I don’t know how much farther I go beyond the things people have told me about themselves. Or shown. I think Gailcalled has provided us with some pictures of Milo and of the house they live in. She’s spoken of being snowed in and being somewhere out in the country. So my image of her is kind of a take-off on those ideas. She is known for her concerns about grammar and spelling. She is Andrew’s (?) aunt. She is retired and she once lived where I live.
What do I make of these things? Well, I guess I have a stereotype of an irascible cat lady. Usually these are in the city, so I have transfer the image to the country. I assume she is liberal because of where she has lived and where she lives close to now. She has been very kind to me, so I assume she is a kind person in general.
I trust her to speak her mind, and I trust her to be kind, mostly. She has a quirky sense of humor (using her cat as an alter-ego), which is endearing to me.
I would gladly have a cup of tea with her of a winter afternoon. I fantasize that she would bustle about, doing extra things that don’t need doing. Or, maybe she would be all business and matter of fact. Don’t know. My fantasy could go either way, depending on the day. I imagine her driving down long empty roads to town—is Milo with her? Don’t know. Could she be the kind of person who would keep her cat with her at all times?
Hmmm. Is she involved in her community? I think she has a mind to be, but I’m not sure she feels she has the energy to do it.
I suspect she is very fond of her nephew. Like enough that he could be her favorite nephew.
I don’t know what she does all day long. She doesn’t seem to fluther much, so there must be a lot going on. Maybe her garden? She must have a garden.
Could she heat her house by wood? Seems like too much trouble. Must be oil heat. See? My mind jumps randomly from thought to thought. Don’t know why gardening made me wonder about wood heat.
All right. I could go on. But you see I can play this game with every jelly I know. I take little bits and pieces and fill them in with what I think is likely. It’s all fantasy, of course, and is probably wildly wrong. But it rarely matters since I almost never meet anyone. I can go happily on imagining what I imagine, and my subject of imagination can go happily on, not knowing all the stuff I am making up about them. Everyone is happy.
Until someone asks a question like this, and I have to use a real example to answer it. My apologies, Gail, if I have insulted you in any way. I just used you as an example because I am fond of you, and didn’t think I’d say anything too insulting.