it? is it really cool? how did you get that nickname?
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65 Answers
if i’m out somewhere and somebody calls me “fun!” i know its somebody from the 1980s. it is a name that has stuck with me since then.
Actually… nope. I don’t have one.
I’m Alyson. Not “Aly”, not “Alley-cat”, not “Ali Baba”, and not “Alyson Wonderland”. Those all died their bloody deaths in the third grade, and have mercifully stayed dead.
Mom calls me “Mikey Moose.” Dad calls me “Michelangelo.”
Most of my friends call me by my unique last name, and one of my best friends calls me Interrobang.
even my dog has a nickname. his name is max, but the kids call him maximillian leo cunningham. yeah, all that.
Hutton….long story! Maybe later!
This should be fun..wish i could stay!
I have never taken to any that people have suggested. If someone has an idea that is offered without malice or sarcasm, I would consider it.
Larry, Lorne, and other diminutives of Lawrence are out.
In my teens i was called Brenzev (from Leonid Brezhnev, the Russian president at the time) and Brambo (from Rambo).
Both only due to the sound resemblance that my surname has with those two.
Colonel. (from my USAF days).
My mom calls me Dolly.
My dad calls me Zezza.
I have a friend who calls me Love Bug.
Another who calls me V-Dawg.
The rest just call me V or some variation of Vanessa like Nessie or Nessa. Although, I hate when people call me Nessa.
Oh, and one of my friends calls me Short Bus because she’s an asshole and she has other nicknames like Patches and Spot, but I won’t get into the back story on those. I have a few terrible nicknames for her as well, but those are just for fun and because we like to be douche bags to each other. XD
Most people call me “Bee”.
@rebbel Yes, and if it feels good, I might adopt it.
In my early military days, I was given the nickname “Iceman”, because of my personality. My lady called me by the diminutive form of my given name. Most locals refer to me as “the colonel”.
My husband has a few nicknames for me that only he uses. Some people in my family will call me Stace, but I don’t really consider it a nickname. My name is Stacey.
@AstroChuck yeah i figgered bro. post office brothers coming back!
Vicky,Vick, or Lady V. Also Vanessa isn’t my nickname but some call me that and I still respond to it.
My name is Alicia and I get mostly Leesh, with my high school years being both Leesh and Ali. I like them both :)
@so when i really want to get your attention on this site, i need to call or say LUUUUCCCYY!
I have had so many nicknames it is hard to keep up with them. My BIL loved goofing around with my name and he came up with this progression: Annie, Annieville, Ville, Village Person, and then, finally, Percy.
To my nears and dears I am Annie but that isn’t my real name either.
Vicky and Vick. Some people call me Vanessa too.
my wife’s name is aronesius. hmmm, interesting. sounds greekish i think, but everybody calls her “lisa” because her older sister tried desperately at 2 years old to say her name and it kept coming out “lisa.”
Used mostly by my lovers & close friends:
Ryu-chan—Ryu is Japanese for dragon. Chan is the Japanese equivalent of Dear; only used for women & small children.
Draggy-chan—Same as above. Draggy is short for Dragon.
Kai-chan—Same as above, but Kai is my given name.
Draggy—short for Draggy-chan.
Damien—One of my character’s names. The other characters’ names are used, but less frequently.
Flynn—One of my dead character’s names. And I mean dead, not a zombie or vamp.
Useless Reptile—Rachel’s nickname for me.
Fire-Lizard—Ellie’s nickname for me.
Luke—Don’t ask.
Nicknames from high school:
Plasma Puppeteer—Earned through my pyromania & manipulative personality.
Thorn Of Malice—I really dunno, but it sounds wicked.
Devil-Girl—Kids honestly thought I was from Hell.
Somaru—I think it’s Japanese for “to be infected”. Infected my what? Insanity….?
Bloodshot—I dunno.
Melon—‘Cause they’re huge.
From my family:
Runt—Both of my decent brothers.
Midget—My dad.
Psycho—My uncle.
Firebug—My grandma.
Sissy—My mom. Mainly because I’m her sister’s biological daughter.
Chibi Vamp—My cousin.
I have never, ever had a nickname.
That’s about it. Most people call me “Dominic” or “Dom”. Sometimes D-Rom. My parents still call me “X-Man” sometimes. :P
A lot of people are really asking this tonight. Vicky or Vick.
My friends and family call me Sassy, Saffy, and Ron, only because I’m Saffron.
Cue music
Cue hoofbeats
Cue announcer with deep voice
“They call me Wundy. Mr. Wundy Full. Wundy Man.”
Cue sound of gagging cat.
My buddies call me Mr. Ninja. The nickname stuck with me one Christmas when my colleague’s little son referred to me as “Mr. Ninja” for the dark clothes I normally wear, and for the fact that I’m part Japanese. It was at a Christmas Eve party, 2003, and for the past 7 years all the guys at work call me “Mr. Ninja”. Sigh!
Well as for my family:
Grandpa calls me “ding bat”, sisters call me “Janie-Poo” and “Yanni”, Mom calls me “Janna” and Dad calls me “Janie”
Friends call me:
Jane Meng Gang Bang (only because it rhymes)
G.I. Jane
Sperm Whale or Spermie
I believe that’s it…
Jizz or Fuckface. I hate both. My parents had “Gigi”, but thankfully nobody calls me that anymore.
My parents and people who’ve known me since childhood call me Bethy. Hate it.
Most people call me Liz.
My boyfriend calls me Boopy =)
It depends on who you ask. my family has a nickname for me. ciminals and convicts have another nickname for me.
My nickname is my name that 99% of the people I know socially and profesionally know me as. The funny part is 89% of those people don’t know my legal name!
Hollsy, Holls balls, Holly wolly doodle (my parents), or just Holls.
People just call me by either my first name or my last name.
@Draconess25 ”Flynn —One of my dead character’s names. And I mean dead, not a zombie or vamp.” But.. Flynn lives.
Everyone calls me Madi.
My parents call me “Puddy” (As in “I TAWT I TAW A PUDDY TAT”) Or “Puddin’”. Both of which are names my great-grandmother gave me.
My sister calls me ‘issy or dee.
My cousins call me MJ. One calls me “babymad”
My uncles call me either Runt, Squirt, Half-size or Kid.
The boys I was in auto-repair with throughout high school call me Girlbot or Little Sister.
A few people who I know in real life that have played games with me call me Rangerr outside of the internet.
@johnpowell calls me Dangerr.
@Sarcasm calls me Madz.
I’ve been “Prev” since third grade.
My wife is “Ducky” and my daughter is “The Boopachetta”.
janet planet
jan jan
and of couple based on my last name
and ......ie
I am affectionately known as “Hey you!”
Seriously, though, I never had a nickname.
Well, my Fluther moniker is also what a lot of people call me IRL.
In my younger days, I was also known as “jervinator” or just “Nator”. I still use that for gaming, but rarely elsewhere.
Very few people address me by my first name in casual conversation. Most (my family included) address me as “Hey!” or just start talking to me without preamble.
Coined in 3rd grade by my best friend’s mom, and stuck. My 3 best friends, and everyone who I’ve met through them, know me as Red. Thinking of me by my given name is strange and foreign to them. I’ve become so accustomed to it, I’m just as responsive to “Red” as I am to “Jess.” Though it’s very unnatural and bizarre to me when someone who usually calls me “Jess,” calls me “Red,” and vice versa.
I have a couple of nicknames. I’ll tell you what they are and how they came about.
Binky was first assigned to me by my dad when I was a baby. The reason being was not because I would always be sucking on a pacifier, but because I would always be sucking on one of my thumbs or my big toe. Yes, I know. Foot-in-mouth does not sound very tasty, but infants will put anything in their mouths! My dad randomly called me that in front of one of my at the time best friends and she continued to call me that. Then it passed on to her older brother. It was really only my dad and her family (brother and dad) who kept the name alive.
Adrianne is the second nickname I have. A lot of people somehow confuse the name Andrea with Adrianne. Many of my past teachers elementary, middle school, high school and college have accidentally called me it. My bus driver who was my bus driver from 7th through 12th grade never got my name right. He would occasionally correct himself but eventually I just got used to it and whenever someone said “Hey Adrianne!” I always responded. My best friend’s dad who is a sergeant police officer deliberately calls me that… I was never clear on the reason why, though.
When I was a very young child, I had an uncle who I would visit, and eat his cookies while there. So, “Cookie” stuck with family and throughout school. It’s all I had known.
Eventually, I dated a man who refused to call me by that name. He said that I didn’t look like a Cookie…and, he proceeded to only call me Angela. It didn’t take long for everyone to call me by my name, once new friends were introduced to me as such. I’m really grateful to him, though it took me a while to not feel as if I were using someone else’s name.
Other than my husband calling me honey, I never had a nick name. Once in 7th grade a teacher tried to give me a nickname but I would never respond to it. When he asked my why didn’t I respond when he kept calling me, I told him it wasn’t the name I was given.
My boyfriend’s parents call him “Muffin”. It’s adorable. :P
I think nicknames/pet-names based off of desserts aren’t that uncommon. Babycakes, Sweetie-pie, etc. haha
I’ve never had a nickname. I’ve always wanted one, though.
Looks like we have a job for two: Nicknames for @Dr_Lawrence and @tinyfaery.
What a challenge. Although, Dr. Lawrence, I wasn’t aware that you could ‘ask’ for one. I thought that you just had to wait for someone to label you and not approve or disprove of it!
Oh, and I thought that Lawrence was your last name. Sorry for the assumption.
I usually get called:
“Dr. C”
“big guy”
“Shorty” (Ironic since I’m 6’8”)
and a host of other nicknames.
I’ve gone 56 years without one and I trust my fluther friends to suggest one if they wish. There is no rush and no pressure.
@Dr_Lawrence Please tell us more stories, so we can get in touch with your inner playmate! Thus far, to me, you sound like an incredibly sensitive, methodical, compassionate person. However, those qualities are difficult to wrap a nickname around.
As you said…no rush, no pressure.
I love passionately and will try almost anything that’s not suicidal at least once.
I love to cook, bake bread. I get more pleasure from spoiling someone I love than almost anything else.
I love a wide range of music but have much less exposure and therefore awareness of newer musical forms. I have always preferred singer-songwriters to bands.
I love four-part harmony singing and I love to sing and used to be quite good.
I always felt closer to my female friends than to most guys I knew. I had close friendships with a few guys over the years. I’m not good at keeping in touch with friends once time and distance have separated us.
I used to carve realistic and abstract figurines from a variety of different types of stone.
I have taken many thousands of landscape photographs over the years.
I love to dance but my body was poorly designed to endure that activity.
I have supported equal rights for women and men for over 25 years.
I strongly support equal rights for GLBTQ people and for heterosexuals.
I support a woman’s right to choose whether to have an abortion. I am not however pro-abortion. Where possible I believe adoption is a more desirable option.
I never used recreational drugs but don’t condemn adults who choose to use them.
I believe a woman’s beauty comes from inside although I appreciate the beauty of the female form in a wide range of sizes and across the entire adult age range.
I believe a mind is a terrible thing to waste and that a waist is a terrible thing to mind.
I live more inside my head than many people do.
I love the mountains and the seacoast much more than the endless sky of the flat prairies.
I talk too much but I rarely babble.
I listen intensely in a one to one situation but am baffled and confused and uncomfortable in large groups. I can’t read social cues well in such situations.
I can’t stand bigots, racists, and people who cling to ignorance and promote it.
If this information is insufficient, then I will never had a nickname!
@Dr_Lawrence Never lose hope. I love that you’re passionate. The relevance of that one important trait is being diminished in today’s world…thereby homogenizing society in a very unflattering way.
Thanks for your thoughtful answer to my light-hearted question.
I’ve always wanted to be called “T-Bone.”
royal bob- i know weird
pepsi- i LOVE pepsi
mel- i have no idea why
meckle- no idea
dodo- my annoying brother
Been playing golf with this guy for 30 years. He called me “Sumo Head” and I call him “Big Head!” My head, wear a size 7¾ cap, has more circumference, but his head takes up more area. (pi r2) We have a lot of fun with it!
Margaret = My actual name.
Maggie = What most people call me.
Margie = What my mom and some family members call me.
Margaret Mary = What my friends in Florida call me. (One of my good friends is “Mary *Margaret” there.)
Buzzard / Buzz = What my dad calls me.
Grit (“Margrit”) = What my little brother calls me when he’s angry.
Marge = What my volleyball team calls me.
Margarete = Friend calls me this.
Margarita = . Random people who think they’re funny.
Bunny = What my friends call me.
Milkyway = What friends call me.
Mary = Jay calls me this. (Only ‘cause I hate it.)
Jess = Long story.
Harry (Potter) = What my friend Sam (Hermione) calls me.
Tinkerbell = Dance Teacher/class.
Sensei = What my friend Cathy calls me.
Princess = Typical younger daughter nickname.
Dawg = What my older brother calls me. (It’s mutual.)
Dar Dar = What my cousin (Slash BFF at the time) Rick called me when we were little and he couldn’t say my name.
(Insert Last Name Here) = What P.E. teachers every year and random people/friends who just love my last name.
Curly = Almost everyone I know has called me this at one point. They think they’re so clever calling a girl with curly hair “Curly.” Well, ha-ha.
Shirley/Sherry = I don’t even remember how it started.
Mexican = What my “albino” (just exetremely pale) cousins call me during the summer because I tan really easily (as all other olive skinned people in the world do.)
I’m getting tired of writing nicknames, but every time I write one then another one comes to mind! So I’m cutting myself off now. I wish I were just a dog, then I’d only have to reply to one name.
my name is rebecca and i get;
reb dog
lil cain
lil abbo
bec bec
mrs Tj
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